Soulcalibur VI/Cassandra/Combos

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Abbreviations & Explanations

TS = Titanic Struggle, obtained after various moves
DF = Divine Force, power up state that is used by certain moves
iWR = Instant While Rising, requires you to crouch then immediately perform a while rising move
Move/Move = Either move listed can start the following combo.

Normal Hit Combos

3B Starter

Route Damage Notes
4K , 236B 57 Basic Combo
4K / 214K , 6B+K.A 62 / 71 More damage at the cost of guard meter
4K , 1[B] , TS 76 + DF - 83 1[B] will whiff based on ukemi, damage will vary based on TS option
Critical Edge 80 + DF Meter dump for guaranteed damage
214K , DF 2A+B , 236B 81 DF dump for more dmg, reduces guard gauge

22/88/66/33/99B+K Starter

Route Damage Notes
Back Turned B+K 44 + DF Guaranteed DF
iWR B , 4K / 214K , 6B+K.A 79 - 89 More guard bar you use more damage you get
iWR B , 4K , 1[B] , TS 92 + DF / 97 1[B] will whiff based on ukemi, damage will vary based on TS option
iWR B , Critical Edge 93 + DF Meter Dump for damage
iWR B , 214K , DF 2A+B , 236B 95-108 Damage will vary based on ukemi

22/88B / [B]2nd hit Starter

Route Damage Notes
66B.B 50 Easy Damage and oki
6B+K.A 57 Guard gauge for damage
1A+G 74 Throw for more damage, can be broken
2A+G.K , TS 70 + DF - 75 Throw for TS, can be broken, damage will vary based on TS option
Step twards feet , 1[B] , TS 72 + DF - 79 Less consistent route for more damage
DF 1A+B , iWR B , 214K , 66 , 6B+K.A 80 Guard gauge for damage, needs micro dash after 214K
DF 1A+B , iWR B , Critical Edge 84 + DF - 100 + DF DF and meter dump, damage will vary based on ukemi

(B.B).b6 / 4b+k.6 / A+B Starter

Route Damage Notes
8B+K , TS 74 + DF - 83 Guaranteed TS, great for low scaled Lethal Hit with TS
iWR B , 4K , 1[B] , TS 88 + DF - 93 1[B] will whiff based on ukemi, damage will vary based on TS option
iWR B , Critical Edge 89 + DF Meter dump for damage
iWR B , 6B.A+A 81 DF dump to regain some guard gage
iWR B , 214K , 66 , 6B+K.A 83 Good damage for guard gague, requires micro dash for 6B+K to connect after 214K, can just do 666B+K
iWR B , 214K , DF 2A+B , 236B 90 Divine Force extension for damage, damage will vary based on ukemi

33/66/99A+G Starter

Route Damage Notes
66B.B 55 Easy combo and oki
8K.K 59 more damage for oki loss
6B+K.A 63 Damage for guard gauge
DF 1A+B , 8B+K , TS 82 + DF - 83 DF dump, guaranteed TS, damage based on TS option
DF 1A+B , iWR B , Critical Edge 94 + DF DF and Meter dump
DF 1+A+B , iWR B , 214K , 6B+K.A 91 DF dump and some guard gauge for damage

b[2] Starter

Route Damage Notes
1/2A+G 68 + DF Dosent actually matter which throw you do
DF 1A+B , 8B+K, TS 73 + DF - 74 DF dump, guaranteed TS, damage based on TS option
DF 1A+B , iWR B , 4K , 66B.B 72 oki route
DF 1A+B , iWR B , Critical Edge 81 + DF DF and meter dump route
DF 1A+B , iWR B , 214K , 6B+K.A 78 DF and guard gauge dump for damage

Misc Starters

Starters that didn't fit into any other section

Full Route Damage Notes
b+k.[B] , Back Turn B+K 49 + DF Easy conversion of off a break attack
8A+B , AS.B 67 Basic confirm after using 8A+B, usually to hard call out a low
8A+B , AS.A+B 79 Soul Charge confirm after using 8A+B, usually to hard call out a low

Counter Hit Combos

3A.DF A+B Starter

3A wont true combo into DF A+B on non CH

Route Damage Notes
AS.B 64 Basic route
6B+K.A 71 Uses guard gage for more damage
AS.A+B 77 Soul Charge route