Sakura (SSFIV)

From SuperCombo Wiki


Sakura is a character who relies heavily on her mixups. She also has a solid anti air game and decent normals.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Command Normals

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

D,DF,F+P- Hadoken - Her projectile. Not as potent as Ryu or Ken's, but can be used somewhat for zoning, depending on the opponent. Can be used to negate projectiles. Not recommended to outzone Shotos. Can be charged if you hold the punch button. EX Version hits twice.

F,D,DF+P- Shouoken- Her Dragon Punch. Good to use in combos, or buffered with her c.MK. Can FADC out of for mixups and if blocked. EX Version has invincibility and can be FADC'd out of if blocked.

D,DB,B+K- Shunpukyaku- Her Hurricane Kick. The LK, HK, and EX versions are recommended. LK can lead to links. HK should be used if you don't want to use meter, but doing so gives up the options to create resets, as opposed to the EX Version.

F,D,DF+K- Sakura Otoshi- Not a recommended move but can be used to go over projectiles. EX Version homes in and is recommended.

Super Move

Ultra Move

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close LP HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 5 +4 +7
Close MP HL 65 100 40 sp/su 4 2 12 0 +3
Close HP HL 100[80] 120[100] 60 sp/su 3 4 20 -6 -1 Forces Stand
Close LK HL 25 50 20 sp/su 3 2 8 -1 +2
Close MK HL 60 100 40 sp/su 4 3 15 -4 -1
Close HK HL 120[100] 200 60 su 6 3 21 -6 -1 Forces Stand
Far LP HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 5 +4 +7
Far MP HL 75 100 40 su 7 3 12 0 +2
Far HP HL 110 200 60 - 8 3 17 -2 +2
Far LK HL 30 50 20 sp/su 3 2 8 -1 +2
Far MK HL 75 100 40 - 9 2 12 0 +3
Far HK HL 110 200 60 - 10 3 15 0 +2
crouch LP HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 6 +1 +4
crouch MP HL 65 80 40 sp/su 5 3 11 0 +3
crouch HP HL 90[80] 120[100] 60 sp/su 4 5 23 -10 -5 Forces Stand
crouch LK L 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 3 8 0 +3
crouch MK L 60 100 40 sp/su 5 4 13 -3 0
crouch HK L 90 150 60 - 7 3 22 -7 - Cannot fast recover
Jump up LP H 50 50 20 - 3 7 - - -
Jump up MP H 80 100 40 - 4 6 - - -
Jump up HP H 100 200 60 - 5 5 - - -
Jump up LK H 30 50 20 - 4 5 - - -
Jump up MK H 70 100 40 - 5 8 - - -
Jump up HK H 100 200 60 - 6 6 - - -
Jump forward LP H 50 50 20 - 3 7 - - -
Jump forward MP H 80 100 40 - 4 5 - - -
Jump forward HP H 100 200 60 - 5 5 - - -
Jump forward LK H 30 50 20 - 4 5 - - -
Jump forward MK H 70 100 40 - 5 4 - - -
Jump forward HK H 100 200 60 - 6 5 - - -
Flower Kick H 80 100 40 - 16 2 15 -3 +2
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 -
Focus attack LVL 3 - 130 200 60 - 65 2 35 - -
Forward Throw 0.9 120 120 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back throw 0.9 135 140 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Hadoken (Lv1) HL 60[40*60] 75 10/20 su 15 71 48 (total duration) -7 -3
Hadoken (Lv2) HL 80[50*70] 100 10/20 su 13+14 71 60 (total duration) -7 -3
Hadoken (Lv3) HL 120[60*80] 150 10/20 su 39 44 72 (total duration) -7 -3
Hadoken EX (Lv1) HL 40*60 50*50 -250/0 su 15 - 48 (total duration) -4 - Pursuit property
Hadoken EX (Lv2) HL 50*70 60*60 -250/0 su 13+14 - 60 (total duration) -4 -
Hadoken EX (Lv3) HL 60*80 75*75 -250/0 su 39 - 72 (total duration) -4 - Pursuit property
Shooken LP HL 90*15 50*50 30/10x2 su 6 2*4 18+11 -12 - 1st hit cancellable
Shooken MP HL 90*15x3 50*35x3 30/10x4 su 7 2x3*8 22+11 -20 - Pursuit property, 1st~3rd hit cancellable
Shooken HP HL 80*15x5 50*30x5 30/10x6 su 12 2x5*10 20+11 -20 - Pursuit property, 1st~3rd hit cancellable
Shooken EX HL 45*15+45*15x5 40*20*40*20x5 -250/0 su 12 2*4(19)2x5*9 22+11 -20 - 1~13f invincible, 1*3~5 hit cancellable
Shunpukyaku LK HL 60 100 20/15 - 16 6 15 0 +4 Armor break
Shunpukyaku MK HL 60*60 50*50 20/20*20 - 17 3(8)6 18 -3 +1 Armor break
Shunpukyaku HK HL 60x3 50x3 20/15x3 - 12 2(6)3(7)2 21 -2 0 Pursuit property, Armor break
Shunpukyaku EX HL 30x3*35 50*30x3 -250/0 su 12 3(6)3(7)2(12)3 15 +4 - Pursuit property, Armor break, 4th hit cancellable
Shunpukyaku (air) HL 50 50 10/40 - 8 3(9)3 7 - -
Shunpukyaku EX (air) HL 80 50xn -250/0 - 8 3{(9)3}xN 7 - -
Sakura Otoshi HL - - 20/- - - - 36 - -
Sakura Otoshi EX HL - - -250/- - - - 77 - -
Sakura Otoshi (???) HL 50*50*60[60x3] 70*70*100[100x3] 0/15[0] - 14+4 3 16
Super Combo Lx6*HL 45x6*80 0 -1000/0 - 1+6 {2(5)}x5*x(13)4 24 -7 - 1~13f invincible, 1~6 hit Low attack
Ultra Combo 1 Lx2*HL 75*75*68*233 0 0/0 - 1+10 2(7)2(11)2 47 -28 - 1~10f invincible
Ultra Combo 2 HL 56x4*105 0 0/0 - 1+11 - 97 (total duration) -27 - 1~9f invincible
Ultra Combo 2 (high) HL 56x4*105 0 0/0 - 1+7 - 93 (total duration) -27 - 1~8f invincible
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes