JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Black Polnareff/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki
HFTF Bpol 5A.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
1 (1) 4 (4) 13 (9) - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+5 (+9) {{{block}}} - 5A, 2A and 5A, 2B / CrC / Special, Super Mid and Air UB

A quick jab. Can link into 2B and 2C on its own and into 5B and 5C from a crouch cancel. Works well as a close/late anti-air. Important note: the framedata that's in parenthesis is for the CrC'd variant of 5A.

HFTF Bpol 5B.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
- - - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
- {{{block}}} - - -