JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/DIO/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Pros Cons

+ Super fast and responsive movement, arguably the best in the game

+ Great damage on his normals and combos

+ Very good, strong set of normals

+ Great meter build

+ Very stylish and long, damaging combos

+ Has access to 2 of the best supers in the game, s.on knives (s236aa) and tandem (214s)

+ Is overall very cool and has the best theme song in the game

- Extremely steep learning curve, requiring very good execution in order to pull off DIO's basic combos

- Generally tall and wide stature resulting in DIO becoming a bigger target to hit

- Lackluster mix-ups, giving DIO a hard time opening opponents up

- Weak defensive options, like a good guard cancel, especially when he has no access to meter

- Terrible grab, punishable on hit, often with a full combo, by almost the entire cast

- Many abso-fucking-lutely cancerously bad moves, most notably s.623x, 214aa, 236aa and his guard cancel & grab especially