Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge/Demitri Maximoff/Introduction

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Revision as of 00:45, 27 April 2023 by PuellaSins (talk | contribs) (→‎Introduction)
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"Your pathetic attempts to defeat me are truly laughable!"

100 years ago, he had challenged Belial Aensland for power. He lost the battle and was exiled from Makai for his crimes against its ruler due to his goal for domination. Sunlight was something that was troublesome for the vampires of the realm of the Makai, especially for Demitri. If he were to be directly exposed, his body would be destroyed from the inside and would disappear.

To avoid the sunlight, he used his supernatural abilites and created a field to cover his castle. He used this field to recover his strength. For 50 years, he stayed within his casket. As he slowly regained his strength, he would step out only once a full moon to hunt for blood.

By this time, there were already people that would wander into the castle. They would somehow hear rumors of treasure's within the castle. They would bring crosses, stakes, garlic, holy water and silver bullets thinking they were safe and attack Demitri. To Demitri, humans were food as enjoyed their blood. To him, it was like drinking the best wine of Makai. Those who were bit by Demitri had turned into vampires that would become loyal servants to him. Currently, 40 people settle in Demitri's castle and care for him.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder

Color Options

LP MP HP Hold Start
VHUNT Demitri Color LP.png VHUNT Demitri Color MP.png VHUNT Demitri Color HP.png VHUNT Demitri Color Start.png
VHUNT Demitri Color LK.png VHUNT Demitri Color MK.png VHUNT Demitri Color HK.png VHUNT Demitri Color LP+MK.png