Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Rock

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To come.

Gameplay Overview

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Move List

Command Normal Moves

"close D Follow Up Overhead Kick"
after close D, f D

Special Command Moves

Reppu-ken: QCF+A
Ground projectile

Double Reppu-ken: QCF+C
Rock does a point blank ground projectile then sends out a Reppu-ken. The Reppu-ken he sends is weaker than the normal Reppu-ken

Crack Counter: QCF+B/D
B counters mid & high attacks, while D counters low attacks.

Hard Edge: QCB+A/C
A version has Rock do a quick short dash with an elbow attack. C has him follow-up with a punch. The C version is slower than the A version.

Rage Run: QCB+B/D
B version has him dash then do an overhead punch, while D will warp him behind his opponent. The B version is very risky as the punch has some start-up delay. The D version is a good set-up for his 360+C.

Evac Toss: 360+C
Command throw & is Break-able with AB. There are 3 things to do with this move:- 1- Just doing 360+C will have Rock throw his opponent to the opposite side of the screen. 2- Breaking the move with AB will allow Rock to follow up with a special move or super 3- Holding AB during the Evac Toss will have Rock charge up his fist for an energy blast. The timing is strict to get this follow-up to connect.

Super Moves

Raising Storm
qcf x2 P

Shining Knuckles
qcf x2 K

**Deadly Rave Neo (Hidden Super)
hcb, f A, A, A, B, B, C, C, D, D, qcb C


Class: Middle Movement: Run

Frame Data

To come.

Attack Notes

To come.

Bread'n'Butter Combos

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T.O.P. Notes

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Overall Strategy

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Matchup Notes

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Advanced Tactics

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