Rose (SSFIV)

From SuperCombo Wiki

Introduction To Rose


Rose is a character best played with Flexibility. All the necessary tools in order to deal with the vast collection of character in SSF4 are present. She has excellent walking speed to get in and out of places with relative safety and begin her offence. Her back dash is amazing for those moments when being too close becomes quite unfavorable. Rose also has very good reach with her standing M.Kick, H.Kick, crouching H.Kick and H.Punch, as well as a very useful slide which timed apropriately, can actually slide under projectiles. She can quickly transition between defensive and offensive play depending on the situation and opponent and her crouching M.Punch is an example of this as a very viable poke with its quick start up and recovery and able to combo into Soul Spiral. The very trade mark that makes Rose what she is, is her Soul Reflect. This special move can either absorb a projectile and fill almost one half of a super meter bar or Reflect it back horizontally to advancing enemies or at an angle to ward off jump in attacks, giving her a very strong defence against projectile spammers. At close range this attack quickly turns offensive with the ability to send your opponent flying. With these tools her her ability to defend as well as launch effective attacks is very strong.
Rose is not a weak character but due to her flexibility she isn't especially strong in any given area either. Her stamina, damage output and heavy combo damage are below average and can take quite a beating against rush down characters if you are not on guard. One other sigh of dismay goes to the absence of an overhead attack which, not all too crippling, would be a more then welcomed addition if they chose to give her one. Other then those few gripes, Rose is more then a worthy adversary to any of the characters on the roster and in the hands of pro-player Rose can be a force to be reconned with.


  • Above average foot speed and an excellent dash
  • Great range for some of her attacks
  • Good throw game
  • Good pokes
  • Good anti air
  • Both of her Ultras are useful in there own right
  • Very fast meter build up
  • Can beat down the egos of any projectile happy players that wish to test it


  • Below average stamina
  • Below average damage output
  • No highly damaging combos
  • No overhead attack
  • Lacking in strong reversals, making her wakeup after a knockdown very unfriendly

The Basics

Standing Normal Moves

Stand jab


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: ch/sp/su
Startup: 4
Active: 2
Recovery: 11
Block Advantage: -2
Hit Advantage: 1


Standing Strong


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 7
Active: 2
Recovery: 112
Block Advantage: 0
Hit Advantage: 3


Standing Fierce


Stun: 200
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: none
Startup: 11
Active: 5
Recovery: 18
Block Advantage: -5
Hit Advantage: -1


Standing Short


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: none
Startup: 4
Active: 2
Recovery: 10
Block Advantage: -1
Hit Advantage: 2


Standing Forward


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: none
Startup: 6
Active: 2
Recovery: 13
Block Advantage: -1
Hit Advantage: 2


Standing Roundhouse


Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: none
Startup: 9
Active: 2
Recovery: 19
Block Advantage: -3
Hit Advantage: 1


Crouching Normal Moves

Crouching Jab


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: ch/sp/su
Startup: 3
Active: 3
Recovery: 8
Block Advantage: 0
Hit Advantage: 3


Crouching Strong


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 4
Active: 3
Recovery: 14
Block Advantage: -3
Hit Advantage: 0


Crouching Fierce


Stun: 150
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 5
Active: 5
Recovery: 28
Block Advantage: -15
Hit Advantage: -10

Forces Stand

Crouching Short


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: none
Startup: 4
Active: 4
Recovery: 6
Block Advantage: 1
Hit Advantage: 4


Crouching Forward


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 7
Active: 2
Recovery: 12
Block Advantage: 0
Hit Advantage: 3


Crouching Roundhouse


Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: none
Startup: 9
Active: 2
Recovery: 26
Block Advantage: -10
Hit Advantage: Knockdown


Proximity Normal Moves

Close Jab


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: ch/sp/su
Startup: 4
Active: 2
Recovery: 10
Block Advantage: -1
Hit Advantage: 2


Close Strong


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 6
Active: 2
Recovery: 11
Block Advantage: 1
Hit Advantage: 4


Close Fierce


Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 6
Active: 2
Recovery: 19
Block Advantage: -3
Hit Advantage: 1


Close Short


Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 4
Active: 2
Recovery: 10
Block Advantage: -1
Hit Advantage: 2


Close Forward


Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: sp/su
Startup: 7
Active: 3
Recovery: 11
Block Advantage: 0
Hit Advantage: 3

Frame 1~20 Cannot be thrown

Close Roundhouse


Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: Sp/Su
Startup: 7
Active: 2
Recovery: 18
Block Advantage: -2
Hit Advantage: +3


Jumping Toward Attacks

Jumping Toward Jab


Block: H
Damage: 40
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: -
Startup: 4
Active: 6
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Jumping Toward Strong


Block: H
Damage: 70
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 7
Active: 3
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Jumping Toward Fierce


Block: H
Damage: 90
Stun: 150
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 7
Active: 7
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Jumping Toward Short


Block: H
Damage: 30
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: -
Startup: 4
Active: 7
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Jumping Toward Forward


Block: H
Damage: 60
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 7
Active: 5
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Jumping Toward Roundhouse


Block: H
Damage: 100
Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 6
Active: 5
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Attacks

Neutral Jump Jab


Block: H
Damage: 40
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: -
Startup: 4
Active: 6
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Strong

Frame 1


Frame 2


Frame 3


Frame 4


Frame 5


Frame 6


Block: H
Damage: 70
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 6
Active: 6
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Fierce


Block: H
Damage: 90
Stun: 150
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 9
Active: 6
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Short


Block: H
Damage: 50
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: -
Startup: 4
Active: 7
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Forward


Block: H
Damage: 80
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 7
Active: 6
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Neutral Jump Roundhouse


Block: H
Damage: 90
Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 11
Active: 5
Recovery: -
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: -


Normal Throw


Block: 1
Damage: 140
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 3
Active: 2
Recovery: 20
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: D

Throw Range 1.0

Command Normals



Block: L
Damage: 60
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 7
Active: 8
Recovery: 12
Block Advantage: -6
Hit Advantage: -3

Low Attack
Properly Timed, can slide under projectile attacks

Lunge Kick

Lunge Kick.jpg

Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 11
Active: 12
Recovery: 21
Block Advantage: -5
Hit Advantage: -1

Can be used to keep an opponent from jumping if you feel an attempt coming

Focus / Saving Attack


Level 1

Block: HL
Damage: 60
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20
Cancel: -
Startup: 21
Active: 2
Recovery: 35
Block Advantage: -21
Hit Advantage: -21


Level 2

Block: HL
Damage: 80
Stun: 150
Super Gain: 40
Cancel: -
Startup: 17+14
Active: 2
Recovery: 35
Block Advantage: -15
Hit Advantage: D


Level 3

Block: -
Damage: 120
Stun: 200
Super Gain: 60
Cancel: -
Startup: 65
Active: 2
Recovery: 35
Block Advantage: D
Hit Advantage: D


Special Moves

Soul Spark

Soul Spark.jpg
Roses's projectile. Used to agitate your opponent as well as control space. Not very affective at beating down other projectiles due to its high start up and recovery but decent for gaining a little super meter and keeping your opponent on his toes. Use with caution, for it can and will be punished if used Indiscriminately. EX spark being the more viable selection, especially since Rose can spare the meter.

L.Soul Spark

Block: HL
Damage: 80
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 30/20
Cancel: Su
Startup: 14
Active: -
Recovery: 52
Block Advantage: -12
Hit Advantage: -8


M.Soul Spark

Block: HL
Damage: 80
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 30/20
Cancel: Su
Startup: 22
Active: -
Recovery: 52
Block Advantage: -4
Hit Advantage: 0


H.Soul Spark

Block: HL
Damage: 80
Stun: 50
Super Gain: 30/20
Cancel: Su
Startup: 29
Active: -
Recovery: 53
Block Advantage: 2
Hit Advantage: 6


EX.Soul Spark

Block: HL
Damage: 30*70
Stun: 50*50
Super Gain: #DIV/0!
Cancel: Su
Startup: 14
Active: -
Recovery: 48
Block Advantage: 0
Hit Advantage: 4


Soul Spiral

Soul Spiral.jpg
Rose's only Armor breaker outside of Ultra I. You will see this special alot since it is part of Rose's bread and butter tactic. Very affective special with a slight invincibility on EX. Use at maximum range to benefit from the distance. If blocked, you can easily dash back from an incoming punish, assuming your opponent can do so.

L.Soul Spiral

Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/40
Cancel: Su
Startup: 12
Active: 6
Recovery: 23
Block Advantage: -8
Hit Advantage: D

Armor Break

M.Soul Spiral

Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/40
Cancel: Su
Startup: 15
Active: 6
Recovery: 21
Block Advantage: -6
Hit Advantage: D

Armor Break

H.Soul Spiral

Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/40
Cancel: Su
Startup: 16
Active: 6
Recovery: 19
Block Advantage: -4
Hit Advantage: D

Armor Break

EX.Soul Spiral

Block: HL
Damage: 100
Stun: 100
Super Gain: #DIV/0!
Cancel: Su
Startup: 13
Active: 6
Recovery: 21
Block Advantage: -6
Hit Advantage: D

Armor Break
Frame 1~11 invincible

Soul Throw

Soul Throw.jpg
Considered an anti air but use sparingly, for it is often snuffed out in mid air if not timed accurately. In most cases, you would be better off using crouching H.Punch for more consistant results if your opponent is anticipating the throw. Can be linked after a H.Punch Reflect, which was absent from the original SF4 vanilla as well as a finisher for both hits from Ultra II while your opponent is still in mid air.

L.Soul Throw

Block: 0.4
Damage: 100
Stun: 20/40
Super Gain: -
Cancel: 6
Startup: 10
Active: 26+8
Recovery: D
Block Advantage: D
Hit Advantage:

Throw Range 0.4

M.Soul Throw

Block: 0.4
Damage: 160
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/40
Cancel: -
Startup: 6
Active: 11
Recovery: 27+8
Block Advantage: D
Hit Advantage: D

Throw Range 0.4

H.Soul Throw

Block: 0.4
Damage: 160
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/40
Cancel: -
Startup: 6
Active: 11
Recovery: 30+8
Block Advantage: D
Hit Advantage: D

Throw Range 0.4

EX.Soul Throw

Block: 0.4
Damage: 160
Stun: 100
Super Gain: #DIV/0!
Cancel: -
Startup: 6
Active: 11
Recovery: 30+8
Block Advantage: D
Hit Advantage: D

Frame 1~7 Invincible
Throw Range 0.4

Soul Reflect

Rose's signature special as well as her most well loved and feared. Can be used to either absorb an enemy projectile and transfer its energy into almost half a super meter bar or reflect horizontally or at an angle for incoming jump in attacks. Very good start up and recovery, which allows to easily beat down projectile spammers all the while gaining meter at an insane rate. At close range, reflect becomes a good link for your combos and can be used to link into a Soul Throw, Super and Ultra II.



Block: HL
Damage: 50
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/30
Cancel: Su
Startup: 13
Active: 2
Recovery: 27
Block Advantage: -8
Hit Advantage: D

Gives super gauge +100
Frame 11~22(???)
Increases super damage by 5% up to 7 time/35%



Block: HL
Damage: 50
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/30
Cancel: Su
Startup: 13
Active: 3
Recovery: 25
Block Advantage: -7
Hit Advantage: D

Frames 10~19(???)



Block: HL
Damage: 50
Stun: 100
Super Gain: 20/30
Cancel: Su
Startup: 12
Active: 2
Recovery: 26
Block Advantage: -7
Hit Advantage: D

Frames 11~19(???)



Block: HL
Damage: 50
Stun: 100
Super Gain: #DIV/0!
Cancel: Su
Startup: 8
Active: 2
Recovery: 24
Block Advantage: -5
Hit Advantage: D

Frame 7~14(???)
Increases damage of reflected projectile by 10%

Super Move

Aura Soul Spark


Block: HL
Damage: 50x4*100
Stun: 0
Super Gain: #DIV/0!
Cancel: -
Startup: 1+8
Active: -
Recovery: 53
Block Advantage: 16
Hit Advantage: D

Frame 1~7 invincible

Ultra Move

Ultra Move I: Illusion Spark

Illusion Spark is a short to mid range attack that causes Rose's scarf to extend and can grab an unwary opponent for major damage. Players who have a tendency of jumping in have much to fear from this Ultra, for they risk landing on top of the active frames, which is similar to Dhalsim's S.HP hitbox. Another good thing about this Ultra other then its excellent reach, is its invincibility that helps wonders for players attempting to counter.
You can quickly execute this attack as a reaction to many opposing Specials and Ultras, so quick execuion is key for landing it as soon as your opponent activates any of his attack or opens himself up with a whiff or you can snatch the player on start up if you are quick enough. It is very easy to avoid this Ultra, so setting up for its execution is very important, but once you land it, you are treated with one very entertaining animation and lots of damage.

Ultra 1.jpg

Block: HL
Damage: 498
Stun: 0
Super Gain: 0/0
Cancel: -
Startup: 1+11
Active: 14
Recovery: 44
Block Advantage: -37
Hit Advantage: D

Frame 1~11 incincible
Armor Break

Ultra Move II: Soul Satellite

The prefered choice for most Rose players, due to its offensive and defensive potential. Rose summons two orbs that orbit around her for approximately 10 seconds if left undisturbed. The orbs will disapear after its alotted time, connects with the opponent, blocked or Rose takes damage. This Ultra by itself is not very powerful. Each of the orbs only do 120 damage a piece but serve as an extension to Rose's combo variations. Example: Jump in HP xx Ultra II xx C.MP xx M.Spiral xx Super Note: Rose cannot exectute her Super until both orbs are expended. Any combo involving her Super will only work after her second orb connects. With the two extra hits from the orbs, Rose is able to execute follow up attacks, extending your combo and significantly increasing your damage output. This is one of the many possiblities with this Ultra and the damage potential will keep your opponents mindful and will often avoid the orbs by retreating a safe distance until the orbs vanish.
That is when the defensive aspect of this Ultra comes in. Rush down characters are usually a problem for Rose and become fairly difficult to push back during a never ending onslaught of attacks. Soul Satellite becomes a life saver during its activation and your orbs begin to rotate, forcing your opponent to cease and desist or risk a possible table turning combo. This allows you to recover and regain some ground and buy you some time to come up with a plan of action. Be forewarned though, for experienced players have learned to attack in between the orbs during its revolution to snuff them out early, making it a complete waste of Ultra.

Ultra 2.jpg

Block: HL
Damage: 120*120
Stun: 0
Super Gain: 0/0
Cancel: -
Startup: 1+4
Active: 600
Recovery: 4
Block Advantage: -
Hit Advantage: D

Cannot activate Aura Soul Spark untill both orbs have been expended.


Basic Chain Combos

Simple Chain Combos

  • C.LP x 3 xx LK Spiral
  • C.LP x 2, C.LK, C.MP xx EX Spiral
    Note: 1 On medium to large characters, EX is not necessary to connect with Spiral.
  • C.LK, C.LP, C.LK, C.MP xx LK/EX Spiral
  • C.MK, C.LP xx EX Spiral
  • C.HP xx HP Reflect xx FADC, Soul Throw
    Note: 1 No FADC necessary in the corner

Proximity Combos

  • Close S.MP, C.MP xx HK Spiral
  • Close S.MK, C.LP xx LK/EX Spiral

Jump In Combos

  • Jump MK, C.MP xx LK Spiral
  • Jump HK, C.HP xx LP Spark, FADC, C.LP, C.LK xx C.MP xx LK Spiral
    Note: 1 Difficult combo to pull off, but the damage is good. Instead of following up with
    C.LP after the FADC, you can set up a throw instead, which usually catches people off guard.

Cross Up Combos

  • Cross up Jump MK, C.HP xx EX Spark
  • Cross up Jump MK, C.LP, C.LK xx C.MP xx EX Spiral
    Note: 1 On large characters EX is not necessary to connect with Spiral, only on small to mudium characters

Ultra 2 combos

  • Jump HP/MK, Ultra 2, Slide, C.HP, HK Spiral
  • (counter hit/meaty) C. LK, Ultra 2, Slide, C.HP, HK Spiral
  • C.HP xx HP Reflect xx FADC, Ultra 2, Soul Throw
    Note: 1 No FADC necessary in the corner
  • Close S.HK xx LP Spark xx FADC, Ultra II, Slide, C.HP xx HK Spiral
  • Jump HK/HP, Ultra 2, Slide, C.MP xx HK Spiral xx Super
  • Anti Air Ultra 2, Soul Throw
  • Jump in HK xx C.HP xx Spiral xx Super xx Ultra II
    Note 1: A quick forward dash may be necessary depending on the opponent.
    Note 2: This is Rose's most damaging combo with a whopping 607 damage. That is over 50% to 60% of health for most characters. On Seth, the damage is reduced by 10% to 597. Even with the slight reduction, this combo will leave Seth with about 20% to 30% health. Not certain if this is the case for other characters.

Super Combos

  • C.HP, HK Spiral xx Super
    (can tack on Ultra 2)
  • C.LP x 2, C.LK, C.MP xx Super
  • C.HP xx HP Reflect, Ultra 2, Super
    Note: 1 Super Distance dependant to be able to get ultra 2 Anti Air. Easy when executed in a corner
  • Jump HK/Stand HP xx EX Spark, FADC, HP xx HK Spiral

Focus attack only combos

  • FA 2/3, FA1, Soul Throw
    Note: Character specific does not work on Ryu, Ken, Ibuki, Bison confirmed so far
  • FA 2/3, Dash Forward/Backwards, Ultra 1
  • FA 3, Fierce Spark, Ultra 2, soul throw

Rose Statistics and Frame Data


Character Vitality Stun
Rose 950 1000


Character Toward Dash Distance Backdash Distance Invincible Grounded Airborne
Rose 21 1.7 22 1.2 1~8 19~22 9~18

Focus Attack Dash

Character Level 1 Level 2
Rose -5 +1


Character Total Startup Airborne Recovery
Rose 47 4 39 4

Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close LP HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2
Close MP HL 70 100 40 sp/su 6 2 11 +1 +4
Close HP HL 90 200 60 sp/su 6 2 19 -3 +1
Close LK HL 40 50 20 sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2
Close MK HL 70 100 40 sp/su 7 3 11 0 +3 1~20 cannot be thrown
Close HK HL 100 200 60 sp/su 7 2 18 -2 +3
Far LP HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 11 -2 +1
Far MP HL 70 100 40 sp/su 7 2 12 0 +3
Far HP HL 100 200 60 - 11 5 18 -5 -1
Far LK HL 30 50 20 - 4 2 10 -1 +2
Far MK HL 70 100 40 - 6 2 13 -1 +2
Far HK HL 100 200 60 - 9 2 19 -3 +1
crouch LP HL 20 50 20 sp/chp/su 3 3 8 0 +3
crouch MP HL 60 100 40 sp/su 4 3 14 -3 0
crouch HP HL 100 150 60 sp/su 5 5 28 -15 -10 Forces stand
crouch LK L 30 50 20 - 4 4 6 +1 +4
crouch MK L 60 100 40 sp/su 7 2 12 0 +3
crouch HK L 90 200 60 - 9 2 26 -10 - cannot fast recover
Jump up LP H 40 50 20 - 4 6 - - -
Jump up MP H 70 100 40 - 6 6 - - -
Jump up HP H 90 150 60 - 9 6 - - -
Jump up LK H 50 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump up MK H 80 100 40 - 7 6 - - -
Jump up HK H 90 200 60 - 11 5 - - -
Jump forward LP H 40 50 20 - 4 6 - - -
Jump forward MP H 70 100 40 - 7 3 - - -
Jump forward HP H 90 150 60 - 7 7 - - -
Jump forward LK H 30 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump forward MK H 60 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump forward HK H 100 200 60 - 6 5 - - -
Slide L 60 100 40 - 7 8 12 -6 -3
Soul Piety HL 100 200 60 - 11 2 21 -5 -1
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+14 2 35 -15 -
Focus attack LVL 3 - 120 200 60 - 65 2 35 - -
Forward Throw 1.0 140 100 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back throw 1.0 140 100 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Soul Spark LP HL 80 50 30/20 su 14 - 52 (total duration) -12 -8
Soul Spark MP HL 80 50 30/20 su 22 - 52 (total duration) -4 0
Soul Spark HP HL 80 50 30/20 su 29 - 53 (total duration) +2 +6
Soul Spark EX HL 30*70 50*50 -250/0 su 14 - 48 (total duration) 0 +4
Soul Spiral LK HL 100 100 20/40 su 12 6 23 -8 - Armor break
Soul Spiral MK HL 100 100 20/40 su 15 6 21 -6 - Armor break
Soul Spiral HK HL 100 100 20/40 su 16 6 19 -4 - Armor break
Soul Spiral EX HL 100 100 -250/0 su 13 6 21 -6 - 1~11f invincible, Armor break
Soul Reflect LP HL 50 100 20/30 su 13 2 27 -8 - gives super gauge +100, increases super damage by 5% up to 7 times/35%
Soul Reflect MP HL 50 100 20/30 su 13 3 25 -7 -
Soul Reflect HP HL 50 100 20/30 su 12 2 26 -7 -
Soul Reflect EX HL 50 100 -250/0 su 8 2 24 -5 - Increases damage of reflected projectile by 10%
Soul Throw LP 0.4 160 100 20/40 - 6 10 26+8 - -
Soul Throw MP 0.4 160 100 20/40 - 6 11 27+8 - -
Soul Throw HP 0.4 160 100 20/40 - 6 11 30+8 - -
Soul Throw EX 0.4 160 100 -250/0 - 6 11 30+8 - - 1~7f invincible
Super Combo HL 50x4*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+8 - 54 (total duration) +16 - 1~7f invincible
Ultra Combo 1 HL 498 0 0/0 - 1+11 14 45 -37 - 1~11f invincible, Armor break
Ultra Combo 2 HL 120*120 0 0/0 - 1+4 600 5 (total duration) - -
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes










C. Viper






El Fuerte

Fei Long










M. Bison








