Ninja Masters/Unzen

From SuperCombo Wiki
Nm unzen select.png


Unarmed Weapon
Unzen-sprite1.gif Unzen-sprite2.gif


Normally a big kind-hearted guy becomes blindlly violent when drunk.

After kicked out of the mountain temple which he entered for training, he has secluded himself in the mountains to continue training.


Unzen, the grappler of the game. Compared to other characters he is terrible, having slow movement, bad pokes, no real pressure and really limited combos. However... He has a big catch, his tick throws are excellent and, more importantly, his Power Move can be confirmed by a simple knockdown. This turns him into a character that the opponent must be afraid of when he is close, because if he gets a chance to land a simple A, C or Knockdown, it will be a lot of pain for them.

    • Pros and Cons**
    • +** His damage output is really good.
    • +** Even being slow, can deal with projectiles thanks to his Lariat-like move.
    • +** Excellent counter move for mind games and reads.
    • -** He is a big and slow target, meaning he suffers a lot from crossups.
    • -** No reliable way to deal with the opponent's pressure.
    • -** His best pokes aren't that big of a deal.
    • -** If the opponent plays keep away or turtling tactics then he gets a lot of troubles to get it.

Move list

Normal Moves

Command Moves


f + LP

overhead; staggers opponent

if it connects as an overhead

Special Moves

Inga Oho

down, down-back, back, up-back, up + P:

A counter move.

Unzen shakes his fist in an angry manner; if he is hit, he punches the opponent away.

Dai Chi Meido

hcb + P:

Unzen leaps in to the air and slams his fists down on the ground, creating a small patch of fire where he lands.

He leaps a tiny distance for the weak version, and about three quarters of the screen for the fierce and powered versions.

The powered version results in a larger patch of fire.

Dai Gokusatu Geki

qcb, hcb + P:

Command throw.

Unzen grabs the opponent and leaps in to the air, slamming them on the ground.

He leaps particularly high for the powered version.

Face Slam

hcf + B:

Command throw.

Unzen slams the opponent on the ground hard.

Zange Kakugo

qcf + K three times:

Unzen slides forward and punches the opponent, spins at them, then punches yet again, knocking them down.

He slides further forward for the powered version.

Dai Funsai Geki

B + D:

Unzen spins with his fists clenched together. Works as anti-air; you can slide forward or backwards while doing it simply by hitting forward or back ( of course. )

Unzen can avoid fireballs with this move.

Meimyaku Mizin

charge back, forward + AC:

Unzen charges up, filling his super meter.

He then rushes forward, and if he grabs the opponent, he gives them a bear hug, causing quite a bit of damage.

Note: If you get knocked out of this while charging, you retain the energy you charged in your super meter.

If this move is done when your super meter is full, he only charges for a split second.

Obviously, this move empties your super meter.

Super Combo Ender

A, B, B, forward B:

Unzen's hands catch on fire, and he does that sumo "slapping " thing on the opponent.


Weapon Combos

Weapon Chain Attacks 
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> LP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
LP close        HP               f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                LK               HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

f + LP (O) ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
                                 f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                                 HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

Kick Starters
LK far (_) ---> LP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> HP (E)
LK close (_)    HP               f + LP           f + HP (SE, U)  
                LK               HK               d + HP (E)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)
                                 LP (E)

Unarmed Combos

Chain Attacks 
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> HP        -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
LP close        LK               HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

HP far     ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
                f + HP (T, E)    HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

Kick Starters
LK far (_) ---> HP        -----> HP         ----> f + LP (O)----> HP (E)
LK close (_)    LK               HK               f + HP (SE)
                                 f + HP (T, E)    d + HK (_, E)

Deadly Move

Yomi Okuri

back, hcb, forward + AC:

Unzen grabs the opponent and headbutts them several times.

Super Deadly Move


qcb, hcf + AC (without weapon):

Unzen grabs the opponent, punches them a few times, then hits them away with one massive punch.

Game Navigation
