Ninja Masters/Unzen

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< Ninja Masters
Revision as of 06:55, 8 February 2021 by GS Darkus (talk | contribs) (Fixed the format of the page. Added move templates.)
Nm unzen select.png


Unarmed Weapon
Unzen-sprite1.gif Unzen-sprite2.gif


Normally a big kind-hearted guy becomes blindlly violent when drunk.

After kicked out of the mountain temple which he entered for training, he has secluded himself in the mountains to continue training.


Unzen, the grappler of the game. Compared to other characters he is terrible, having slow movement, bad pokes, no real pressure and really limited combos. However... He has a big catch, his tick throws are excellent and, more importantly, his Power Move can be confirmed by a simple knockdown. This turns him into a character that the opponent must be afraid of when he is close, because if he gets a chance to land a simple A, C or Knockdown, it will be a lot of pain for them.

Pros and Cons

+ His damage output is really good.

+ Even being slow, can deal with projectiles thanks to his Lariat-like move.

+ Excellent counter move for mind games and reads.

- He is a big and slow target, meaning he suffers a lot from crossups.

- No reliable way to deal with the opponent's pressure.

- His best pokes aren't that big of a deal.

- If the opponent plays keep away or turtling tactics then he gets a lot of troubles to get it.

Move list




Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -



Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -



Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


D.png Kof.lp.png
Ninjamas Unz2A-2.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Ninjamas Unz2B-2.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


D.png Kof.sp.png
Ninjamas Unz2C.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Ninjamas Unz2D.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -



Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Version Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
Neutral - - - - - - - - - -


Diagonal - - - - - - - - - -


Version Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
Neutral - - - - - - - - - -


Diagonal - - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Command Normals

Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -

Overhead. Staggers the opponent if connects as an overhead.

Ninjamas Unz6A-2.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -

Overhead. Staggers the opponent if connects as an overhead.

Universal Mechanics

Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - low no 1 - - - -

Unarmed, Unzen grabs the opponent and slams them.

Armed, He uses his Hammr to do a homrun swing on the opponent.

This is really outclassed by his command grabs.

Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - no 1 - - - -

Only works on crouching opponents. Launches on a juggling state, but Unzen has almost no options to do with it. However, is really usefull to do Okizeme 1214 plays. Use it to susrpise turtlings.

Special Moves

Dai Gokusa Tu Geki
Ninjamas Unz1214P.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - no - - - - -

Command Grab with nice range. Unzen grab the opponent and slamms them on the ground for excellent damage. (half bar to be exact) Your main grab and the one you really want to learn how to tick properly because it hurts, a lot. If you have meter, you can do Power Move after it to erase full and a third of the opponent's health from a simple tick.

Even tho the input is 1214+P, the game will accept 214214P too.

Heavier versions make Unzen jump higher and furter, increasing the damage a bit.

Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - no - - - - -

Unzen does a stance and waits for hits. Reversal move that only counters mids. Usefull to counter your opponent's heavies.

Dai Funsai Geki
Ninjamas UnzBD.png
- - - - - - - - - -

Similar to Zangief's lariat, this move ignores projectiles and is a really good anti-air. Can be comboed into and is Unzen's main defensive tool. You will need to get used to this move if you want to score wins.

Daichi Meido
Ninjamas Unz63214P-1.png
Version Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
Light - - - mid - - - - - -
Heavy - - - mid - - - - - -
EX - - - mid - - - - - -

Unzen jumps and slams the ground creating a fire that damages the opponent even if the hit missed. This move is pretty usefull to close the distance bewteen you and the opponent, but use it sparingly since is unsafe on block.

Heavier versions make Unzen jump further and create a bigger flame that lasts longer.

Zan Ge Kaku Go
Qcf.png+K.png (x3)
Ninjamas Unz236K-1.png
Ninjamas Unz236K-2.png
Ninjamas Unz236K-3.png
Version Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
Light - - - - - - - - - -
Heavy - - - - - - - - - -
EX - - - - - - - - - -

Unzen hits the opponent for each consecutive " qcf + K " . Good damage and knockdown, easy to combo into.

Heavier versions travel further.

Zan Nin Sabaki
- - - - - - - - - -

Unzen does a long range hit with his hammer. Hits 2 times and can be comboed into pretty easely.

All versions are the same.

- - - - - - - - - -

Command throw with good range. Unzen grabs the opponent and slams him into the ground. Good move to tick into and leaves the opponent on a perfect position for Power Move.

All versions are the same.

Spirit Gauge

Power Move

Mei Mya Kumi Zin
Version Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - - -

Unzen charges meter, once is full he runs towards the opponent and grabs them. If you are hit during the charge you keep it, so you can sacrifice some health for meter. The strongest point with this move is that, if you do this while the opponent is knocked down and you reach him, he can do nothing to avoid this move, he can't jump or mash anything to get away. This move turns Unzen's knockdowns into a real threat for the opponent.

Combo Super

Surging Waves Flame
Chain Combo Ender
Ninjamas UnzCS.png
Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -

Unzen uses burning fire sumo slaps on the opponent. Fire knockdown. If done during Armed stance it changes to Unarmed stance.

Desperation Move

Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -

Command grab, almost point blank range. If whiffs, Unzen does a single headbutt that knocksdown on hit and is bad on block.


Damage Meter Stun Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block
- - - - - - - - - -

Unzen executes a hit grab with short range, but a superb damage. Can be comboed into after a stagger.


Weapon Combos

Weapon Chain Attacks 
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> LP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
LP close        HP               f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                LK               HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

f + LP (O) ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
                                 f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                                 HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

Kick Starters
LK far (_) ---> LP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
LK close (_)    HP               f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                LK               HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

Unarmed Combos

Chain Attacks 
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> HP        -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
LP close        LK               HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

HP far     ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
                f + HP (T, E)    HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

Kick Starters
LK far (_) ---> HP        -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
LK close (_)    LK               HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

Game Navigation
