Breakers Revenge/Pielle

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Pielle is a Frenchman who can control lightning and flowers. He has a butler and sometimes the butler will come out after a victory to provide a service for Pielle.

Moves List

Normal Moves

  • Throw - f or b + HP while close
  • Air Throw - f or b + HP/HK close while both players are airborne
  • Massive Rapier Attack - LP+HP, can be comboed afterwards with super if it hits airborne opponent, uncancelable
  • Sexy Hip Hop - LK+HK, leaping overhead
  • Pogo Spike - d+LK in the air, Pielle stabs opponent's head from top
  • Another Air HP Attack - u+HP in the air, Pielle's another air HP

Special Moves

  • Bad Iori Copycat Fireball - qcf+P, really bad fireball with horrible recovery.
  • Rapier Upper - dp+P, really bad dragon punch, not sure why he has it. It should be noted that his Rapier Upper nullifies fireballs. Like that helps.
  • Lovely Rose Pirouette - qcb+K, LK goes for a short length, small recovery, HK version goes longer out, longer recovery. Good move to use sparingly.
  • Good Zorro Copycat Rekka - qcb+P, P, P, good move overall, both used alone and in combos. It can also juggle.
  • Beautiful Graceful Dive Swoop Stab - In air, d+LP+LK+HP, good move to catch unaware opponents.

Super Moves

  • Super Rapier Upper - qcf, qcf+P, Pielle does multiple Rapier Uppers, good move to use in combos.
  • Rising Upper - qcb, qcb+P, Pielle turns into a lightning rod and stabs opponents in the face. Excellent breakering super, excellent anti-crossup super, lots of invincibility, hard to fully punish if blocked versus certain characters.
  • Really Lovely Glorious Rose Pirouette - qcb, qcb+K, Souped up qcb+K's move. Good move to punish blatant mistakes at any distance. Extremely safe if blocked.

The Basics

  • Noteable normals
    • Standing LK - It is cancelable into rekka, even from very far. Good poke.
    • Crouching HP - Good for anti air if done very, very early. Can combo into good things.
    • Crouching HK - It is a slide that knockdowns. Sliding knockdowns are good. Hard to punish if done from far.
    • LK+HK - It is easy to combo after this overhead, be aware of his large startup on it though.
  • Crossups
    • Jumping LK - Pielle's only crossup move. It can look ambigious if spaced properly.
  • Meterless Combos
    • cr.LP xN - "Please back off. I need room to look beautiful."
    • (Jump in attack or LK+HK), st.B xx Rekka - That combo hurts a lot. If you accidently do Rekka on blocking opponent, stop the first rekka, or you can delay next rekka in hopes of opponent dropping his/her guard.
    • (close HP or close HK) xx LP+HP - Another strong and simple combo. Unsure if it's breakerable, never saw it happen.
  • Combos with meter
    • cr.HP xx LP+HP, QCF,QCF+P - Good punishing unbreakerable combo.

Advanced Strategy

Pielle pretty much needs to save his meter to use Thunder Riser for breakering and getting crossups off of him. His Rekka combo is so strong it's preferred to end the combos with Rekkas rather than using his meter with supers.


Vs. Alsion III:

Vs. Condor:

Vs. Dao-Long:

Vs. Maherl:

Vs. Pielle (self):

Vs. Rila:

Vs. Saizo:

Vs. Sho:

Vs. Tia:
