Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Gato

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Gatogarou.gif A powerful fighter who has lost all memories, including those of his family. The huge scars on his back prompt him to become an assassin, and he travels the world defeating warriors. One day he finds himself in Southtown, where he enters the tournament. He does well, but near the finals he comes up against someone with the same fighting skills as himself. Winning, his opponent disappears. Gato realizes that it was an image of his father.

Gameplay Overview

To come.

Move List

Command Moves

Muran-geri (Hop Kick): Forward+B
Crossover: Press CD in the air
Sai-gaku (Hammer Smash): Forward+A

Special Moves

Shin-ga (Quaking Fang): QCF+P, can follow with F, F+P
Fuu-ga (Gale Fang): QCB+K, can then follow with P or K
Rai-ga (Lightning Fang): F, D, DF+K
Houzan Sai Heki-ga (Cannon Thrust): Charge Down then Up+C (CA)

Super Moves

Zero Kiba: QCFx2+P
Tatsu Kiba (Murderous Fang): QCFx2+K

  • This super has a short range, but can act as a good anti-air.
  • In certain situations, the S. Power of this super will juggle the opponent. The only possible moves you combo into after this super juggles, ( that are known so far at least) are the Zero Kiba or another Tatsu Kiba.
  • At the corner, if you knock-down your opponent (say with a Crouching D for example) if you time the S. Power as they get up, it is possible for them to be juggled. This however is VERY risky.

Tenryu Retsu-kiba (Violent Fang of the Heavenly Dragon): F, D, DF+AB 3 times

  • This is a P. Power super
  • You must input F, D, DF+AB 3 times to get the maximum damage from this super.
  • If you do the first F, D, DF+AB & don't do the rest of the follow-ups, the power guage is emptied.


To come.

Frame Data

To come.

Attack Notes

To come.

Bread'n'Butter Combos

To Come.

T.O.P. Notes

To Come.

Overall Strategy

To Come.

Matchup Notes

To come.

Advanced Tactics

To come.

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