Killer Instinct (2013)/Shin Hisako

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< Killer Instinct (2013)
Revision as of 01:07, 29 January 2023 by The Rat King462 (talk | contribs) (Shin Hisako Character Infobox)
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Strengths Weaknesses
  • In Progress
  • Overwhelmingly Strong Offense: Shin Hisako's Offense arguably is the best in the game with her excelling at frame trapping people with her surprisingly safe rekka, surprise instant crossup attack, Light Spirit Slice, and stealing pressure by getting passive opponents to block dash attacks
  • Nightmare on Knockdown St: Fade 'em; run it (placeholder)
  • "Pale" Onna-Bugeisha "Normals": Shin Hisako has the ability to slow down matches peppering the opponent her safe, far range pokes. Shin can disengage from opponent trying to get past the wall of scary hitboxes by pushing them away Shin On Ryo Zan or running away with her 17 frame far moving backdash
  • Incredibly Slippery on Defense: Shades of 3.0 thunder. Shin Hisako's backdash , high-damage invulnerable reversal in Heavy Awakened Soul and unreactable crossup with evasive properties are all a headache on their own and Shins who effectively rps with those options on defense can make running basic offense frustrating and painful
  • In Progress
  • Cannot get in vs Zoners: For as much as she can disengage, Shin Hisako has major difficulties getting near someone who does not want to be near. While it varies from matchup to matchup, success with Shin Hisako vs zoners is based on the shin player's ablilty to walk, block and orb through gauntlets, gamble with her slow and committal anti fireball shadows and specials, flail for a single light slice soft knockdown and/or pick an alt
  • Wakeup reversal tools/defensive tools have a "Dead Zone": Shin defensive toolkit is VERY good but has an Achilles Heel! H Awakened Soul does not do a good job of protecting the top of her head which means she has to hold some common types of ambiguous crossup oki whens she is knocked down and opponent can bait both of Shins options in pressure with a well-timed neutral jump
  • Lights/Normal Throw are stubby: While much improved over original Hisakos set, Shin Hisako inherits the weaknesses of poor range on her normal throw and poor range on her lights. This makes her more reliant on her specials on offense and defense where other characters would mash with light normal
KI2013 Shin Hisako CSS.png
Character Data
Forward Walk Speed 51f to cross two large training mode squares
Backwards Walk Speed 68f to cross two large training mode squares
Forward Dash Duration 33f
  • Throw Invul 14-16f
  • Vulnerable at teleported location on frame 16
  • Cancellable into jumping normal on frame 17
  • 4f of landing recovery
Backdash Duration 17f
Pre-Jump Frames 5f
Jump Duration 40f
Landing Recovery 4f
Advantage Post Grounded Combo Breaker -3