Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Rock

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To come.

Gameplay Overview

To come.

Move List

Command Normal Moves

"close D Follow Up Overhead Kick"
after close D, f D

Special Command Moves

Cyclone Sock
qcf A (single hit ground projectile)

Double Gust Punch
qcf C (double hit ground projectile)

Crack Counter
qcf B (knock down counter attack for mid-high attacks)
qcf D (knock down counter attack for low attacks)

Hard Edge
qcb A (single hit knock down rush)
qcb C (double hit knock down rush)

Rage Run
qcb B (short run into overhead dunk knock down rush)
(note: if far from opponent, will only do short run; if close will finish run with dunk)
qcb D (midrange run that can get you behind your opponent)

Evac Toss (Break Move)
360 C

continue to hold AB after breaking and time the release of beam to hit opponent

Super Moves

Raising Storm
qcf x2 P

Shining Knuckles
qcf x2 K

**Deadly Rave Neo (Hidden Super)
hcb, f A, A, A, B, B, C, C, D, D, qcb C


Class: Middle Movement: Run

Frame Data

To come.

Attack Notes

To come.

Bread'n'Butter Combos

To come.

T.O.P. Notes

To come.

Overall Strategy

To come.

Matchup Notes

To come.

Advanced Tactics

To come.

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