Street Fighter V/G/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


About G

Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, this mysterious fighter claims to be the "President of the World." He has a strong sense of unity and power, but the mystery still remains: who exactly is he? Is he related to Q, the mysterious fighter from Street Fighter 3? Was he a project made by the Illuminati? Does he have some sort of relation with Gill? We may never know.

G is a great fighter who with a tool for nearly every situation. He's very momentum based, in that its easier for him to roll through the opponent's healthbar once he gets a knockdown and get to stack his levels/v-meter. However, he loses his offensive ability the more he gets into a defensive position, and depends on building and managing his various resources to remain a threat.


Unique Mechanics

G is able to level up his Presidentiality by inputting G Charge (held) or canceling specials into it (unheld). He has 3 levels of Presidentiality. Anytime G is knocked down he loses 1 level of it (unless V-Skill 2 has been applied). Standing LP, HP, LK, and all crouching punches can cancel into held G charge. 4 HP, 6 HP, crouching HK, V-skill 1 and special moves (excluding command grab) may cancel into unheld G charge. His special moves have different properties depending on his level. His EX Specials have the same properties as Level 3.

Level 1

SFV G Level1.jpg

  • Starting version, this is the lowest level G can be at.

Level 2

SFV G Level2.jpg

  • G Smash Over does 120/120 damage/stun instead of 100/100
  • G Smash Under does 80/150 damage/stun instead of 80/100
  • G Flip Kicks is now +5 on hit, juggles further in air allowing further combos
  • G Burst now performs 2 hits, beating EX projectiles.
  • G Impact does 70/120 damage/stun instead of 60/100, floats slightly longer allowing combo into MP Smash Over increasing corner carry

Level 3

SFV G Level3.jpg

  • G Smash Over causes a wall bounce which can be comboed after, becomes -6 on block from -4
  • G Smash Under now causes 2 hits, the first of which can be V-Trigger 1 Canceled
  • G Burst becomes multi-hitting and cause a splash extending its range greatly and often going through projectiles
  • G Impact now does 80/120 damage/stun, camera zooms in during animation
  • G Flip Kicks become projectile invincible during the middle of it, -2 on block, and causes a knockdown on hit

Season 5

Players to Watch

  • Nemo
  • NuckleDu
  • Smug
  • 801 Strider