Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Yang/2021/Introduction

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Yang is the younger twin brother of Yun. Yang is an introverted inline skater from Hong Kong. He's skilled in Chinese Kung Fu like his brother. Yang is eager to prove himself, moreso over his brother than anyone else, and can be condescending and sharp mouthed towards his opponents. He first appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation as a palette swap of Yun, before gaining a unique moveset in SF III: 2nd Impact.

Yang has the signature Twins command grab and divekicks, while also having fast walk speed. His pressure is more straightforward than Yun's, using his Rekkas to consolidate his gameplan. It can be tough to find an opening out of Yang's pressure as only the final hit of his rekkas are punishable on block. His corner carry is extremely potent, and with his command dash he can create oki situations even if he knocks his opponent far away. He lacks the capability of meterlessly converting off lights, unlike his older brother. Though he has some strong options upclose, from a distance he has to commit/gamble more due to slower and punishable ranged options or getting little reward from being unable to convert.

Super Arts

SA1: Raishin Mahhaken

7f startup, fully invincible, single long bar super. It has the same range of yang's st.hp, and deals 465 points of damage (more than 40%), and is +1 on block(!). Aside from the fact this super so slow, you can't combo it easily from light attacks, its a single bar, meaning you have to avoid using EX slashes if you want the super. The least commonly used.

SA2: Tenshin Senkyuutai

1f startup, invincible, 2 medium bar super. it deals 315 (around 25%), and has yang rolling the ground, only starting the attack once an opponent is in nearly point blank reach. the super itself is pretty decent - easily combos, can be used as a reversal, allows for an optional free size switch, automatic oki, etc. The real gold of this super is the tons of meter you get, so you are going to be preferring to use ex slashes a lot more, due to how good it is.

SA3: Sei-ei Enbu

Install super, with a very short bar, about as long as genei jin's. the super's effects are more comparable to Rose's Soul Illusion than Custom Combos - all of yang's moves repeat twice by his backshadows. Unfortunately, this super isn't very good for the most part - ex slashes aside, the damage from this combos scale fast, doesn't give his normals super move properties, doesn't fill meter from landed hit while super is active, not much utility in neutral. This super would be awful, if not for its unblockable setups. if setup is done right, you can divekick the opponent with the shadows hitting meaty, then have a hit simultaneously, creating a high-low unblockable. this is only effective against certain characters, with a hitbox tall enough so that they can't escape with only a single parry