Thrill Kill/Marukka/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


 Marukka, the final boss and mastermind behind the Thrill Kill tournament, is fittingly an extremely dangerous character with the potential to out-maneuver and out-range a lot of the cast. While her combo strings frequently change between highs and lows allowing them to be countered, she has fantastic special attacks that can lead to very good guaranteed damage, and her "Three Piece" juggle string allows for great damage anywhere on the stage.

 Easily Marukka's greatest strengths are her maneuverability and her disjointed attacks. Her rapid dash cooldown is the fastest in the game, allowing her to dart around the stage extremely quickly and evade your opponents attempts to close gaps for grabs and r-cancels. Her two best combo starters - the mid hitting Stomach Stun Kick and the low launching Low Sweep - have incredible range and both can convert to great juggle strings.

 Other special moves of note include Wings Of Fury, which can completely tilt out your opponent and create space and, if you time it right, send your opponent flying over and over again as they desperately try getting back on their feet. Turn To Stone can be very useful as it's one of the few stunning moves in the game that cannot be mashed out of, but opponents can attack through it and avoid being turned to stone. Her Flying Toss grab should also be mentioned, as it does a whopping 25 damage and sends your opponent directly into the opposite corner of the stage for a wall combo to potentially win the round in two touches.

 One of her few downsides is that every single one of her combo strings switch frequently between high/mids and lows. While this does mean she can get around blocking players easily, if your opponent starts getting wise to your habits, you can very easily be low countered or blocked ending a combo with Low Sweep, or high countered ending with a launcher.

At a glance:
Pros Cons
  • Disjointed Attacks: Stomach Stun Kick and Low Sweep are both attacks with fantastic range and fast recovery that some characters are completely unable to punish, and both can convert to great mid-stage juggle damage if either connect.
  • Mobility: Marukka has the fastest dash cooldown in the game, allowing you to get in with r-cancels easily and backdash quickly to safety after attacks to prevent opponents from punishing your buttons.
  • Slippery Hitbox: Some combo strings will whiff against Marukka. Oddball in particular has a hard time connecting his standard combo strings against her.
  • Counterable Combos: Every single one of her combo strings can be countered out of, making her rely on her stun and launcher specials for guaranteed damage.
  • People Will Hate You: Nobody will play with you if you Wings Of Fury loop them in the corner.