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Revision as of 04:57, 17 February 2011 by Bruno "CapnDaccat" Cantarim (talk | contribs) (→‎Super Move: Added Super Moves.)


Dan Hibiki is a Hong Kong born Japanese native. After his father being killed by Sagat in a sparring accident, Dan vowed revenge. After challenging Sagat, where Sagat threw the match he began to try and spread his own style called Saikyo. Not being allowed in the second World Warrior tournament, Dan is taking every opporitunity in this tournament to take his style to the top.

Dan is the joke character of the series, meant to mock Ryo and Yuri Sakazaki, and Robert Garcia of the Art of Fighting series. Dan has bad normals but decent specials. In order to win with Dan you must have a solid knowledge of the game and his limits. His combos are limited to two in ones and some FADC combos.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Command Normals

D HP+HK- Crouching Taunt - Dan crouches down and shows some muscle. Can hit but for no damage.

J.HP+HK- Jumping Taunt - Dan launches himself in the air in a fit of awesomeness. Can hit the opponent but for no damage. Can be used for a higher jump but he recovers longer.

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Super Move

  • Hissho Buraiken - QCF x2 + P
  • Legendary Taunt - QCF x2 + HP + HK
Comboable into Ultra 1.

Ultra Move

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close LP HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2
Close MP HL 65 100 40 sp/su 6 2 19 0 +6
Close HP HL 95 200 60 sp/su 8 2 19 -3 +1
Close LK HL 25 50 20 - 4 2 10 -1 +2
Close MK HL 40*30 50*50 40*20 sp/su 6 2*2 14 -2 +1
Close HK HL 100 200 60 su 8 2 18 -2 +2
Far LP HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3
Far MP HL 70 100 40 su 6 2 13 -1 +2
Far HP HL 110 200 60 - 11 2 18 -2 +2
Far LK HL 35 50 20 - 4 2 9 0 +3
Far MK HL 70 100 40 - 7 2 14 -2 +1
Far HK HL 110 200 60 - 11 2 18 -2 +2
crouch LP HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2
crouch MP HL 70 100 40 sp/su 7 2 13 -1 +2
crouch HP HL 100 200 60 sp/su 11 3 22 -7 -2 Forces stand
crouch LK L 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3
crouch MK L 65 100 40 sp/su 7 2 12 0 +3
crouch HK L 90 150 60 - 12 2 22 -6 - cannot fast recover
Jump up LP H 45 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump up MP H 75[25] 100[50] 40 - 8 6 - - -
Jump up HP H 100 200 60 - 12 4 - - -
Jump up LK H 40 50 20 - 4 8 - - -
Jump up MK H 75 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump up HK H 100 200 60 - 10 4 - - -
Jump forward LP H 45 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump forward MP H 75 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump forward HP H 95 200 60 - 7 4 - - -
Jump forward LK H 40 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump forward MK H 70 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump forward HK H 100 200 60 - 9 5 - - -
Jump Taunt HL 0 0 0/0 - 14 30 22 - -
Crouch Taunt HL 0 0 0/0 - 14 26 21 -36 -33
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 -
Focus attack LVL 3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 35 - -
Forward Throw 0.9 120 100 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back throw 0.9 130 120 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Gadoken LP HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 8 40 (total duration) 0 +4
Gadoken MP HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 10 41 (total duration) -1 +3
Gadoken HP HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 15 42 (total duration) -2 +2
Gadoken EX HL 50*60 50*50 -250/0 su 14 20 40 (total duration) +3 +6
Koryuken LP HL 110[70] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 15+11 -18 - 1~2f invincible, 3~4f cannot be thrown, 5~16f lower body invinciblility
Koryuken MP HL 120[80] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 25+19 -36 - 1~4f invincible, 5~16f lower body invincibility
Koryuken HP HL 140[100] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 28+19 -39 - 1~4f invincible, 5~16f lower body invincibility
Koryuken EX HL 70*60 100*100 -250/0 su 4 1*12 31+19 -40 - 1~16f invincible
Dankukyaku LK HL 90 100 40/30 - 17 10 11 0 - Armor break
Dankukyaku MK HL 50*50 100*50 40/30*20 - 17 2(6)2 10+11 -2 - Armor break
Dankukyaku HK HL 50x3 100*50*50 40/30*20*10 - 17 2(6)3(6)2 10+11 -2 - Armor break
Dankukyaku EX (1 hit) HL 40 100 -250/0 - 8 10 5+9 -3 - Armor break
Dankukyaku EX (2, 3hit) HL 40x2 50*50 - - 8 2(9)2 8+25
Dankukyaku LK (air) HL 90 100 10/30 - 8 14 17 - -
Dankukyaku MK (air) HL 50*50 100*100 10/30*30 - 5 1(9)2 17 - -
Dankukyaku HK (air) HL 50x3 100x3 10/30x3 - 5 1(9)1(10)2 17 - -
Dankukyaku EX (air) HL 50x3 100x3 -250/0 - 5 1(6)1(7)1 7 - -
Hisshou Buraiken HL 15x18*110 0 -1000/0 - 1+3 174(22)14 23+26 -42 - 1~12f invincible
Legendary Taunt HL - - -1000/0 ??? 1+0 - 397 - - 1f invincible, cancels into ultra
Ultra Combo 1 HL 465 0 0/0 - 1+9 12 64 -55 - 1~9f invincible
Ultra Combo 2 HL 60x5*68 0 0/0 - 1+14 22 157 (total duration) -85 - 1~14f invincible
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes