Super Street Fighter IV AE/Guy

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SSFIV-Guy Face.jpg

Known for teaming up with Cody and Metro City Mayor Mike Haggar in ending the Mad Gear Gang's reign of terror in Metro City, Guy took what he learned from his battle to rescue Haggar's daughter to heart and was determined to fine-tune his skills in the Bushin style of martial arts, a responsibility he took seriously being named the 39th master of Bushin-ryu. He took to the world of Street Fighting and it was there he learned of M. Bison and gained a new purpose in life: to rid the world of the evils of Shadaloo and M. Bison himself.

In a nutshell

Guy is a very tricky character. Not only can he be tricky to fight against, dealing with his "cross-up or not" mix-ups using Jumping Medium Kick and the Elbow Drop or dealing with his Run pressure up close or getting grabbed by surprise Bushin Throws, he's also a very tricky character to learn. Most of his attack plans and mix-ups are very unorthodox when compared to the majority of the cast, but that's one of his big advantages: opponents may not be used to this type of offense and defense. And that only makes Guy's mix-up game and odd style that much more effective.


Unique Attacks

Elbow Drop
(during jump) d + mp
Ninja Sickle
df + hk
Neck Breaker
f + mp
Bushin Gokusaken
lp --- mp --- hp --- hk
Switch hk to d + hk for throw ender
Wall Jump
(in air, near wall) uf
Target Combo
mp --- hp


Grab Throw
f or n + lp + lk
Shoulder Throw
b + lp + lk

Special Moves

qcb + p
ex armorbreak
Bushin Senpukyaku
qcb + k
Bushin Izuna Otoshi
qcf + p --- p
When opponent is far, Bushin Izuna Otoshi is replaced with Elbow Drop; throw airthrow ex
qcf + k
ex version gains armor (2 hits); ex
   Sudden Stop
Perform after Run
   Shadow Kick
Perform after Run; low
   Neck Flip
Perform after Run; high
Kaiten Izuna Otoshi
(in air) qcf + p
airthrow ex

Super Combo

Bushin Hasoken
qcf qcf + p

Ultra Combos

Bushin Goraisenpujin
qcf qcf + 3k
Bushin Muso Renge
hcb hcb + 3p

AE Changes

  • Close Standing Medium Kick into Far Standing Medium Punch combos.
  • Close Standing Medium Punch into Medium Punch Shoulder doesn't combo.
  • Target Combo seems to connect easier on crouching opponents.
  • Feels like Jumping Hard Kick into Close Standing Hard Kick might be easier to connect.
  • Far version Standing MK has faster start-up and less recovery
  • Far version Standing MP hit box is buffed a bit
  • Guy's Standing Light Punch improved. The hitbox was extended upward, and the hittable box is significantly reduced, making it good.
  • Improved 3 frame Crouching Light Kick.
  • His EX run follow-up timing is now same with his non-EX versions. Also, his EX run slide will have projectile invincibility, while his EX run stop has armor.
  • Super Combo damage increased, and fixed some issues of it whiffing on some characters if done after a combo.
  • F+MP overhead now does 2 hits, and is even on hit.

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
Close Strong.gif HL 60 100 40 sp/su 5 2 16 +1 +5
Close Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 5 2 19 -3 +2
Close Short.gif HL 20 50 20 sp/su 5 3 11 -3 0
Close Forward.gif HL 80 100 40 sp/su 7 2 11 +1 +6
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 100 200 60 su 7 3 13 +2 +8
Far Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
Far Strong.gif HL 60 100 40 sp/su 5 2 16 -4 -1
Far Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 - 7 2 13 +3 +7
Far Short.gif HL 40 50 20 - 6 2 9 0 +3
Far Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 - 8 2 12 -1 +3
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 8 3 16 -1 +3
crouch Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
crouch Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 6 3 9 +2 +5
crouch Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 - 9 2 13 +3 +8
crouch Short.gif L 30 50 20 sp/su 3 2 7 +2 +5
crouch Forward.gif L 30*40 30*40 40*20 - 6 2(2)2 12 0 -
crouch Roundhouse.gif L 90[50] 100[80] 60 - 7 11 15 -10[-5] -[-3]
Jump up Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 5 7 - - -
Jump up Strong.gif H 80 100 40 - 5 4 - - -
Jump up Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 6 4 - - -
Jump up Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 8 - - -
Jump up Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 6 3 - - -
Jump up Roundhouse.gif H 50*50 50*50 60*20 - 5 2(6)4 - - -
Jump forward Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 5 7 - - -
Jump forward Strong.gif H 80 100 40 - 5 3 - - -
Jump forward Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 6 4 - - -
Jump forward Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 8 - - -
Jump forward Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 6 6 - - -
Jump forward Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 3 - - -
Ninja Sickle (Downright.gif+Roundhouse.gif) HL 40*60 100*100 60*20 - 11 2(3)2 12+13 -9 -
Neck Breaker (Forward.gif+Strong.gif) H 30*30 50*50 10*10 - 15 2*2 16 -2 +2
Elbow Drop (Down.gif+Strong.gif air) HL 80 100 40 - 8 until ground 40 - -
Bushin Chain (2nd hit) HL 60 50 10 - 7 2 24 -8 -3
Bushin Chain (3rd hit) HL 80 50 20 - 5 2 18 -9 +3
Bushin Chain (4th hit) HL 100 130 20 su 11 3 26 -11 -
Bushin Chain (4th hit) Down.gif+Roundhouse.gif ??? 100 0 30 - 3 2 20 - -
Strong.gif > Fierce.gif HL 40 60 20 sp/su 7 2 23 -5 -2
Wall Jump - - - - - - - - - -
Focus Attack LVL1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21
Focus Attack LVL2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 -
Focus Attack LVL3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 35 - -
Forward Throw 0.84 130 160 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back Throw 0.84 130 120 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Hozanto Jab.gif HL 80 140 10/20 su 19 3 21 -1 -
Hozanto Strong.gif HL 130 160 10/30 su 23 3 22 -2 -
Hozanto Fierce.gif HL 160 200 20/40 su 30 3 22 -6 -
Hozanto EX.gif HL 120 200 -250/0 su 10 3 24 -6 -
Bushin Senpukyaku Short.gif HL 40x3 100*50x2 20/12x3 - 10 2(6)1(7)1 11+19 -18 -
Bushin Senpukyaku Forward.gif HL 50x3 100*50x2 20/12x3 - 9 2(6)2(6)2 16+19 -15 -
Bushin Senpukyaku Roundhouse.gif - 50*20*20*70 50x4 20/12*10x3 - 6 3(6)1(7)1(6) 16+19 - -
Bushin Senpukyaku EX.gif HL 50x3*20 50x4 -250/0 - 4 1(6)1(6)1(5)2 16+19 -20 -
Bushin Flip - - - 20/- - - - 70 - -
Bushin Flip EX.gif - - - -250/- - - - 65 - -
Bushin Izuna Otoshi 0.80 180 150 0/40 - 1 1 8 - -
Bushin Flip Elbow Drop HL 80 100 0/40 - 13 until ground 8 - -
Run - - - 0 - - - ??? - -
Sudden Stop - - - 0 - - - 17 - -
Shadow Kick L 110 100 10/60 su 4+9 6 22 -10 -
Neck Flip HL*H 100*70 100*100 10/40*40 - 4+22 2*3 20 -6 +2
Run EX.gif - - - -250/- - - - ??? - -
Sudden Stop (from Run) - - - 0 - - - 17 - -
Shadow Kick (from Run) L 120 100 0/60 su 4+9 13 14 -9 -
Neck Flip (from Run) HL*H 100*70 200*100 0/40*40 - 4+23 2*3 20 -6 +2
Kaiten Izuna Otoshi 1.00 180 180 10/80 - 3 2 - - -
Kaiten Izuna Otoshi EX.gif 1.00 170 180 -250/0 - 3 3 - - -
Super Combo HL 80*40x5*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+7 2 10+18 -15 -
Ultra Combo 1 HL 29*27x3*350 0 0 - 0+12 2(11)2(16)2(17)1 40 -20 -
Ultra Combo 2 0.98 500 0 0 - 0+1 2 38 - -
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
