Super Street Fighter IV AE/Gouken

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SSFIV-Gouken Face.jpg

Being one of Goutetsu's two students, alongside his brother Gouki, Gouken realized the dangerous nature of the art of Ansatsuken (the Assassin's Fist) and was determined to pass its teachings along... but only after removing its "killing intent" called Satsui no Hado. However, Gouki, now known as Akuma, became consumed by the Satsui no Hado and challenged Gouken to a death match, during which he killed Gouken. However, Gouken had mastered a secret technique that allowed him to separate his soul from his body, so while Akuma managed to destroy Gouken's body, his spirit remained. After the spirit had rebuilt Gouken's body, Gouken returned to not only face Akuma once again, but to ensure that his students, Ryu and Ken, continue to avoid the Satsui no Hado.

In a nutshell

Gouken is a tricky character. His gameplan is never obvious and, while he has a huge set of different tools at his disposal, knowing what to do with them can be extremely tricky. Using Gouken really requires a high level of adapting to your opponent and countering what it is they want to do. Gouken's damage output is extremely high, and some combos in the corner can easily lead to resets and dizzies, which pretty much spells the end for your opponent that Round.


Unique Attacks

f + mp
(at top of jump arc) d + mk


f or n + lp + lk
b + lp + lk

Special Moves

qcf + p
Hold p to charge; ex
dp + p
ex armorbreak
Tatsumaki Gorasen
qcb + k
ex armorbreak
Airborne Tatsumaki Gorasen
(in air) qcb + k
ex version can be controlled with b or f ; ex
dp + k
   Hyakki Gozan
No input after performing Hyakkishu
   Hyakki Goheki
Perform after Hyakkishu
   Hyakki Gojin
Perform after Hyakkishu
   Hyakki Gosai
lp + lk
Perform after Hyakkishu; throw
rdp + p
Counters only against certain attacks; LP counters low, MP for mids, HP for Upper body attacks; ex version counters any height; Counter attack is unblockable; ex armorbreak

Super Combo

Forbidden Shoryuken
qcf qcf + p

Ultra Combos

Shin Shoryuken
qcf qcf + 3p
Denjin Hadoken
qcf qcf + 3k
Hold 3k to charge up to 5 levels; Causes stun damage even on block

AE ver. 2012 Changes


Expanded light version’s hitbox forward. Changed medium version’s characteristics to match SSF4′s light version. Changed heavy version’s characteristics to match SSF4′s medium version.

Crouching Heavy Punch

Lengthened hit stun by 1F.

Denjin Hadoken

Made fireball speed variable by 3 steps by shaking the stick before start of hit detection. Increased final damage by 45 for all charge levels. Unified charge time required to launch all versions of attack, regardless of Ultra Meter level.


Expanded counter hitbox for medium and heavy versions. Set stun to 200 for all versions.

Near Standing Medium Kick

Fixed issue whereby simultaneous near standing medium kicks in Gouken-Gouken attacks would miss each other.


Expanded hitbox downward. Changed hitbox active period from 2F to 4F. Shrunk hurtbox on upper arm. Aligned hit stop time with length of heavy attack.

Near Standing Heavy Kick

Changed first hit active period from 2F to 5F.

Forbidden Shoryuken

Changed startup from 11F to 3F.

Far Standing Medium Punch

Made Special Move cancelable. Lengthened hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage on a hit.

Far Standing Heavy Punch

Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 5F.

AE Changes

  • Close Standing Medium Punch and Close Standing Hard Kick have more frame advantage.
  • Close Standing Medium Kick has 3 frame start up start-up, so it'll be easier to compete against some of the other fighters.
  • Neutral Jump Hard Punch and diagonal Jump Hard Kick have pursuit properties, and will slam opponents into the ground.
  • Ranges on his normal moves haven't changed.
  • Back grab has been changed to deal gray damage, so the combo damage from the grab has been decreased.
  • In specials, Light Punch Running Palm (Senkugoshoha) has been drastically changed, so it will connect from weak attacks (Light Punch/Light Kick), and EX Hurricane Kick locks opponent, making it easier to combo and has armor break properties.
  • Recovery of the Demon Flip Focus has been significantly decreased, making it easier to utilize.
  • Kongo (Counter) is changed as well. To be precise, it can only be activated now by using Punch buttons and the strength of the Punch changes where it sets up a counter hit at. Light for low attacks, Medium for middle attacks, and Hard for upper body attacks.
  • During backdash, Gouken is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3
Close Strong.gif HL 65 100 40 sp/su 5 2 11 +4 +7
Close Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 8 2 16 0 +4
Close Short.gif HL 35 50 20 - 5 2 9 0 +3
Close Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 3 2 13 -1 +2
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 40*70 125*75 60*20 su*- 4 5(1)3 15 0 +5 +4 Hit advantage on crouching opponents
Far Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 5 2 9 0 +3
Far Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 su 5 2 11 +1 +5
Far Fierce.gif HL 120 200 60 - 8 5 13 0 +4
Far Short.gif HL 40 50 20 ch 6 2 9 0 +3
Far Forward.gif HL 75 100 40 - 7 2 13 -1 +2
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 8 2 19 -3 0
crouch Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3
crouch Strong.gif L 70 100 40 sp/su 5 2 14 -2 +1
crouch Fierce.gif HL 80 200 60 sp/su 6 4 22 -8 -3
crouch Short.gif L 40 50 20 sp/su 5 4 9 -2 +1
crouch Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 4 3 16 -5 -2
crouch Roundhouse.gif L 100 100 60 - 6 3 18 -3 - Hard knockdown
Jump up Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 5 6 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump up Strong.gif H 85 100 40 - 5 4 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump up Fierce.gif H 105 200 60 - 6 4 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames, [Air hit] limited juggle knockdown, pursuit property
Jump up Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 6 7 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump up Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 6 3 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump up Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 7 3 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames, [Air hit] limited juggle knockdown
Jump forward Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 5 5 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump forward Strong.gif H 50*30 50*50 40*20 sp*- 4 2*2 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames, 1st hit floats on air hit, 2nd hit knockdown on air hit , can juggle
Jump forward Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 5 3 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump forward Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 7 8 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump forward Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 7 4 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump forward Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 3 - - - Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames air to air forces slam effect, pursuit property
Right.gif+Strong.gif Overhead H 80 100 40 - 17 4 13 -3 +2 [Ground hit] Forces stand
Dive Kick H 60 100 40 - 12 until ground - - -
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 65 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21 1~10f or until 1f after releasing button has armor, [air hit] knocks down, dash or backdash cancellable from 5~11f or on hit or block, attack active 12f after button release
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 85 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 - 1f~ button release armored, [Ground hit] crumples opponent, [air hit] floats opponent, dash or backdash cancellable from 5f~ or on hit or block, charge time 17~49f, attack active 12f after button release
Focus attack LVL 3 - 150 200 60 - 65 2 35 - - 1~64 armored, armor break, [Ground hit] Crumples opponent, [air hit] floats opponent, dash and backdash cancellable 5~50f or on hit or block, charge 50f
Forward Throw 0.91 140 150 40 - 3 2 20 - - Untechable knockdown
Back throw 0.90 1 0 40 - 5 2 24 - - Float for 21f, untechable knockdown, throw damage is recoverable
Gohadoken HL 55 50 10/20 su 17[8] - Total 41[32] +2 +6 [Air hit] floats opponent, 20~21f [11~12f] focus cancellable, hold down the button to charge, [] refers to after button is released
Gohadoken charge HL 55*55 50*50 10/10*10 su 68 - Total 93 +9 +13 [Air hit] floats opponent, 71-72f focus cancellable
Gohadoken EX.gif HL 60*60 80*80 -250/0 su 17[8] - Total 55[46] +4 - [1st air hit] floats opponent, [2nd hit] floats opponent, 2nd fireball active on 33f [24f], 20-36f [11-27f] focus cancellable, hold down button to charge, [ ] refers to after button release
Gohadoken EX.gif charge HL 60x4 80x4 -250/0 su 68 - Total 107 +13 - [1st, 2nd air hit] floats opponent, [3rd, 4th hit] floats opponent, 2nd fireball active on 86f, 71-89f focus cancellable
Rush Punch Jab.gif HL 90 150 10/20 su 9 4 21 -4 - limited juggle knockdown, Armor Break
Rush Punch Strong.gif HL 120 200 10/20 su 21[16] 4 23 -6 - 4~13f [8f] Invincible, limited juggle knockdown, Armor Break, startup is distant dependent, [] refers to fastest startup, startup is 14f when canceled from close MP
Rush Punch Fierce.gif HL 130 200 10/20 su 27[17] 4 23 -6 - 5~19f [9f] Invincible, limited juggle knockdown, Armor Break, startup is distant dependent, [] refers to fastest startup
Rush Punch EX.gif HL 90*60 100*50 -250/0 su 32[17] 4(11)4 22 -5 - 5~24f [9f] Invincible, [1st Grounded hit] forces stand, [air hit] limited juggle knockdown, [2nd hit] floats opponent, Armor break, can juggle (pursuit property), startup is distant dependent, [] refers to fastest startup
Hurricane Kick Short.gif HL 60*20*40 100*25*25 10/20*10*10 su*-*- 7 2(8)2(10)2 41 + After landing 26 -70 - 9f~ airborne, [1st hit] floats opponent, [2nd, 3rd hit] limited juggle knockdown, can juggle (pursuit property)
Hurricane Kick Forward.gif HL 65*20x2*50 100*25x3 10/20*10x3 su*-(x3) 10 2(8)2(8)2(10)2 44 + After landing 26 -83 - 12f~ airborne, [1st hit] floats opponent, [2nd-4th hit] limited juggle knockdown, can juggle (pursuit property)
Hurricane Kick Roundhouse.gif HL 70*20x3*55 100*20x3*40 10/20*10x4 su*-(x4_ 13 2(8)2(7)2(8)2(11)2 53 + After landing 26 -102 - 15f~ airborne, [1st hit] floats opponent, [2nd-5th hit] knocks down, can juggle (pursuit property)
Hurricane Kick EX.gif HL 80*10x6*60 100*10x6*40 -250/0 su*-(x7) 7 2(8)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(5)2 53 + After landing 26 -97 - 1~8f Invincible, 9f~ airborne, [1st hit] floats opponent, [2nd-8th hit] limited juggle knockdown, can juggle (pursuit property), 1st hit locks opponent
Hurricane Kick Short.gif (air) HL 100 200 10/30 - 6 2(4)2(3)2 After landing 20 - - limited juggle knockdown, jumping backwards will travel backwards
Hurricane Kick Forward.gif (air) HL 110 200 10/30 - 6 2(4)2(3)2(4)2(3)2 After landing 20 - - limited juggle knockdown, jumping backwards will travel backwards
Hurricane Kick Roundhouse.gif (air) HL 120 200 10/30 - 6 2(4)2(3)2(4)2(3)2(4)2(3)2 After landing 20 - - limited juggle knockdown, jumping backwards will travel backwards
Hurricane Kick EX.gif (air) HL 140 200 -250/0 - 6 2(4)2(3)2(4)2(3)2(4)2(3)2 20 - - limited juggle knockdown, Can control movement left or right
Demon Flip - - - 30/- - - - - - - 5~39f airborne, 27~37f can activate parry/kick/throw, Demon flip slide activates on frame 40.
Demon Flip EX.gif - - - -250/0 - - - - - - 1~26f Invincible, tracks opponent, 5~39f, 27~37f can activate parry/kick/throw, Demon flip slide actives on 40f.
Demon Flip Slide L 100 200 0/30 - 39+4 11 20 -13 - Hard knockdown
Demon Flip Focus - - - - - 4 Until ground After landing 6 - - 4f~until landing has armor
Demon Flip Kick HL 80 100 0/20 - 12 Until ground After landing 4 - - Forces stand on grounded opponent
Demon Flip Throw 1.17 150 200 0/30 - 3 2 After landing 12 - - Hard knockdown
Counter - - - 10/- - 1 14 18 - - Frames 1~14 counter is active / LP: low, MP: mid, HP: high, EX: whole body. Incurs grey damage on a successful counter.
Counter activated - 150 150 0/25 su 12 10 43 - - 7~21f Invincible, floats opponent, Armor Break
Super Combo HL 85*40x5*60 0 -1000/0 - 1+2 3*2*3*3*2*3*3 30+31 -57 - 1~4f Invincible, 5f~ airborne, untechable limited juggle knockdown, armor break, [2nd-7th hit] can juggle, lock opponent upon first level hit, block disadvantage refers to 2nd hit
Ultra Combo 1 HL 135*48x6*90 [503] 0 0/0 - 0+11 2*3*3*2*3*3*2*4 42+51 -88 - 1~12f Invincible, 13f~ airborne, untechable limited juggle knockdown, armor break, [3rd-8th hit] can juggle, 1st hit goes into animation, block disadvantage refers to 2nd hit, [] refers to animation
Ultra Combo 2 (Lv1) HL 60x3*120 100x4 0/0 - 0+13 - Total 73 -9 - 1~12f strike invincible, [1st-3rd air hit] or [4th hit] floats opponent and untechable knockdown, does 50x4 stun on block, fireball active 14f after button release
Ultra Combo 2 (Lv2) HL 60x4*120 100x5 0/0 - 3+14 - Total 74 +1 - 1~3f Invincible, [1st-4th air hit] or [5th hit] floats opponent and untechable knockdown, does 50x5 stun on block, charge 3~22f, fireball active 14f after button release
Ultra Combo 2 (Lv3) HL 60x5*120 100x6 0/0 - 18+14 - Total 89 +11 - 1~3f Invincible, [1st-5th air hit] or [6th hit] floats opponent and untechable knockdown, does 50x6 stun on block, charge 23~42f, fireball active 14f after button release
Ultra Combo 2 (Lv4) HL 60x6*120 100x7 0/0 - 33+14 - Total 104 +21 - 1~3f Invincible, [1st-6th air hit] or [7th hit] floats opponent and untechable knockdown, does 50x7 stun on block, charge 43~62f, fireball active 14f after button release
Ultra Combo 2 (Lv5) HL 60x7*120 100x8 0/0 - 0+65 - Total 118 +31 - 1~3f Invincible, [1st-3rd air hit] or [4th hit] floats opponent and untechable knockdown, does 50x8 stun on block, charge 63f~
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes