Ninja Masters/Goemon

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< Ninja Masters
Revision as of 15:51, 31 January 2021 by GS Darkus (talk | contribs) (→‎Special Moves: Improved descriptions)
Nm gaemon select.png


Unarmed Weapon
Goemon-sprite1.gif Goemon-sprite2.gif


A lone-wolf thief who has kept the country astir.

Steals only from those who fill their pockets through bad deeds, however, and gives away the wealth to orphans and poor people.

Having heard rumors of the Golden Palace, seeks it as the next target.


As a thief, Goemon excells on both Hit n' Run and keepaway. Featuring good pokes, a low projectile, defensive moves and one of the best (if not the best) regular throw on the game, capable to get an excellent damage from it while escaping from dangerous situations.


+ Chain Command Normals are great pokes

+ Specials for both agressive and defensive game

+ Regular Throw allows to get really good damage anywhere on the screen

+ Supers are allowed to condition your opponent to avoid dangerous situations


- His best damage requires meter

- No really good combo chains outside hit confirms

- Mixups are extremely hard to do and not really worth the reward

- The weapon is more a handicap than anything else

- Can't really execute any pressure without getting punished

Move list

Command Moves

Flying Kick

Dash Forward, df + HK


Long Palm Strike

f + LP

overhead; staggers opponent if it connects as an overhead


df + LP

Unarmed move. overhead; staggers opponent if it connects as an overhead. Starts a chain combo.

Chained Weight

d + HP in air


Ball And Chain

d + HP

Hits 2 times. Low guard. Special Cancelable.

Hidden Chains

b + HP

Good Range and priority normal, has some startup.

Long Palm Strike

f + LP

overhead; staggers opponent if it connects as an overhead

Special Moves


qcf+P (without weapon):

Goemon throws a spiked iron ball which rolls along the ground. Useful move to pester your opponent from afar and trick on fireball wars.

A version is slow and does low damage. Allows some mixups

B bersion is faster and does a bit more damage.

A+B version is gold-coloured and has a " fire " effect when it hits. Faster than the regular versions.


qcf+P (with weapon):

Goemon shoots a fireball out of his cannon. Kinda slow and fire effect. Not effective on fireball wars.

A version is slow.

B version has regular speed.

A+B version is pretty fast and does good damage.


qcb+P (without weapon):

Goemon waves his arm and creates a trail of fire. Good multi purpose move, can be comboed and is a situational anti-air.

A version is the fastest one and the easier one to combo into.

B version is kinda slower but has better damage and seems to has more active frames.

A+B version hits 2 times from point blank, best damage from all. Your go to move for finishing combos or after a throw.


dp, hold df +P:

Goemon throws a bomb at an angle while leaping backwards. Mostly used for trickery get-aways. If you hold the button Goemon will delay the throw and the hop, but if the opponent touches the bomb, it will explode immediatly.

A version is the weaker but also the safer one.

B version has better damage but is also risky.

A+B has the best damage from all, but is also the most unsafe one.

Tekkyu Kaengoku

qcb, f+AB:

Goemon slams a large ball and chain on to the ground. It hits on the initial swing so it can be a preemptive anti-air. Also allows cheap kills or some slight blockstrings.

A+B version without full meter does good damage.

A+B version with full meter does more damage and fire knockdown, empties your gauge. Not really usefull, you better save your meter to power-up your specials.

Tenchu Baku

qcf+K (three times):

Goemon hits the opponent for each consecutive " qcf + K " . Good damage and knockdown, easy to combo into.

All versions are the same.

Savage Beating

rdp + D:

command throw.

Unnarmed, Goemon hits the opponent and then smacks him on the ground. Perfect positioning for a mixup after it

If his weapon is drawn, he loads the cannon and shoots them almost a screen away. Not particulary usefull outside of start your keepaway game once again.

Super Combo Ender

A,df+A,B,f + B:

Goemon hits the opponent several times, then throws them in to the air and blasts them away with a large energy punch.


Weapon Combos

Weapon Chains
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> qcf + HP (E)
LP close     |  LK           |                    f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                    d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> LK         ----> HP       -----> qcf + HP (E)
             |               |                 |  f + LP (O, E)   f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                 |  d + HK (_, E)   d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 -> HK       -----> HK (O, L, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

f + LP (O) ---> f + HP (O, E)

df + LP (O)---> HP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> qcf + HP (E)
                f + LP (O, E)    f + HP (SE)                      f + HP (O, E)
                                 qcf + HP (E)                     d + HK (_, E)

HP close (*)--> HP        -----> qcf + HP (E)
             |                   f + HP (O, E)
             |                   d + HK (_, E)
             -> LK        -----> HP         ----> qcf + HP (E)
             |               |   f + LP (O, E)    f + HP (O, E)
             |               |   d + HK (_, E)    d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

Kick Starters
LK close (_)--> HP        -----> qcf + HP (E)
             |                   f + HP (O, E)
             |                   d + HK (_, E)
             -> LK        -----> HP         ----> qcf + HP (E)
             |                |  f + LP (O, E)    f + HP (O, E)
             |                |  d + HK (_, E)    d + HK (_, E)
             |                |
             |                |
             |                -> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)   

HK close (*)--> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> qcf + HP (E)
             |  LK           |                    f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                    d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> LK         ----> HP       -----> qcf + HP (E)
             |               |                 |  f + LP (O, E)   f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                 |  d + HK (_, E)   d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 -> HK       -----> HK (O, L, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

Unarmed Combos

Chain Attacks 
Punch Starters        
LP far     ---> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> f + HP (O, E)
LP close     |  LK           |                    d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> LK         ----> HP       -----> f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                 |  b + HP (E)      d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |  f + LP (O, E)  
             |               |                 |  d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 -> HK       -----> HK (O, L, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

f + LP (O) ---> f + HP (O, E)

df + LP (O)---> HP        -----> HP         ----> HP       -----> f + HP (O, E)
                f + LP (O, E)    f + HP (SE)                      d + HK (_, E)

HP close (*)--> HP        -----> f + HP (O, E)
             |                   d + HK (_, E)
             -> LK        -----> HP         ----> f + HP (O, E)
             |               |   b + HP (E)       d + HK (_, E)
             |               |   f + LP (O, E)   
             |               |   d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

Kick Starters
LK close (_)--> HP        -----> f + HP (O, E)
             |                   d + HK (_, E)
             -> LK        -----> HP         ----> f + HP (O, E)
             |                |  b + HP (E)       d + HK (_, E)
             |                |  f + LP (O, E)     
             |                |  d + HK (_, E)
             |                |
             |                |
             |                -> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)   

HK close (*)--> HP (*)    -----> HP         ----> f + HP (O, E)
             |  LK           |                    d + HK (_, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> LK         ----> HP       -----> f + HP (O, E)
             |               |                 |  b + HP (E)      d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |  f + LP (O, E)   
             |               |                 |  d + HK (_, E)
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 |
             |               |                 -> HK       -----> HK (O, L, E)
             |               |
             |               |
             |               --> HK         ----> HK (O, L, E)
             -> HK        -----> HK (O, L, E)

Deadly Move

Rekka Messtusyo

b, dp + AC:

Goemon makes a burst of fire appear in his hand, then does a flaming swing.

Super Deadly Move

Secret Arsenal

rdp, f + AC (without weapon):

Goemon lifts his arms and lets a variety of pointy implements on chains spring out of his sleeves.

Game Navigation
