Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Kain

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Gameplay Overview

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Move List

Extra Commands

Upper: Down+AB then press C.

Special Moves

Schwarze Flamme: Charge Back then Forward+P
Schwarze Panzer: Charge Back then Forward+K
Schwarze Lanze: Charge Down then Up+K

Super Moves

Himmlischer Atem: QCFx2+P

  • Both the S. & P. Power have a somewhat slow start-up.
  • This super can be used as a good anti-air.
  • The opponent is juggled after either the S. or P. Power.

Himmlischer Steele: QCFx2+K

  • This super can do a good amount of chip damage.
  • Either version don't much damage, but are very useful in combos.
  • You CANNOT do unblockables with this super, interestingly enough, you can only combo while the sphere is damaging your opponent at the last hit or 2 hits.
  • The P. Power has a a very fast start-up (about as fast as Kevin's QCFx2+D), but travels really slow.


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Frame Data

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Attack Notes

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1) Jumping C-->Down+AB OR Standing C-->Charge Back then Forward+B

  • A good damaging BnB. Try aiming for this whenever you can.

2) Jumping A/B-->Down+AB, then C-->QCFx2+P

Corner only:-
3) Throw-->Charge Down then Up+D

4) Throw-->QCFx2+D-->Charge Down then Up+D

  • You can, instead, finish this combo with a TOP Attack or a B S. Panzer. This combo can do around 50% damage!

5) Jumping C-->Down+AB then C-->QCFx2+C-->Charge Back then Forward+B OR Charge Down then Up+D

5a) Jumping C-->Down+AB then C-->QCFx2+A-->QCFx2+B-->Charge Back then Forward+B OR Charge Down then Up+D OR TOP Attack

  • Though less damaging than the above combo, just do it for show.

6) Jumping B-->Standing C-Feint->Down+AB-->QCFx2+B-->QCFx2+B-->Charge Down then Up+D

7) Cross up C/D, stand A/B, d, u + B into break (A+B), b, f + B or TOP attack if in TOP mode. You can also do his qcfx2 + A super after his break as well. TOP only:-
8) Jumping A/B-->Down+AB then C-->QCFx2+C-->TOP Attack (Dash then do TOP Attack)

  • After the QCFx2+C, quickly dash in then do the TOP Attack.

TOP+Corner only:-
6b) Jumping B-->Standing C-Feint->Down+AB-->QCFx2+B-->QCFx2+B-->TOP Attack
8) Throw-->QCFx2+D-->TOP Attack
9) Jumping C-->Down+AB then C-->QCFx2+C-->TOP Attack

T.O.P. Notes

Kain's top move travels forward, covering a fair amount of distance and is good for one hit that knocks down your opponent. Besides doing a super, this is one of the most damaging moves you can finish a combo with.

Overall Strategy

Kain can be both a keep away or rushdown character, most people prefer his keep away style the most. Since Kain has the right tools to keep opponents guessing with both of his angled and horizontal projectiles. Also his qcfX2 + A/C is a great anti-air, even while your getting hit it usually ends up trading with the opponent whatever move they tried to do. If you want to rush with him you'll have to learn how to use the charge tricks, that make Kain seem like he never needs to charge. Another thing with Kain is to learn what pokes beat what as well like all other characters. Kain has some great pokes from his stand A/B, even his stand D is a somewhat decent distant poke but has some recovery behind it. Just don't use it a lot and up close or you'll end up eating a super. Also use his d + AB into stand C on wake-up situations since, it beats most wake-up specials and even sometimes supers if timed correctly. Kains AB low dodge attack is a great wake-up move as well since sometimes its hard to see when he'll do it and it hits twice. If you do it just right on wake-up it leaves Kain pretty much safe from anything after it. Learn to break with his charge down, up + B/D consistantly as this is one of his main combo starters. It also helps you gain super meter when you might need more meter in certain situation. It's also a great poke as it beats most other specials and supers as well at times.

Matchup Notes

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Advanced Tactics

Comboing his d + B into a chaged d, u + B/D:

The trick is first land a d + B on them usually you can land about 2 max to be able to combo afterwards in the corner. Mid screen you can only land 1 d + B on the opponent as 2 d + Bs will cause the d, u + B/D to whiff. Now for the method of doing it, same method for doing the Guard Cancel shortcuts. What you do is while the d + B hits them when they are in hit stun do a quick up then go back to down, after the d + B is done from its animation then hit B again. What happens is since you already started with a d + B you gained the charged needed for the d, u + B/D from it. So when you do the up then down again then hit B it makes it so the move is able to combo afterwards. It does sound tricky but in reality its pretty simple, it gives you enough time to pull it off. So just remember hit d + B, then up, back to down, then hit B again to combo into the move, you can also break it afterwards but has to be done pretty quick. So with this tool added to Kains other options this really helps him in his corner game for mixups. Since most of Kains moves are charges so most people don't except him to be able to combo into those moves from crouch attacks. With this trick also comes new combos that Kain can use in an actual match as well.

Guard Cancel Shortcuts:

The whole Guard Cancel section explains how the shortcuts for GCs work but so Kains is the same. Just have the charge of the move you want to do lets says any of his charge b, f + A/B/C/D. Charge it for a second then hit foward then hit back or even down/back again to JD the move you want to JD. After that just hit which move you want to pull off A/B/C/D. It should Guard Cancel right when you hit the button you want with no problems. Also you can Guard Cancel his d, u + B/D as well. Though theres 2 ways of doing it but I find the first method easier in certain situations. charge d then , either press back or down/back to JD then hit u + B/D right when you JD. The other method is jumping in but charge as you jump then before you land input down, up, then hit back or down/back as you land then the button to Guard Cancel into it. Try both methods out and see which one works best for you.

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