Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike

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Introduction goes here

Game Mechanics

Street Fighter 3 works much like any other 2-D fighting game. However, it also contains some special features that must be noted.

Parry- Tap forward (high/mid attack) or down (low attack) just as an opponent's attack is about to hit you. This will cause you to "parry" the attack. This is a much better proposition than blocking is usually because:

1) You take no damage from a successfully parried attack, and 2) You will have a slight advantage when either attacking, or parrying again, commonly refered to as the "parry freeze".

It should also be noted that even though you cannot block in the air, you may parry while airborne.

Red Parry- A "red parry" is performed by parrying after blocking a move. A common example of this is blocking most of Chun-li's SAII and parrying on the last hit. A red parry will give you a higher frame advantage than a normal parry.

Super Jump- Tap down and then almost immediatly press up. Super jumps by themselves are not especially handy, but are essential to characters with air-based supers such as Twelve or Akuma.

Jump Canceling- More of a trick than an actual system mechanic. A character with an aerial super may cancel, or flow into thier super from another move, by "jump-canceling". In every instance in 3rd Strike this is perfromed by pressing (cancelable move), d,df,f,uf,u,ub,b,db,d,df,f+P/K. This will register as both a super jump and the Super Art itself. You can of course do this other ways, but this is the easiest way I've found to do it.

Universal Overhead (UOH)- A very important part of the system. Every character has a built-in "turtle-breaker" that may be activated by pressing forward kick+medium punch. The character will perform a small hoping attack that must be guarded standing.

Personal Action/Taunt- By pressing Roundhouse Kick+Fierce Punch, the character will perform a taunt. This has a few effects:

1) Taunting will slightly increase your Super Arts meter. 2) Some characters, such as Akuma or Q receive a power-up from taunting. 3) Most character's taunts will cause damage on impact. This is only really of concern to Dudley, but i still find it worth mentioning.

Throws- By pressing Short Kick+Jab Punch while close to the opponent, you may grab them and preform a throw. By pressing away while grabbing, you will reverse screen sides after the throw. Throws may not be blocked.

Counter Throw- You may "tie" with an opponent's throw by inputting a throw command at the same time as she inputs hers.

Kara-Throwing- All characters may slightly extend the reach of their throws by inputing an appropriate normal move and quickly inputting a throw command. This is a very hard technique as you don't want to actually perform the normal, you just want to use the forward animation of the normal to "push" you slightly forward. Please refer to character sections for further details on each character's kara-throw.

Super Arts Selection System- Each character has three Super Arts to choose from. Each Super Art has a different amount of stocks (up to three) and a different meter length. The more powerful the SA, the longer the meter and the fewer stocks.

Negative Edge- This is a technique that allows moves to not only be read by the button press, but also by the button release. For example, if you were to press qcf+P while playing as Ryu, you would perfrom a Hadoken. You may also press the button down BEFORE the qcf and release it when you would normally press it. This means that every move has two chances to be read by the system.

Basic Strategy

Advanced Strategy

The Characters