Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike

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Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike is the latest revision of the SF3 series. The two previous games were SF3: New Generation and SF3: Second Impact. The main differences found in 3rd Strike include a new way of performing throws (done by pressing LP+LK), universal overheads (MP+MK), a "choose your opponent"-style path in Arcade mode, the return of the "Crush the Car" bonus round, a new soundtrack, stages and 5 new characters. In this game, the new characters are Chun Li, Q, Twelve, Remy and Makoto.

Home versions of Street fighter 3: 3rd Strike can be found on the Dreamcast, PS2 and X-Box. The Dreamcast version was released in 2000 with some slight differences to the arcade version. In 2004, Capcom released 3rd Strike as part of the "Street Fighter Anniversary Collection" for the X-Box and PS2. Today, the PS2 and X-Box versions of the game are widely considered the tournament standard since those two versions are very close ports of the original arcade game.

Game Mechanics

Parrying (Also known as "Blocking" or "Teching" in Japan) A defense mechanic that gives a slight frame advantage to the defender and leaves the opponent open for a counterattack. The Parry can also be done in the air.

Against High/Mid attacks: tap F

Against Low attacks: tap D

Throw A close-ranged grappling maneuver. Throws can be also be Teched (avoided) by pressing the throw command when your opponent reaches for a throw. Holding a direction while doing the command launches the opponent in that direction.



(B/F + LP+LK)

Universal Overhead A quick mid/overhead attack that hits crouching opponents. Low attacks will miss your character when the UOH is performed.


Personal Action (Commonly abbreviated as "PA") A taunt that gives your character a stat bonus in either power, defense, stun ability, etc. The bonus is different for each character and only lasts until the round is over.


Forward Dash

tap F, F

Backward Dash

tap B, B

Super jump

tap D,U

Tier list

Please note: Tiers are HIGHLY debatable so all lists should be taken with a grain of salt. If a character is only a place or two away from where they "should" be, please refrain from wildly editing this section.

Top Tier:

Makoto (ARGUABLY -- she is said to be considered top tier in Japan, but non-Japanese players generally argue that her playstyle is too unpredictable and inconsistent to be top tier)

Upper Tier:

Urien (Urien is considered dead even with Ryu in terms of matchups in Japan)

Middle Tier:


Low Tier:


Basic Strategy

Bait Throws. Everyone trys to throw when you are close to them, so get close to them, then avoid their throw, then punish it. JustinW does that all the time.

Advanced Strategy

The Characters