Super Street Fighter IV AE/M. Bison

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< Super Street Fighter IV AE
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Super Street Fighter IV AESSFIVAE.png
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M. Bison

SSFIV-MBison Face.jpg

As the leader of the organization known as Shadaloo, M. Bison has had a hand in just about illegal industry the world has ever known. M. Bison's strength comes from his mastery of "Psycho Power" and that has allowed him to become one of the deadliest warriors on the planet. Not only that, but he is nearly immortal, being able to transfer his soul to new bodies. He has thus far managed to escape death twice: once, after defeat at the hands of Rose, and again when defeated by Ryu and Ken. M. Bison is now using the S.I.N. corporation to fund his "Living Incubator" program that will ensure he will never be without a suitable host ever again.

In a nutshell

Bison's playstyle focuses on one simple facet - space control. The Dictator is an absolute monster when it comes to limiting his opponents' movements, thanks to his excellent pokes and footsies such as Crouching Short/Forward and all of his standing kicks, his surprising pressure with his Scissor Kicks which are easy to hit-confirm off of the aforementioned Crouching kicks, and his overall element of surprise with his Head Stomp-Devil's Reverse mind games. With this much offensive potential, however, Bison has little in terms of defense. His only reliable reversals are relatively unsafe, especially when predicted, and once he gets knocked down and crossed up he loses his charge, which is absolutely necessary for him. Your goal with Bison will be to bully your adversaries with pokes and pressure, and whittle away at them slowly but steadily, breaking their mental guard through frustration and conditioning.


Unique Attacks

Hell Attack
(during angled jump) mp --- mp


Deadly Throw
f or n + lp + lk
Death Tower
b + lp + lk

Special Moves

Psycho Crusher
b (charge) f + p
ex armorbreak
Double Knee Press
b (charge) f + k
Head Press
d (charge) u + k
After Head Press connects, use f or b to change flight in air; high ex
   Somersault Skull Diver
Perform after Head Press; high ex
Devil Reverse
d (charge) u + p --- p
high ex
Bison Warp
dp or rdp + 3p or 3k
dp + 3p will appear next to opponent in back. dp + 3k will appear next to opponent in front. At midscreen, rdp versions are identical and will go backwards as far as the screen allows. If opponent is in corner, rdp + 3k goes back full-screen and rdp + 3p goes back half-screen.;

Super Combo

Knee Press Nightmare
b (charge) f b f + k

Ultra Combos

Nightmare Booster
b (charge) f b f + 3k
Psycho Punisher
b (charge) f b f + 3p
Hold f or b to guide after performing; armorbreak

AE ver. 2012 Changes

Double Knee Press

Changed light/medium/heavy stun from 50 + 50 (100 total) to 100 + 50 (150 total). Lengthened hit stun by 1F on first hit for all versions, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage when completing the fastest possible Double Knee Press→EX Focus→Dash.

Near Standing Heavy Kick

Far Standing Heavy Kick Changed shallow hit damage from 80 to 90.

AE Changes

  • LK Scissor Kick pushes you further from your opponent on block.
  • LK, MK, and HK Scissor Kicks do 50+50 (100 total) stun, down from 100+50 (150 total).
  • Standing HK now does 80 damage on the far hitbox, and 110 damage on the close hitbox.
  • Crouching LK hurtbox has been extended forward.
  • Super is projectile invincible during its active frames.
  • Ultra 2 is now a charge motion but more damaging (increased to 450). Is more vulnerable on block (-23 in AE vs -16 in Super).

The Basics


Bread and Butters

  • j.HP, cls.HP, Hard Psycho Crusher or Scissor Kick
  • c.LKx3 xx LK/MK Scissor Kick (can combo up to 4 c.LK depending on character and spacing)
  • c.LP cls.LP s.LK, c.MK xx Scissor Kick / Psycho Crusher

Hit Confirm Combos

  • c.LK/MK/MP, Scissor Kick or Psycho Crusher (MK and MP only)

Dizzy / Focus Crumple Combos

  • See Bread and Butters section

FADC Combos

  • Any Scissor Kick can, on hit, be FADC'd into c.LKx3 xx LK/MK Scissor. Note that this is not the most efficient use of meter as the damage is strongly scaled. It is more useful in situations where position is critical, i.e. you are trying to push your opponent into the corner.

Advanced Combos

  • cls.HP, c.LK xx LK/MK Scissor Kick
  • cls.HP, s.LK, s.MK/s.RH
  • c.LK, s.LK, c.MK xx Scissor Kick / Psycho Crusher
  • c.MP, c.MK xx Scissor Kick / Psycho Crusher

Combos Into Supers

  • Any combo into Scissor Kick can be canceled into Super.

Combos Into Ultras

  • Hell Attack, Ultra 1 or 2 (Ultra 2 requires very specific timing and spacing on Hell Attack due to motion change)
  • Focus Attack Lv. 2 or 3, Ultra 1 or 2


For choice of Ultra, it is dependent on the matchup. If your opponent has a good wakeup game or a good aerial game, use Nightmare Booster, as it can be used to punish many jump ins by itself or after a Hell Attack. Because Nightmare Booster has a lot of active frames, it is also the easier of the two to combo into after a Hell Attack, as you can time it relatively far into the opponent's fall and it will still connect. For characters with bad wakeup games or very slow fireballs, such as Cody and Rose, use Psycho Punisher. Psycho Punisher not only has projectile invincibility throughout the majority of the move, but it can be steered farther by holding the D-Pad or Stick forward, allowing Bison to move in from full screen in the blink of an eye. Psycho Punisher can also be used after a knockdown for ambiguous cross-ups.


Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 6 2 5 +4 +7
Close Strong.gif HL 90 100 40 sp/su 7 3 12 -1 +2
Close Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 8 3 16 -1 +4 Forces stand
Close Short.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
Close Forward.gif HL 90 100 40 su 7 3 9 +2 +5
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 6 3 16 -1 +3 90 Damage at foot
Far Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 5 2 7 +2 +5
Far Strong.gif HL 90 100 40 su 8 3 11 0 +3
Far Fierce.gif HL 120 200 60 - 11 2 19 -3 +1
Far Short.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
Far Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 - 6 3 14 -3 0
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 6 3 16 -1 +3 90 Damage at foot
crouch Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 7 +2 +5
crouch Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 sp/su 7 2 9 +3 +6
crouch Fierce.gif HL 110 200 60 su 12 4 21 -7 -2 Forces stand
crouch Short.gif L 20 50 20 sp/su 3 2 8 +1 +4
crouch Forward.gif L 65 100 40 sp/su 5 4 11 -1 +2
crouch Roundhouse.gif L 100 200 60 su 15 12 16 -10 - Untechable knockdown
Jump up Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 6 6 - - -
Jump up Strong.gif H 90 100 40 - 7 7 - - -
Jump up Fierce.gif H 110 200 60 - 6 8 - - -
Jump up Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 6 12 - - -
Jump up Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 7 10 - - -
Jump up Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 6 10 - - -
Jump forward Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 6 7 - - -
Jump forward Strong.gif H 50 50 40 - 7 3 - - - Floats opponent
Jump forward Fierce.gif H 110 200 60 - 8 8 - - -
Jump forward Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 7 - - -
Jump forward Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 6 14 - - -
Jump forward Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 7 6 - - -
Jump Strong.gif(during Jump Strong.gif) H 30 50 20 - 6 4 - - - Can juggle
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 22 2 34 -20 -20
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 90 150 40 - 17+13 2 34 -14 -
Focus attack LVL 3 - 150 200 60 - 66 2 34 - -
Forward Throw 0.95 140 130 40 - 3 2 20 - - Untechable knockdown
Back throw 0.95 140 150 40 - 3 2 20 - - Untechable knockdown
Psycho Crusher Jab.gif HL 120*100 100 30/40 su 14 12*11 12+6 -8 - 37~48f cannot be thrown, 15f~ airborne, 14~36f can pass through opponent, armor break, 100 damage below waist, charge 55f
Psycho Crusher Strong.gif HL 130*100 150 30/40 su 14 12*15 12+10 -14 - 41~52f cannot be thrown, 16f~ airborne, 14~40f can pass through opponent, armor break, 100 damage below waist, charge 55f
Psycho Crusher Fierce.gif HL 140*100 200 30/40 su 14 12*21 12+10 -17 - 47~58f cannot be thrown, 16f~ airborne, 14~46f can pass through opponent, armor break, 100 damage below waist, charge 55f
Psycho Crusher EX.gif HL 75*75 100*100 -250/0 su 14 23 12+6 -16 - 1~13f Invincible, 37~48f cannot be thrown, 15f~ airborne, 14~36f forward body immune to projectiles, passes through opponent, armor break, can juggle, projectile hitbox, charge 55f
Scissor Kick Short.gif HL 60*30 100*50 20/16*16 su*- 10 2(1)4 17 0 - 5~14f cannot be thrown, 12~16f airborne, knocks down on [1st air hit] or on [2nd hit], charge 55f
Scissor Kick Forward.gif HL 60*50 100*50 20/16*16 su*- 13 2(1)4 22 -5 - 7~17f cannot be thrown, 15~19f airborne, knocks down on [1st air hit] or on [2nd hit], charge 55f
Scissor Kick Roundhouse.gif HL 70*60 100*50 20/16*16 su*- 16 2(1)4 25 -8 - 9~20f cannot be thrown, 18~22f airborne, knocks down on [1st air hit] or on [2nd hit], charge 55f
Scissor Kick EX.gif HL 70*70 100*50 -250/0 su*- 13 2(1)4 25 -8 - 1~12f Invincible, 13~17f cannot be thrown, 15~19f airborne, knocks down on [1st air hit] or on [2nd hit], can juggle, charge 55f
Headstomp H 120 100 20/30 - 22 Until ground After landing 16 - - 1f~ airborne, listed startup is when opponent is point blank, startup is distant dependent, tracks opponent on startup, charge 55f
Headstomp EX.gif H 180 200 -250/0 - 22 Until ground After landing 16 - - 1f~end of startup Invincible, 1f~ airborne, Untechable knockdown on [Ground hit], knockdown on [air hit], listed startup is when opponent is point blank, startup is distant dependent, tracks opponent on startup, charge 55f
Headstomp Bounce - - - 0/0 - - - After landing 4 - - Performed after headstomp or EX headstomp on block, 18f~ followup attack can be performed
Skulldiver H 120 100 20/30 - 35+7 3 After landing 13 +10 +13 Listed frame advantage is for skull diver performed as low to the ground as possible
EX.gif Skulldiver H 80*80 100*100 -250/0 - 35+7 3 After landing 13 +10 +13 Can juggle, Listed frame advantage is for skull diver performed as low to the ground as possible
Empty Devil Reverse - - - - - - - Total 48 - - EX Invincible 1~13f, 1~44f airborne , tracks opponent on startup, 14~38f can cancel into Devil Reverse attack, charge 55f
Devil Reverse H 110 150 20/30 - 13+34 Until ground After landing 16 - -
Devil Reverse EX.gif H 80*80 100*100 -250/0 - 13+34 Until ground After landing 16 - - Can juggle
Teleport - - - 0/0 - - - Total 42 - - 1~29f Invincible, teleport complete on 12f
Super Combo Short.gif HLx4*L 60x4*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+6 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 -27 - 1~7f Invincible, 9f~end of active frames immune to projectiles, 34~60f can pass through opponent, untechable knockdown on [1st-4th air hit] or [5th hit], can juggle, charge 55f
Super Combo Forward.gif HLx4*L 60x4*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+11 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 -27 - 1~9f Invincible, 11f~end of active frames immune to projectiles, 39~65f can pass through opponent, untechable knockdown on [1st-4th air hit] or [5th hit], can juggle, charge 55f
Super Combo Roundhouse.gif HLx4*L 60x4*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+15 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 -27 - 1~11f Invincible, 13f~end of active frames immune to projectiles, 44~70f can pass through opponent, untechable knockdown on [1st-4th air hit] or [5th hit], can juggle, charge 55f
Ultra Combo 1 HL 48x4*60*240 0 0/0 - 0+12 4*2(12)2*2(16)12x3 30+18 -35 - 1~15f Invincible, 47f~ airborne, 61~114f can pass through opponent, untechable knockdown, hit 1-5 leads to animation
Ultra Combo 2 H 90*360 0 0/0 - 0+22 2 After landing 42 -23 - 1~2f Invincible, 1f~ airborne, 3~23f immune to projectiles, untechable knockdown, armor breaking, can control movement with joystick
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
