JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Polnareff

From SuperCombo Wiki
J.P. Polnareff with stand Silver Chariot.


This guide was originally written for the CPS3/Dreamcast version of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future and all combos have been tested on the Dreamcast version using a Dreamcast pad/controller. Note how some characters Tandems on Dreamcast are more extended than their CPS3 Arcade versions. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future is based on the 3rd Arc of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure manga, titled: The Stardust Crusaders.

Background Information

Polnareff was injected with a parasite given to him by Dio after his encounter with him while searching for his sister's murderer. His desire to seek revenge caused him to be blinded by Dio's evil, and be tricked into attacking Jotaro and company. Luckily, Jotaro and his friends defeated Polnareff and safely removed the parasite that was controlling his mind. Polnareff joined Jotaro and company hoping to get revenge for his sister and Dio's manipulation. After a while they finally encountered the man with two right hands, J. Geil, who was working as one of Dio assassins alongside Hol Horse. Finally, Polnareff came face to face with the man who raped and murdered his sister. In a battle that almost cost Avdol's life, Polnareff finally got his revenge and killed J. Geil. Along their journey, they encountered a swordsman named Chaka. After defeating Chaka, Polnareff picked up the Anubis sword that remained broken from the battle. He became possessed by the evil sword which turned out to be a Stand and he began to fight against his friends once again. Once again Polnareff was defeated and returned to normal. The Frenchman stuck with the Jojos and fought alongside them against Dio Brando hoping to right his wrongs. His stand, the Silver Chariot, is a knight with a fencing sword that moves incredibly fast. When it loses its armor it gains incredible speed. In Arc 5, Golden Whirlwind, Polnareff meets Giorno Giovanna and tells him of the mysterious arrows which grant people the ability to wield stands. In a confrontation with The Boss and King Crimson, Polnareff is forced to pierce his stand with the arrow and suffers a fatal blow. Silver Chariot Requiem is born and is even more powerful than its previous form and is cloaked in black. Since Polnareff's body has died, Silver Chariot Requiem went wild and took the arrow with it. Using its abilities, everyone fell asleep and their souls transferred to neighboring bodies. Polnareff's soul was able to occupy the body of a turtle and live for a short period of time before Silver Chariot Requiem was defeated and its effects were reversed. Jean Pierre Polnareff's soul passed on at the end of Arc 5.


Basic Commands

A = this can be any attack: light, medium, or heavy. Also referred to as P. Just a general non-specific attack button.

AA = this can be any two attacks: A1 + A2, A2 + A3, or A1 + A3.

AAA = this is all three attack buttons pressed at once: A1 + A2 + A3.

A1 = this is the light attack. Also referred to as lp or A.

A2 = this is the medium attack. Also referred to as mp or B.

A3 = this is the heavy attack. Also referred to as hp or C.

S = this is the Stand button. Also referred to as D. Used for turning Stand Mode on and off. Can also be used with punch buttons, crouching or standing, to attack into Stand Mode.

CR. or cr. = crouching. Refers to the act of holding down while on the ground.

DP or dp = dragon punch. This refers to the motion of forward, down, down + forward.

RDP or rdp = reverse dragon punch. This refers to the motion of back, down, down + back.

QCF or qcf = quarter circle forward. This refers to the motion of down, down + forward, forward.

QCB or qcb = quarter circle back. This refers to the motion of down, down + back, back.

HCF or hcf = half circle forward. This refers to the motion of back, down + back, down, down + forward, forward.

HCB or hcb = half circle back. This refers to the motion of forward, down + forward, down, down + back, back.

Techniques and Special Commands

  • Negative Edge: A glitch turned strategy. This Capcom specific technique was started many years ago. The term Negative Edge comes from the second button input that the user never sees but is definitely present. To explain this better, lets use the example that you want to use an attack with the motion of QCF + A. Normally for this motion, you would “press” the A button at the same time you would press forward on your stick or pad. The term negative edge doesn’t refer to the “press” of the A button, but the “release” of the A button. If you have just heard of this term, please put any Capcom title into your console and test this. Try pressing a button and not releasing. Then what you can do, lets say the QCF + A motion, is do the full QCF motion but when you get to forward, instead of pressing the A button, you “release” the A button. To your surprise, the move still works just as if you were pressing the A button. Congratulations you have just learned Negative Edge. If your still not understanding the concept, please refer to the Wiki definition of Negative Edge.
  • Piano Method: This method works closely with Negative Edge, which you should have already learned. Lets say your having a difficult time linking QCF + A in any given combo, and it doesn’t matter which button you press because you just want that move to come out. Well this is the method for you. Normally we press one button for any given command, in this case QCF + A. But the way the Piano Method works is, it takes use of Negative Edge and two other buttons to increase your success rate of pulling off the command. In Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, as discouraging as this may be, there are some links that give you a 1 frame window! So what we do to increase our chances, instead of just pressing QCF + A, we press all three buttons one after another in sequence like a piano. So it would look something like this: QCF + A1, A2, A3. If your on stick, you’d key in A1, A2, A3 really fast in a sequence as fast as your fingers possibly can. This gives you SIX total inputs, six chances to get this move right. Even though its only three button presses, we get the other three from the Negative Edge from each respective button release. If you’re still not understanding the concept, please refer to the Wiki definition of Negative Edge.

Backlash or Roll or Dodge = Press AAA to Roll forward. You don’t get hit during the roll but your opponent can grab you while the Roll animation is occurring. It’s safest to Roll when your opponent is in normal mode and his stand is out on the field. It’s also possible to Roll after being thrown by certain characters and certain throws.

Air Tech = Press AAA to Air Tech after an opponent hits you while you are in the air. It is possible to not be able to Air Tech certain moves in the game. It is possible to Air Tech after certain throws by certain characters.

Advancing Guard or Pushblock = Press AAA while guarding after being hit by an opponents attack. During block stun is your opportunity to use Pushblock and sometimes certain moves you can Pushblock after a certain number of frames after block stun is over.

Guard Cancel = DP + A while guarding. There is a very short amount of time from the moment of impact while your guarding to output the DP + A. But if you do, you can cancel your guard and do your characters signature Guard Cancel which gives you some small frame advantage. Sometimes the Guard Cancel may vary from character to character.

Tandem = qcb + S. When used, you can input any buttons while the screen is flashing. After the flashes are over, the background will return to normal and your Stand will rush out and attack on its own using the buttons you pressed. Also, if you hold S down longer you can keep inputting any buttons until your Stand Gauge is depleted.

Taunt = Start button. This varies with normal and stand mode and sometimes directional buttons.

Moves List

Normal Moves

A1 and cr. A1: Here are some pretty quick jabs, that do about little amounts of damage. Pretty nice pokes and they combo off of themselves too for two hits. A1 used against an opponent in the air can sometimes combo to QCF super if you can pull it off fast enough before the enemy can Air Tech. It’s best use in the air is for a whiff to grab, or a quick jab to get a quick hit on the opponent. Not too much use, but its there.

(In Stand Mode) A1 and cr. A1: Fairly different from the standing quick jabs of A1. When in close, A1 is a short ranged punch from Chariot. If you dash A1 you can combo into another A1 which is just the normal standing version. cr. A1 has Chariot doing a very close range poke, and unlike the standing version, there is no variation to this. Normally cr. A1 can combo into itself if you’re close, and if you dash cr. A1 it can combo to A1 or cr. A1. A quick knee from Chariot if used in the air, possible to link dash hits from this but very difficult.

A2 and cr. A2: A2 and cr. A2 can be combo from a cr. A1 after a jump-in or up close. A2 is a thrusting punch by Polnareff, while cr. A2 is a very close range stab from Chariot (in normal mode if stand is out, this move resembles a cr. A1 but the hit properties are different). Both aren’t preferred to be used on their own. Jumping A2 however is a whole different ball game. Air A2 has so much priority that it beats out most of the rosters normal moves, special moves, and sometimes super moves. This is the preferred jump-in because of its priority which is much safer than his A3. The animation lasts until you touch the ground making it a great jump move. Abuse this jump-in often. If you learn to short hop with the quickness, you can do some great mixup games and crossups with cr. A1 to short hop A2.

(In Stand Mode) A2 and cr. A2: There is some definite variety this time around. While cr. A2 serves as a low poke no matter the location, there is much going on with A2. A neutral A2 is a quick slash, forward + A2 is hopping overhead attack (opponent must block high), back + A2 is a great standing poke (use this to poke the heck out of your opponent and tell them to keep their distance). Back + A2 has got so much reach that it reaches about 55% across the screen when the camera is zoomed in all the way.

A3 and cr. A3: A3 is the rushing boot to face served by Polnareff’s shoe, while cr. A3 is one of Polnareff’s greatest pokes (best used with a dash, make sure to poke the enemy with this a good amount of times). Both are excellent links to Tandem. His cr. A3 animation looks like a cr. A1 animation when you are in normal mode and stand is out; except the properties are different, and his A3 looks like an A2. When used in the air, A3 is a Chariot stab with decent priority (looks like a jumping A2 when stand is out).

(In Stand Mode) A3 and cr. A3: A3 is a downward slash, while cr. A3 is a good low poke. Both can link to Tandem, but cr. A3 is best if your not really close up. His air A3 is really great at outprioritizing other jump-ins also works as a great jump-in giving you many combo options once you land the hit.

Special Moves

Million Pricks: A (press rapidly to active)

Chariot appears next to Polnareff and stabs the enemy multiple times. This move is not all that great, and not many high level Polnareff players use this move at all. If anything, its more of a sign of newbie-ness and button mashing if this move comes out while playing. But, it’s a move and has its uses, which can be used in select combos. Outside of combos, its only use is to just mash buttons while your in a combo loop and hope that there is a break somewhere in the combo and when there is this move pops out. But you’d rather guard to guard cancel anyways. The reason its so bad is the fact it stays out so long, leaving yourself and Chariot open for enough time for your opponent to counter attack even if this move lands.

Ray Dart: (Hold) Back, Forward + A

Sends Chariot rushing forward with a thrusting stab. This move is something you’re going to have to get comfortable with, seeing it’s used in many combos and also used to keep an enemy back or add damage at the end of a string. Ray Dart has some pretty nice priority seeing as how the part that hits your opponent is the tip of the sword and in a sense not a part of Silver Chariots body. So there are no hit boxes on the tip of it which makes it great, but Chariot is still exposed to supers like the rest of the moves. But luckily after the hit connects, or is blocked, Chariot becomes untouchable and disappears shortly.

Shooting Star: (Hold) Down, Up + A

Chariot goes to either end of the upper portion of the screen and bounces off the wall. Very unique move that Polnareff has, and if you hold the button down longer Chariot stays on the wall, and accumulates more hits towards your opponent the longer you’ve held the button down. Also, depending on the button you press, dictates which wall Chariot goes to. A1 has Chariot ricochet off of the wall behind you, and A2/A3 have Chariot bounce off of the wall in the direction your facing. This move is also used for unblockable setups, mixups, pressure strings, and combos. Learn and master this move, use it, use it, use it!.

Needle Pierce: (In Stand Mode) QCB + A

Chariot holds out its sparkling sword for an instant and then slashes immediately. If you hold the A button down you can stop Chariot from starting the attack but the moment you release he slashes immediately. This is a good five hits and at the very last hit you can Last Shot super if you do it fast enough you can combo the A2 + A3 version and possibly the A1 + A3 as well. It is possible to combo from Stand Mode Shooting Star A1/A2 versions but the link is rather difficult and I’m still not too sure if Needle Pierce is button dependent to combo. I will update this as I learn new information, but it seems the Piano Method has helped me insure the link to succeed.

Remote Control: (In Stand Mode) Forward + AA

As the name implies, Chariot rushes forward and you can control it remotely. It gains a boost in speed and can move around much more freely while gaining a 3rd jump. A lot of moves can link more easily than when normally controlled by Polnareff. The down side to using this is the fact that Polnareff is wide open if your opponent manages to get in between Polnareff and Chariot. Although Chariot cannot be grabbed in this state but you will lose Stand Mode if Polnareff is grabbed. If your opponent is a little too close for comfort, you can always Tandem with/without inputting buttons. There are some interesting combos with Remote Control which I have not explored yet. If I update, I’ll post it in the combos section.

Super Moves

Armor Takeoff: QCF + AA

Chariot comes out and does a wide vertical slash that hits opponents above, and directly in front of Polnareff. If they are hit, Chariot loses its armor temporarily to increase its speed to attack for a follow up of 9 more hits for a total of 10 hits, which shortly ends with Chariot returning to its original state. This move has great startup invincibility and beats most things out in priority, not to mention how incredibly fast this move comes out. You can catch someone jumping in and even sometimes on a stray cr. A1 or standing A1 (not that I’m advising you to do so, but just saying how fast it is). This is the perfect punish move on an opponent who can’t guard or on a stand that’s out. This move also isn’t affected by damage scaling when you combo into it from a jump-in A3 to a cr. A3 (I’m not sure why, but it just is), so if you can pull that off if you can guarantee that you’ll connect the first hit.

Laser Shot: QCB + AA

Chariot pulls out its sword and fires the tip of it in that direction instantly. Afterwards the tip of the sword ricochets off the sides of the screen multiple times before returning to Chariots sword. This move is very nice and has many defensive/offensive abilities especially with the speed of the move and amount of startup invincibility it has. Because of the nature of how the Laser Shot ricochets off the walls and how that varies on a blocking/non-blocking high/low opponent along with distance, it’s tough to have a definite for sure combo that works every time, even for each instance. A1 + A2 Laser Shot is a horizontal type of movement. It starts low then works its way up, and then back down again. I use this on dashing opponents far away or close up, and apply pressure with either a jump in A2 followed by cr. A1’s or dashin cr. A1, cr. A1, short hop forward A2. A2 + A3 Laser Shot is a vertical type of movement. It starts at the opposite end of the screen and works its way back after being shot diagonally upward (possibly hitting a jumping in opponent). This is a secondary anti-air measure (although the Armor Takeoff super is much better if you can guarantee a hit) and also great for hitting an opponent all the way on the other side of the field trying to escape or attacking from afar. Depending on how you use this, you can also use this super to drag your opponent towards you as it seems to do when they block it from afar. Don’t use it too upclose though, leaves Chariot open for a good while and if you use in the corner it goes off the screen. Finally, A1 + A3 Laser Shot is random in a sense that it’s hard to tell how much combos and if it’ll connect. It moves in a diamond shape in a sense defending Chariot and even fires the initial shot seemingly behind itself. This move isn’t too bad after a Needle Pierce, or if you want to keep the enemy away for a moment (sometimes the diamond shape itself is confusing for some opponents). These supers need much experience and experimentation to be used properly. This is essentially Polnareff’s way of controlling the field and keeping your opponents movement/momentum in check. One thing to be cautious of is getting Chariot hit, so you want to your opponent to be in between you and Chariot or make sure they are a good distance away if they block or you whiff the first few hits. Remember to take advantage of the invincibility of this move and work with it, and watch out for those Guard Cancels.

*Secret Move* Silver Chariot Requiem: (Level 3 gauge) HCB + AA

Silver Chariot is pierced in the head with the arrow mentioned in Arcs 4-5 of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure manga. Afterwards, a “Za Warudo” affect happens and Silver Chariot becomes Silver Chariot Requiem. Your enemy, regardless of where they are on the field or what attack they are doing, they are instantly put to sleep and all attacks are null once Requiem is in effect. Although once the enemy is asleep Chariot returns to normal, so you never actually play as Requiem (sucks, I know). This move is rather tricky, and I have not come up with a setup for this move. If an enemy can hit you before they are put to sleep, then the animation stops and they can’t be put to sleep. The enemy sleeps for a brief period of time, despite the effects of sleeping being irreversible unlike where if you stop time with Jotaro/Dio you can unfreeze time. When using this move and thinking about the best way to punish the sleeping enemy, you have to keep in mind your playing field. If you are playing in an area that’s really huge and you are several seconds away from the edge of the playing field, your best method of punishment is jump-in A3, cr. A3, Armor Takeoff super or one of the midscreen BBC Basic combos. But if you happen to be near an edge or on a small enough playing field, you can push your enemy to the corner by dashing and startup any juicy corner combo of your choice.

The Basics


Jump in A2 (start charging back), (land) cr. A1, cr. A1, cr. A3, (release back) forward + A3, run in (this is what i do cuz its easier than down + A3) forward + down + A3, (slight pause) forward + down + A3 ----> Tandem

(charge down) ----> (release down) up + A3 (hold A3) ----> dash in cr. A1 (release A3), after chariot hits link cr. A1, cr. A2 ---> Tandem

this works anywhere......... jump in A2, cr. A1 + S, cr. A3 ----> tandem


A1, A2, A3

A1, cr. A1, cr. A3

cr. A1, cr. A2, cr. A3

cr. A1, A1, cr. A3

Jump in A3, dash A3 ---> tandem

Jump in A3, dash A1, A1, cr. A3 ----> tandem

Jump in A3, dash cr. A1, cr. A1, cr. A3 ---> tandem

(Still under construction)


This section is probably going to prove VERY helpful seeing as how you have a visual aid of what’s going on for each combo.

00:00 -00:24

Ok this one is not that bad, and rather practical in combat assuming you’re the one putting on the pressure. The timing for the link to the Tandem is a little tricky but do-able with the right amount of practice. He starts out with a charged down upA3 (could be A2, but I always use A3 out of habit)


(Still under construction)

Advanced Strategy


Vs. Jotaro Kujo (JoJo):

Vs. Joseph Joestar:

Vs. Muhammed Abdul:

Vs. Kakyouin Noriaki:

Vs. Jean Pierre Polnareff:

Vs. D'Bo:

Vs. Iggy:

Vs. Midler:

Vs. Alessi:

Vs. Chaka Khan:

Vs. Vanilla Ice:

Vs. Dio:

Vs. Mariah:

Vs. Hol Horse:

Vs. Pet Shop:

Vs. Black Polnareff:

Vs. Shadow Dio: