Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Ibuki/Archive

From SuperCombo Wiki


Ibuki, High-School Senior Ninja

Moves List

Normal Moves

Air Normals

Name Type Start-up Hit Attack Stun Meter
Jab Vertical 3 Land 50 7 0/1/2
Diagonal 3 19 60 5 0/1/2
Strong Vertical 5 7 80(70) 11(9) 2/4/8
Diagonal 6 13 80(70) 11(9) 2/4/8
Fierce Vertical 11 5 120 13 3/6/14 1
Diagonal 11 5 120 13 3/6/14 1
Name Type Start-up Hit Attack Stun Meter
Short Vertical 4 Land 50 5 0/1/2
Diagonal 3 7 40 5 0/1/2
Forward Vertical 5 7 70(60) 9 2/4/8
Diagonal 7 13 70(60) 9(7) 2/4/8
Round House Vertical 10 3 110(90) 13(11) 3/4/12 2
Diagonal 11 3 110(90) 13(11) 3/4/12 2

SP Notes:
1) Turns standing opponent around on hit (except Elena and Urien).
2) Knocks down (slams) an air-born opponent if it hits.

Ground Normals

Name Type Cancel
Hit Rec. Attack Stun Advantage
Jab Close C/SC HL HL 2 1 5 30 5 +5/+5/+5 0/1/2
Far X/X HL HL 2 2 2 25 5 +6/+6/+6 0/1/2
Crouch C/SC HL HL 3 3 3 20 3 +5/+5/+5 0/1/2
Strong Stand X/X HL H 6 2 6 70(65) 11(9) +6/+7/+8 1/2/7
Crouch C/SC HL HL 9 7 9 70 7 +2/+3/+4 2/2/7
Fierce Close 1st: C/SC
2nd: X/X
HL H 9 1/4 15 60/70 9/7 -3/-1/+1 3/7/16
Far C/SC HL H 13 4 14 70(60) 5(3) -1/+1/+3 2/2/7
Crouch X/SJ HL HL 8 3 18 110(100) 15 -3/-1/+1 3/6/14 1
Name Type Cancel
Hit Rec. Attack Stun Advantage
Short Stand X/X HL HL 4 4 6 20 3 +1/+1/+1 0/1/2
Crouch C/SC L L 5 3 5 20 3 +3/+3/+3 0/1/2 2
Forward Stand C/SC HL H 5 4 14 100 11 +1/+2/+3 2/4/8
Crouch X/X L L 6 5 11 70 3 -2/-1/0 2/2/7
Round House Close X/SJ HL H 5 1/6 22 50/70 3/9 -11/D/D 3/5/14 3
Far X/SJ HL H 9 3 21 110 13 -2/-1/+1 3/6/14 4
Crouch X/X L L 8 3 18 110(100) 15 -3/-1/+1 3/6/14

SP Notes:
1) Super Jump Cancelable on hit, parry, or block.
2) Chains into itself.
3) Super Jump Cancelable on second hit (hit, parry, or block). Launches opponent on hit, opponent can be juggled.
4) Super Jump Cancelable on hit only (not on block or parry).


Name Command Start-up Hit Recovery Attack Stun Meter
Range *SP
Yamitsudzura LP+LK 2 1 21 120 13 0/7 16 1
Tobizaru air LP+LK 6 1 - 160 18 0/14 12 2

SP Notes:
1) Ibuki's defensive, offensive, and neutral throws are all identical.
2) Horizontal range: 12. Vertical range: Top 44, Bottom 67. You can grab defense (air tech) Ibuki's airthrow

Special Normals

Name Input Cancel
Hit Rec. Atk. Stun Advantage
MP+MK X/X H H 15 10 5 40 3 -5/0/+1
0/1/2 1
HP+HK X/X HL HL 15 9 8 0 7 - 0/1/2 2
Maki Geri T.LK X/X HL HL 5 4 8 20 3 -1/-1/-1 0/1/2 3
You Men B.MP 1st: C/SC
2nd: X/X
HL H 6 1/6 10 30/60 5/9 -2/-1/-0 2/5/10
Ura Maki Geri B.MK X/X HL H 13 2 13 70 5 -2/-1/-0 2/4/8
Koube Kudaki T.MK X/X H H 27 3 3 70(80) 13 +9/+10/+11 2/4/8 4
Sazan DT.MK X/X L L 6 11 9 70 3 -16/-15/-5
3/4/12 5
Bonshou Geri T.HK X/X HL H 12 1 20 130 17 -1/+1/+3 3/6/14 6
Oiura Ken HP->HP X/X HL H 2 3 31 80 17 -1/+1/+3 3/4/12 7

SP Notes:
1) Universal Over-Head. Block and Hit Advantage range: -5/0/+1 to +7/+8/+9
2) Personal Action. Opponent can tech out of with throw defense (LP+LK). Can be parried or blocked. Does not grab airborn opponents. Can be comboed. Opponent can not tech out if it is comboed. Sucsessful grab results in damage increase for 1 combo. Effects ware off if Ibuki is hit.
3) T.LK Chains into itself. Not Special or Super cancelable.
4) Knocks down (slams) an airborn opponent if it hits. Takes Ibuki off the ground. Can go over Remy's low LoV projectiles.
5) DT.MK Block and Hit Advantage range: -16/-6/-5 to -6/+4/+5. This move has a very small/low hitbox and can pass under high fireballs from: Akuma, Chun-Li, Ken, Oro, Remy (punch/high LoV only), Ryu, and Urien. It can also go under Ryu's SA.1, SA.3, and Sean's SA.1.
6) Toward+HK takes Ibuki off the ground. Can go over mid/low projectiles from: Akuma(ground), Chun-Li, Ken, Oro (LP/low only), Remy (kick/low LoV only), Ryu, and Urien. Ibuki will only pass over Urien's LP fireball if she hits him.
7) Follow-up hit for Ibuki's far standing HP.

Target Combos

Quick List

  • In air, LK -> T + MK
  • In air, LP -> T + HP
  • In air, HP -> T + MK

Note: These air target combos can be performed while jumping diagonally toward the opponent. The HP -> F + MK can also be performed while jumping vertically.

  • HP -> HP
  • toward+LK -> LK -> LK
  • close LP -> MP (1 hit) -> HP
  • close LP -> MP (2 hit) -> d.HK -> HK*
  • back+MP (1 hit) -> HP
  • back+MP (2 hit) -> d.HK -> HK*
  • d.HK -> close HK*
  • d.HK -> HK*
  • close HP (2 hit) -> d.HK -> HK*
  • LK -> MK -> HK
  • MK -> HK
  • LP -> MP -> toward+LK
  • close LP -> LP -> MP -> toward+LK
  • back+MK -> toward+MK (does not combo)


Air Target Combos

In air, LK -> T + MK
Move Attack Stun *SP
MK 40 5
In air, LP -> T + HP
Move Attack Stun *SP
HP 60 6 1
In air, HP -> T + MK
Move Attack Stun *SP
MK 40 5

SP Notes:
1) Turns standing opponent around on hit (except Elena and Urien).

Ground Target Combos

Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
T+MK X/X 70 13 +9/+10/+11
Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
MP X/X 40 6 +6/+7/+8
T+LK X/X 20 3 +2/+3/+4 1
close LP->MP(1 hit)->HP
Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
MP (1st-hit) C/SC 30 5 -2/-1/0
HP C/SC 50 7 +3/+5/+7 2
Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
MK C/SC 50 5 +4/+5/+6
HK C/SC 50 5 -2/0/+2
close HP->d.HK->HK
Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
d.HK X/X 50 3 -8/D/D
HK X/SJ 40 4 -2/-1/+1 3
close LP->MP(2hit)->d.HK->HK
Move Cancel Attack Stun Advantage
MP 1st: C/SC
2nd: X/X
40 6 -2/-1/0
d.HK X/X 40 3 -8/D/D
HK X/SJ 30 3 -2/-1/+1 3

SP Notes:
1) T+LK Does not chain into itself during this TC.
2) HP can knock down some air-born opponent if it hits, depending on the opponents distance from the ground (character specific). It will always reset (not knockdown): Ibuki, Oro, Yang, and Yun.
3) Super Jump Cancelable (on hit only).

Special Moves

Quick List

- Kubi Ori qcf + P (EX)
- Kazekiri dp + K (EX)
- Kunai air, qcf + P (EX)
- Tsumuji qcb + K (EX)
- Raida hcb + P
- Hien rdp + K (EX)
- Kasumi Gake qcf + K
- Tsuiji Goe dp + P


Kubi Ori, qcf + P
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LP N L L 14 11 15 150 38 15 -10/D/D 0/0/7 1
MP N L L 15 12 18 150 38 15 -16/D/D 0/0/7 -
HP N L L 17 14 19 150 38 15 -19/D/D 0/0/7 -
2P(EX) N L L 15 10 19 200 50 21 -15/D/D - -
Kazekiri, dp + K
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LK Y HL HL 4 1 26 40/20/60 14 3/3/5 -17/D/D 3/12/17 2
MK Y HL HL 6 1 29 50/20/70 18 3/3/7 -16/D/D 3/12/17 -
HK Y HL HL 8 1 29 60/20/20/90 22 3/3/5/9 -17/D/D 3/13/21 -
2K(EX) Y HL HL 4 1 33 40/20/20/80 20 3/3/5/7 -21/n/n - 3
Kunai, air, qcf + P
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LP Y HL H 8 1 9 50 3 3 - 0/1/2 4
MP Y HL H 9 1 11 50 3 3 - 0/1/2 -
HP Y HL H 10 1 14 50 3 3 - 0/1/2 -
2P(EX) Y HL H 7 1 12 55/55 7 3/3 - - -
Tsumuji, qcb + K
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LK N HL HL 11 1 19 60/50 7 3/3 -4/0/+2 3/9/15
Lower N L L 11 2 30 - 7 - -12/D/D 0/1/2
MK N HL HL 13 1 21 60/50/50 10 3/3/5 -2/0/+2 3/10/17
3rd-Hit - - - - - - - - - -7/+1/+3 - 5
Lower N L L 13 2 30 - 10 - -12/D/D 0/1/2 -
HK N/Y/N HL HL 14 1 24 60/50/80 12 3/5/5 -8/0/+2 3/10/17
Lower N L L 14 2 30 - 11 - -12/D/D 0/1/2
2K(EX) Y HL HL 7 1 28 50/50/50/70 14 3/5/5/3 -11/D/D -
Lower Y L L 7 2 30 - - - -16/D/D -
Raida, hcb + P
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LP N HL X 4 3 28 160 - 9 -5/D/D 3/2/9 6
MP N HL X 5 5 30 170 - 11 -6/D/D 3/2/9 -
HP N HL X 6 7 32 180 - 13 -7/D/D 3/2/9 -
Hien, rdp + K
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LK Y H H 22 3/2 13 40/75 15 7/7 -31/-31/-31 3/9/15 7
MK Y H H 25 3/2 13 40/75 16 7/7 -38/-38/-38 3/9/15 -
HK Y H H 28 4/2 13 40/75 17 7/9 -35/-35/-35 3/9/15 -
2K(EX) Y H H 26 4/2 11 40/75 19 7/9 -30/-30/-30 - -
Kasumi Gake, qcf + K
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LK N 20 8
MK N 22 -
HK N 25 -
Tsuiji Goe, dp + P
Str. SC Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Meter *
LP Y 42 2 9
MP Y 44 2 -
HP Y 48 2 -

SP Notes:
1) Kubi Ori can pass under mid/high projectiles from: Akuma, Chun-Li, Ken, Oro, Remy (punch/high LoV), Ryu, and Urien.
2) Kunai. Strength of button determines angle of knives thrown (not for EX). EX: Holding toward increases range. Knives can be destroyed by opponents attacks. Maintains jump momentum after the toss.
3) Kazekiri can be ground thrown during start-up. Ibuki will be knocked into the air if hit during start-up or while in the air. Available Super Cancel on the ground into SA.2 or SA.3, and in the air into SA.1 on hit, block, or parry (not whiff).
4) EX Kazekiri can Super Cancel into SA.1 on hit, block, parry, or whiff. It has 5 frames of full invulnerability on start-up and 1 frame of partial upper-body invulnerability. It does not launch or knock-down a standing or crouching opponent (unlike the non-EX versions). It temporarily forces crouching opponents into a standing posistion when it hits. It recovers in the air if it hits an opponent. During this time, Ibuki can perform any of her normal air attacks, any of her three air target combos, her qcf+P/2P (Kunai/EX Kunai), or SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku). She can not air throw or air parry during the recovery state.
5) To get the 3rd hit of the MK Tsumuji, you must press MK again (timing is strict). In order to get the sweep, you must press down and MK
6) Raida can not be parried. The opponent can not quick-stand (ground recovery) if hit by it.
7) Hien can go over projectiles. Button strength determins distance. EX version auto-targets. If it hits or is blocked, Ibuki can cancel the recovery in the air with a Kunai (air qcf+P) or SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku), but not while falling or landing.
8) Kasumi Gake is a command dash. It can cause Ibuki to take 50% extra damage from opponent attacks if she is hit during the move. Does not pass through opponents (unlike her normal dash).
9) Tsuiji Goe is a command jump. Attacks with knock Ibuki into the air during start-up. Can be thrown during start-up. During second half of jump arch, Ibuki can cancel into air qcf+P (Kunai) and/or SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku).

Super Arts

Quick List

- SA I Kasumi Suzaku air, qcf, qcf + P (j.236236+P) 3 Stocks
- SA II Yoroi Doushi qcf, qcf + P (236236+P) 1 Stock
- SA III Yami Shigure qcf, qcf + P (236236+P) 1 Stock


SA.I - Kasumi Suzaku: air, qcf, qcf + P
Str. Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Stocks *
LP HL H 3 1 4 35x12-20 105 0 - 3 1
MP HL H 5 1 6 35x12-20 105 0 - 3 -
HP HL H 7 1 9 35x12-20 105 0 - 3 -
SA.II - Yoroi Doushi: qcf, qcf + P
Type Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Stocks *
Grab X X 1 1 65 460 - 13 n/D/D 1 2
Blast HL H 12 1 65 32x13 18 0 -54/D/D 1 3
SA.III - Yami Shigure: qcf, qcf + P
Str. Bl. Pry. St.
Hit Rec. Atk. Chip Stun Advantage
Stocks *
LP L L 2 1 32 335 21 25 -10/D/D 1 4
MP L L 3 1 32 335 21 25 -10/D/D 1 -
HP L L 4 1 32 335 21 25 -10/D/D
1 -

SP Notes:
1) Kasumi Suzaku automatically turns Ibuki to face the opponent. Strength of button determines angle/distance of knives thrown. Rapidly pressing punch increases number of knives thrown and raises Ibuki higher into the air. Throws 12 knives by default, and up to a maximum of 20. Each knife does 35 attack for a maximum of 335 (scaled damage). The "recovery" listed for each strength refers to the ammount of recovery frames Ibuki has once she reaches the ground, it does not include the time it takes for her to reach the ground from the air.
2) Yoroi Doushi is an unblockable Command Grab Super. Occurs when it successfully grabs an opponent. Will not grab airborn opponents. Throw range: 35.
3) Yoroi Doushi, energy blast (fireball) version. Occurs when the Grab version fails. Does 13 hits, each hit has 32 attack for a maximum of 280 (scaled damage).
4) Yami Shigure, strength of button determines angle/distance of knives thrown. Block Advantage Range: -10 to -6.


Game Play

(Personal Note: work in progress, feel free to add to it)


  • c.MK
  • MK
  • dt.MK
  • t.HK
  • t.MK
  • vertical j.HP, j.t.MK
  • c.LP
  • c.LK


  • j.MK
  • j.LP, j.t.HP
  • j.LK, j.t.MK
  • j.HP, j.t.MK
  • airthrow

Anti- Air

  • c.HP -> SJC -> air target combo / air throw / SA.1
  • b.MP (2nd hit)
  • b.MP (1st hit), HP, qcf+LK
  • b.MP (1st hit), HP, DP+K, SA.1
  • dt.MK
  • close HK
  • dp+K
  • far HK
  • MK
  • c.MK

1) c.HP -> SJC -> air target combo / air throw / SA.1. The c.HP has an extremely good hit box. It will stuff most jump-ins. However, it's also very good against air parries, since you can super-jump cancel it on reaction to an air parry, which will allow you to get out of harms way, or you can attempt to hit them with an air attack or air throw. If your opponent was jumping toward you at the time and they were very close to you, there's a good chance you will cross them up as soon as you leave the ground, making this very hard to punish -- and remember, SA.1 will automatically turn you around in the air if you're facing the wrong way. The only real disadvantage to this move is it's slow start-up

2) b.MP (2nd hit). This move has a surprisingly good hitbox. If done early enough, it will stuff quite a lot of jump-in's. Probably not as good as c.HP in terms of priority. It also isn't cancelable on the second hit, which limits its uses and increases the risk factor by quite a lot. But still, it's speed and vertical range alone make it a very useful anti-air.

3) b.MP (1st hit), HP, qcf+LK. A pretty good option for when your opponent is air parrying a lot. It's really only useful if they are high enough in the air that you can dash under them and out of harms way. Of course, this is a terrible option to use against an opponent Ibuki, due to the risk of getting nailed with an SA.1

4) b.MP (1st hit), HP, DP+K, SA.1. Another good option for dealing with air parries. If they manage to parry all the hits leading up to SA.1, then you're still able to cancel into SA.1, which is really difficult to parry. It should also be noted that the dp+K upper body invincibility can help avoid attacks. Alternately, you can skip the HP if you're afraid that the opponent will immediately retaliate after the first parry, which is very likely if the opponent has an air target combo or 2-hit jumping attack (like Elena, Ibuki, Ryu, etc).

5) dt.MK. The upper body invicibility on this move makes it a worthy anti-air option. It's also useful for sliding under opponents while they are in the air, and throwing or attacking from the other side, a'la Dhalsim's slide. Ideally, you'll want to time it very early so that the move is just ending as they are landing, that way if you do hit with it, you'll reduce the odds of getting punished for it.


  • j.HP, j.t.MK
  • j.LK, j.t.MK
  • j.LP, j.t.HP
  • j.MK

-Note: Ibuki's j.LK and j.MK can both hit crossing up.

Parry-Safe Jump-ins

  • j.HK
  • air qcf+P

Parry-safe jump-ins. When certain jump-in attacks are parried very low to the ground, you will land on the ground instantly after a parry freeze ends and enter a ground-recovery state. These jump-in's are considered "parry-safe" jump-in's, because they have a very short recovery period and will enable you to act very quickly after the parry freeze.

1) j.HK (vertical and diagonal) can be used as a parry-safe jump-in. When done as deep as possible (as late as possible), Ibuki will have no air-to-ground movement after the parry-freeze (she will be grounded instantly), and then enter a ground recovery state as soon as the parry-freeze ends. The ground recovery state will only last for 3 frames after the freeze, which means Ibuki will be able to block or parry opponent attacks with 4 frames of start-up or slower. The recovery state can not be canceled by anything, although Ibuki has the option to be either standing or crouching during this recovery state.

2) Air qcf+P (Kunai) acts differently because they are projectiles. When an opponent parries one of these, Ibuki will not enter a parry-freeze state, but the opponent will. When done very deep with air qcf+LP (LP Kunai), Ibuki will recover on the ground before the opponent's parry-freeze state ends. This enables Ibuki to attack or move before the opponent. The opponent will only be able to cancel the parry-freeze state with a block or another parry, and they are also able to tech normals throws (LP+LK throw guard). However, they are not able to cancel the parry-freeze state with an attack or throw untill after the freeze ends. And thus, Ibuki will be safe from the opponents attacks because you are able to block, parry, move (or jump) out of throw range, or hit them with another attack or throw, since you recover before they are able to act.

Additionally, because the opponent can only block or parry during the parry-freeze, the grab SA.2 (grab version Yoroi Doushi) becomes inescapable due to the fact that it can not be blocked or parried. This is because you can grab them with it while they are still stuck in parry-freeze from the air qcf+P (Kunai).

Block Strings

Mix-Ups and Mind Games

Wake-up Options

Throw Traps


Rushdown and Pressure

Parry Reaction Buffers

  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri)
  • SA.2 (grab version of Yoroi Doushi)
  • hcb+LP (LP Raida)
  • dp+LK (LK Kazekiri)
  • SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku after a parried air qcf+P)
  • Close HK -> SJC

PRB (Parry Reaction Buffers): If the opponent parries one of your cancelable attacks, you can try to cancel it on reaction to the parry into something that has a high probability of stuffing your opponents attack. This tactic is called Parry Reaction Buffering (PRB). If your opponent has a delayed reaction after the parry, or attempts to counter with a slow/laggy move, there is a chance that you can stuff their attack with your own as soon as the parry-freeze ends and your character returns to active frames. Although this tactic certainly isn't unpunishable, since your opponent can still hit you before the parry freeze ends or before you're able to act after the freeze. It can still be rather useful for recovering from a situation where you would normally take damage.

1) dp+2K (EX Kazekiri). The advantage of dp+2K (EX Kazekiri) is that it initially has 5 frames of full invulerability and a 6th frame of partial upper body invulnerability. During the full invulnerability, Ibuki is immune to attacks and throws. It also has a very quick start-up (4 frame), which means it hits before the invulnerability wares off. It can always be super canceled (in the air into SA.1) weather it whiffs, hits, is blocked, or is parried, which gives it an option for safe recovery (or damage). Using this move as a PRB, the invulnerability will blow through attacks with 3 to 8 frames of start-up (and potentially 9 frames due to hit box size). This is a rather ideal move as a PRB because of the invulnerability frames, the number of hits (which can deter further parries), and the ability to cancel into SA.1 once airborn.

2) If using SA.2 (Yoroi Doushi), the grab version can be a very effective PRB, since it has an extremely fast start-up (1 frame) and can not be blocked or parried. Although it's important to remember that some attacks that take the opponent off the ground or grant invulnerability will cause the grab to fail and the fireball version to occur. This set-up will grab attacks with 3 frame start-up or slower (provided they are not off the ground or invulnerable).

However, using the pre-buffering technique (see below), this has the potential of being nearly impossible to escape. Pre-buffering c.HP, into SJ, into SJ-cancel will allow Ibuki to stuff nearly anything, making this a very deadly technique.

3) hcb+LP (LP Raida) is can not be parried and has a very quick start-up (4 frame). It can easily catch opponents who react slowly to parries, or attempt to counter with a laggy move, or attempt to parry twice (in order to parry a multi-hit move). This set-up will grab moves with 7 frames of start-up or slower (provided the attack is not off the ground or invulnerable). Being that it is only -5 on block, it's also a rather safe move to pre-buffer.

4) dp+LK (Kazekiri) also has a very quick start-up (4 frame) and during the start-up, Ibuki is considered partially air-born. She can still be ground thrown during this start-up, but if she is knocked out of this move during the start up with an attack, she will be knocked into the air. This can be very useful in the sense that it can disrupt a lot of ground combos that don't work on air-born/juggled opponents (such as Chun b.HP xx SA.2, or Ken c.MK xx SA.3). Another advantage is that it can be super canceled (in the air into SA.1 and on the ground into SA.2 or SA.3) if it hits, is blocked, or is parried. In the case of it getting blocked or parried, the ability to super cancel it can compensate for the recovery time which makes it rather safe to pre-buffer if you have enough meter to cancel it. Ibuki will be knocked into the air by moves 3 frames or slower, and will trade with attacks 8 frames or slower (provided the attack has no invulnerability), and will counter attacks 9 frames or slower (provided the attack has no invulnerability).

6) Super Jump Canceling is another useful way to escape potential damage. Close HK is an attack that must be parried high, and hits twice. The second hit is Super Jump Cancelable on hit, block, or parry. If the opponent parries, you still have a chance of escaping ground throws by SJC away (since SJ's are immune to throws). It has the added bonus that if the opponent blocks, you can SJC to compensate for the recovery. Although it's not particularly safe, since you are still vulnerable to ground combos during the SJ start-up frames.


  • toward + MK
  • c.HP -> SJ -> SC
  • close HK -> SJ -> SC
  • c.MP
  • close HP
  • far HP

Pre-buffering. Unlike Parry Reaction Buffers, these are executed before the parry occurs. Where as PRB's are executed on reaction to the parry. The technique of pre-buffering (or "pre-buff") involves using a laggy, cancelable attack, that has enough start-up time to execute the command for a special or super before the hit connects. The importance of executing a move prior to the hit connection is that if the move is parried, the game will still register the input for the move prior to the parry. Thus, the move will execute as soon as the parry-freeze ends. While this technique normally only shaves off a frame or two, it can make a huge difference, and may mean the difference of weather or not you will stuff the opponents attack, especially when pre-buffering SA.2 or dp+2K.


Work in progress. Feel free to edit.


  • rdp+K (Hien), (link) qcf+P (Kunai)
  • close LP, hcb+P (Raida)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), hcb+P (Raida)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, hcb+P (Raida) (23%)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, qcb+HK (Tsumuji) (22%)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, qcf+2P (EX Kubi Ori) (24%)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, (link) LP
  • close LP, MP (2 hit), c.HK
  • close LP, MP (2 hit), c.HK, HK (18%)
  • LP, MP
  • LP, MP, toward+LK
  • c.LP, hcb+P (Raida)
  • back+MP (1 hit), hcb+P (Raida)
  • back+MP (1 hit), HP, hcb+P (Raida)
  • HP, hcb+P (Raida)
  • close HP (1st hit), hcb+P (Raida) (20%)
  • close HP (2 hit), c.HK*
  • close HP (2 hit), c.HK, HK*
  • LK, MK, hcb+P (Raida) (20%)
  • LK, MK, HK
  • c.LK, hcb+P (Raida) (15%)
  • c.LK, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) (19%)
  • MK, hcb+P (Raida) (24%)
  • MK, qcb+MK (MK Tsumuji) (18%)
  • MK, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) (25%)
  • MK, HK
  • close HK, SJC, j.HP, j.toward+MK (21%)
  • close HK, (link) back+MP (1st hit), HP, dp+K (Kazekiri) (19%)
  • close HK, (link) back+MP (1st hit), HP, (link) lp
  • c.HK, HK*
  • c.HK, close HK, SJC, j.HP, j.toward+MK (28%)
  • c.HK, close HK, (link) back+MP (1st hit), HP, (link) LP
  • dp+2K, j.LP, j.toward+HP, (land) MK*² ->

)* Note: Super jump cancellable on the last hit.

)*² Note: This only works on tall characters: Alex, Dudley, Hugo, Q, Remy, and Urien.

)Note: Ibuki's cancelable attacks are: close LP, c.LP, c.LK, back+MP, c.MP, MK, close HP, HP, and back+MP(1-hit)->HP.

)Note: hcb+P (Raida), dp+LK/MK/2X (LK/MK/EX Kazekiri), and qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) combo from any cancelable attack. qcb+LK/MK (LK/MK Tsumuji) dp+HK (HK Kazekiri) combo from cancelable medium and heavy attacks. qcb+HK combos from cancelable heavy attacks only.

Super Art Combos

SA.1, Kasumi Suzaku

  • close HK, SJC, SA.1 (30%)
  • c.HK, close HK, SJC, SA.1
  • air qcf+LP (LP Kunai) from front, cross up SA.1
  • rdp+K (Hien), SA.1 (25%)
  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri), SC-SA.1 (27%)
  • MK, dp+2K (EX Kazekiri), SC-SA.1 (34%)
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, dp+2K (EX Kazekiri), SC-SA.1


  • j.HP, SA.2 (grab version Yoroi Doushi)*
  • j.LP, j.toward+HP, SA.2 (grab version Yoroi Doushi)* (49%)
  • close LP, MP (1hit), HP, qcb+HK (2 hit), SC-SA.2 (fireball version) (29%)


  • c.LP, SA.3
  • close LP, SA.3
  • c.LK, SA.3 (30%)
  • MP, (link) SA.3
  • LP, MP, (link) SA.3
  • back+MP, SA.3
  • back+MP, HP, SA.3
  • c.MP, SA.3
  • MK, SA.3 (34%)
  • c.HP, SJC, (cancel superjump) SC-SA.3
  • HK, SJC, (cancel superjump) SC-SA.3
  • qcb+HK (2 hit) (HK Tsumuji), SC-SA.3
  • LP, MP (1 hit), HP, qcb+HK (2 hit), SC-SA.3
  • dp+K (Kazekiri), SC-SA.3


  • LP, (link) LK
  • c.LP, (link) LP
  • c.LP, (link) c.LP
  • c.LP, (link) c.LP, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji)
  • c.LK, (link) LP
  • c.LK, (link) c.LK
  • c.LK, (link) c.LK, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) (19%)
  • UOH (LP+LK), c.LK, qcb+2K (EX TSumuji) (19%)
  • toward+MK, (link) LP
  • toward+MK, (link) LK
  • toward+MK, (link) c.LP
  • toward+MK, (link) c.LP, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji)
  • toward+MK, (link) c.LK
  • toward+MK, (link) c.LK, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji)
  • toward+MK, (link) MP
  • toward+MK, (link) MK
  • toward+MK, (link) MK, qcb+K (Tsumuji)
  • toward+MK, (link) MK, qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) (29%)
  • toward+MK, (link) c.MK
  • toward+MK, (link) close HK*, (add follow up)
  • toward+MK, (link) close HK, SCJ, j.HP, j.toward+MK
  • toward+MK, (link) HK*
  • c.LK, (link) LP, MP, (link) SA.3 (34%)
  • toward+MK, (link) SA.3 (33%)
  • toward+MK, (link) MP, (link) SA.3
  • toward+MK, (link) MK, SA.3

Vs. Crouching / Stunned Opponent

  • toward+MK, (link) c.MP*
  • toward+MK, (link) c.MP, qcb+K (Tsumuji)*

) *Note: these combos only work on a crouching opponent. They also work on an opponent who has a flashing stun guage (just entering stun).

  • back+MP (1st hit), HP, (link) MK*
  • back+MP (1st hit), HP, (link) MK, qcb+K (Tsumuji)*
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, (link) MK*
  • close LP, MP (1 hit), HP, (link) MK, qcb+K (Tsumuji)*

) *Note: These combos only work on crouching: Akuma, Dudley, Hugo, Q, and Urien.

Technical Information

Miscellaneous information about Ibuki's Target Combos and Special moves.
Work in progress. Feel free to edit.


  • Ibuki's normal ground dash can pass through opponents.
  • Ibuki's normal throw range is 16 pixels.
  • Ibuki has the smallest kara-throw range. Her best kara's are MK and c.HP.
  • Ibuki has an air throw (which can be teched in the air by anyone).
  • Ibuki's air throw range is 12 pixels horizontally. Vertical range: Top 44 pixels, Bottom 67 pixels
  • Ibuki's standing parries move her backwards. Her crouching parries don't move her.
  • Ibuki has the second lowest defense(stamina) rating.
  • Ibuki has an average (64 pt.) stun guage and a slow stun recovery rate.
  • Ibuki's hittable box (hit area) is slightly extended forward while crouching, and is very short (low).
  • LP and close LP will whiff crouching: Chun-Li, Elena, Ibuki, and Oro.
  • hcb+P (Raida), qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji), and dp+LK/MK/2K (LK/MK/EX Kazekiri) can be comboed from any of Ibuki's cancelable attacks: close LP, c.LP, c.LK, back+MP (1st hit), c.MP, MK, HP (1st hit), close HP (1st hit), and back+MP->HP (TC)
  • qcb+LK/MK (LK/MK Tsumuji), and dp+HK (HK Kazekiri) can be comboed from cancelable medium and heavy attacks: back+MP (1st hit), c.MP, MK, HP (1st hit), close HP (1st hit), back+MP->HP (TC)
  • qcb+HK (HK Tsumuji) and qcf+LP/MP (LP/MP Kubi Ori) can be comboed from cancelable heavy attacks: HP (1st hit), close HP (1st hit), back+MP->HP (TC)
  • qcb+HK (HK Tsumuji) and qcf+LP/MP (LP/MP Kubi Ori) can be comboed into on crouching opponents from: back+MP (1st hit), c.MP, MK
  • Ibuki can not cross-up cornered: Ibuki, Q, Remy, Yang, or Yun.
  • Diagonal j.MK can cross-up. Diagonal j.LK can cross-up in the corner. Crossing up in the corner with j.LK, Ibuki can follow up with j.toward+MK (TC) by pressing away from the corner.
  • Toward+MK and rdp+K (Hien) are overheads that must be blocked high.
  • Close standing HK and c.HP can be super jump canceled even if they are blocked or parried (making them good anti-airparry attacks). Far HK can also be super jump canceled, but only if it hits (not if the opponent blocks or parries).
  • Close standing HK can be superjump canceled toward the opponent, and Ibuki can follow up in the air with her j.HP, toward+j.MK air target chain on all opponents except: Alex, Chun-Li and Elena. Against Alex and Elena, Ibuki can still hit with just j.HP. Against Chun-Li, Ibuki will always cross-up from any distance.

-Note: Against all opponents (including Chun), Ibuki can super jump cancel upwards (vertically) into the air and hit with j.HP, j.toward+MK air target chain.

  • c.toward+MK (slide) can go under high projectiles from: Akuma, Chun-Li, Ken, Oro, Remy (punch/high LoV only), Ryu, and Urien.
  • c.toward+MK (slide) can go under Ryu's SA.1, SA.3, and Sean's SA.1. It is fast enough to slide under them if done immediately after the super flash, even at point blank range.
  • c.toward+MK (slide) can go under Ryu's SA.1 and SA.3 after a blue or red parry. For example, Ibuki can parry the first hit of Ryu's SA.3 (Denjin Hadouken) then immediately slide under the remaining hits (this also works on his SA.1).
  • c.toward+MK (slide) can stuff Chun-Li's SA.2 if performed immediately after the super flash if timed perfectly. The slide will go under the first hit, knocking Chun out of it, though the timing for this is very difficult.
  • Toward+MK, Toward+HK, MP+MK (universal overhead), HP+HK (personal action), and rdp+K (Hien) can go over Remy's low LoV projectiles.
  • Toward+HK can go over mid/low projectiles from: Akuma(ground), Chun-Li, Ken, Oro (LP/low only), Remy (kick/low LoV only), Ryu, and Urien.

-Note: Ibuki will only pass over Urien's if she hits him. Timing is strict.

  • Ibuki takes 50% extra damage from opponent attacks if she is hit out of her qcf+K (Kasumi Gake) move.
  • hcb+P (Raida) can not be parried. The opponent can also not quick stand (ground recovery) if hit by it.
  • qcf+P (Kubi Ori) can go under mid/high projectiles from: Akuma, Chun-Li, Ken, Oro, Remy (punch/high LoV only), Ryu, and Urien.
  • rdp+MK/HK/EX (MK/HK/EX Hien) can go over projectiles.
  • dp+K (Kazekiri) can be super canceled into SA.1 in the air if it hits the opponent, is parried, or is blocked.
  • dp+K (Kazekiri) can be super canceled into SA.2 or SA.3 on the ground if it hits the opponent, is parried, or is blocked.
  • During the start up of dp+K (Kazekiri), Ibuki is considered partially airborn. She can be ground-thrown out of it during it's start-up. However, if she is knocked out of it by an attack (normal, special, super), she will be knocked into the air (unless hit by a knock-down move). Even if a reversal dp+K (Kazekiri) gets stuffed by a meaty attack, she will still be knocked into the air.
  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri) has 5 frames of full invulnerability on start up and 1 frame of partial upper-body invulnerability, which grant her invulnerability from opponent attacks and ground throws. It can always be super canceled into SA.1 in the air, even if it whiffs the opponent, is blocked, or is parried (making it an excellent wake up reversal).
  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri) does not launch or knock-down a standing or crouching opponent.
  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri) temporarily forces crouching opponents into a standing posistion when it hits.
  • dp+2K (EX Kazekiri) recovers in the air if it hits an opponent. During this time, Ibuki can perform any of her normal air attacks, any of her three air target combos, her qcf+P/2P (Kunai/EX Kunai), or SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku). She can not air throw or air parry during the recovery state.
  • On tall opponents, Ibuki can combo the dp+2K into her j.LP, j.toward+HP target combo, then follow up on the ground for additional hits. This only works on standing: Alex, Dudley, Hugo, Q, Remy, and Urien.
  • air qcf+P (Kunai) knives can be destroyed by opponent attacks (normals, specials, supers).
  • air qcf+P (Kunai) can be super canceled into SA.1
  • The distance of air qcf+2P (EX Kunai) can be extended by holding toward.
  • Pressing down during qcb+LK (LK Tsumuji) will turn the second hit into a sweep. This can be done to the third hit of the MK and HK versions. This can also be done to the second, third, or fouth hit of the EX version.
  • A third kick can be added to qcb+MK (MK Tsumuji) by pressing MK (or down+MK) immediately after the second kick.
  • At close range, the third hit of qcb+HK (HK Tsumuji) will whiff crouching: Chun-Li, Elena, and Oro.
  • qcb+HK (HK Tsumuji) can be super canceled on the second hit (standing version) into SA.2 or SA.3.
  • qcb+2K (EX Tsumuji) can be super canceled into SA.2 or SA.3.
  • SA.1 does not launch/knock-down a standing or crouching opponent, but will knock down an air-born opponent.
  • The strength of the button determines the angle of the knives thrown for SA.1. Rapidly pressing punch buttons will make Ibuki throw up to 20 knives and raise her higher into the air (useful for chip damage out of the corner). With no mashing, Ibuki will normally throw 12 knives.
  • The strength of the button also determines the speed at which Ibuki will recover on the ground from SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku). LP being the fastest, and HP being the slowest.
  • SA.1{HP} (HP Kasumi Suzaku) generally forces the opponent back further than MP or LP strength, due to the angle of the knives thrown. Mashing the HP version will take Ibuki higher into the air than the MP or LP versions.
  • SA.1 (Kasumi Suzaku) can be comboed from: close HK (SJC), rdp+K (Hien), and dp+2K (EX Kazekiri)
  • The strength of the button determines the distance of the knives thrown for SA.3 (Yami Shigure).
  • SA.3 (Yami Shigure) hits low.
  • SA.3 (Yami Shigure) can be comboed from any of Ibuki's cancelable attacks: close LP, c.LP, c.LK, back+MP (1st hit), c.MP, MK, HP (1st hit), close HP (1st hit), and back+MP->HP (TC)
  • Ibuki can super cancel her super jumps while she is still on the ground into SA.2 (Yoroi Doushi) or SA.3 (Yami Shigure). This lets her combo SA.3 (Yami Shigure) from: c.HP (SJC->SC), HK (SJC->SC)
  • The fireball version of SA.2 (Yoroi Doushi) will reset recovering juggled opponents.
  • The grab version of SA.2 (grab version of Yoroi Doushi) is an unblockable command throw. It has a 1 frame start-up and a throw range of 35 pixels. It can be comboed from an early j.HP on standing opponents, or with diagonal j.LP, j.toward+HP target combo.

-Note: j.HP, SA.2 (grab version or Yoroi Doushi)) does not work on Elena or Urien.

  • Ibuki's HP+HK (personal action / taunt) will only increase her damage for one combo if it sucsessfully hits the opponent. However, if the taunt is blocked, parried, or tech-hit (throw guard) out of (using LP+LK) it will give Ibuki no bonuses. It will not grab airborn opponents. It can be comboed from heavy attacks (the same ways as qcb+HK). The opponent can not tech-hit if it connects during a combo.
  • Chun-Li's SA.2 hits Ibuki 17 times. To parry it, it must be parried 8-8-1.

Character Specific


















