Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Terry

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Character Colors



Full name: Terry Bogard.
Birthdate: March 15, 1971; 35 years old.
Birthplace: United States.
Height: 182cm (5' 11").
Weight: 81kg (179 lbs).
Blood type: O.
Family/Relatives: Jeff Bogard (adoptive father), Andy Bogard (brother), Rock Howard (adoptive son).
Job/Occupation: None (does part time work to get by).
Likes: Jeff's gloves, vintage jeans, Ukee (his pet monkey).
Dislikes: Slugs.
Hobbies: Playing video games, trawling, wall painting.
Favorite food: Fast-food, clubhouse sandwiches made by Rock.
Forte in sports: Basketball.
Special skill: Making 50 3-pointer shots in a row.
Most unpleasant: Cigarettes.
Favorite music: Rock and Country.
Fighting style: Martial arts and street fighting.


Terry Bogard (テリー・ボガード, Terī Bogādo), the "Legendary Hungry Wolf". After the events of the previous games in the series, Terry took Rock Howard, the young son of his deceased arch-nemesis, Geese Howard, under his wing, developing a father-son bond with the boy and teaching him how to fend for himself as they traveled the world together.

Now, ten years later, he and a teenager Rock are back in South Town (properly re-named "Second South"), to participate in the "King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem" tournament, in order to test and improve their skills; with no knowledge of the true plans of the sinister mastermind behind the scheduled event...

Quick Analysis

Terry is, overall, considered a mid-tier character in this game, with strong offensive and defensive tools that, however, are by no means flawless. His Specials are too much unsafe on block (sometimes, even on hit), so he can't really rushdown his enemies without enourmous amounts of caution; on the other hand, his excelent normals, both in the air and on the ground, allow him to stand up to his foes with a good zoning and defensive game.

Thanks to his Feint Cancels, hIs bread and butter combos are some of the best in the game, perfectly capable of doing insane amounts of damage, specially in the corner, where he also dominates with his blockstrings and resets that can easily grant him a Guard Crush opportunity if he plays unpredictably (so much that he is considered a beast in short sets, where his lockdown pressure is less obvious). His Break Special, too, is excelent, doubling as one of the best Anti-Airs in the game (that, unfortunately, is still unsafe on block, so it must still be used carefuly).

Play at your own pace, don't let the opponent gain momentum and control the flow of the match, and you are good to go.



Buster Throw
F.gif (Close) + Snkc.gif
B.gif (Close) + Snkc.gif

Command Moves

Double Combination
Snkc.gif > F.gifSnkc.gif

Special Moves

Power Wave
Qcf.gif + Punch.gif
Burning Knuckle
Qcf.gif + Punch.gif
Crack Shoot
Qcb.gif + Kick.gif
Power Dunk (Break)
Dp.gif + Kick.gif
Power Charge
F.gif , F.gif + Punch.gif x3

Super Moves

Power Geyser
Qcf.gif Qcf.gif + Punch.gif
Buster Wolf
Qcf.gif Qcf.gif + Kick.gif

T.O.P. Attack

Max Dunk
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif

Cancel Ability

When a move can be canceled, it can either be canceled into a Special, a Super or a Feint. Some moves that can't be canceled when they hit can be canceled when the opponent blocks, while some moves that can be Special/Super canceled cannot be Feint Canceled.

Command Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Feint Cancel
Far Snka.gif O O O
Far Snkb.gif X X X
Far Snkc.gif X X X
Far Snkd.gif X O O (on block)
Close Snka.gif O O O
Close Snkb.gif O O O
Close Snkc.gif O O O
Close Snkd.gif O (1st hit) O (1st hit) O (1st hit)
Down.gif Snka.gif O O O
Down.gif Snkb.gif O O O
Down.gif Snkc.gif O O O
Down.gif Snkd.gif X X X
jump Snka.gif NA NA NA
jump Snkb.gif NA NA NA
jump Snkc.gif NA NA NA
jump Snkd.gif NA NA NA
hop Snka.gif NA NA NA
hop Snkb.gif NA NA NA
hop Snkc.gif NA NA NA
hop Snkd.gif NA NA NA
Snka.gif + Snkb.gif NA NA NA
Down.gif + Snka.gif + Snkb.gif O X
Close Snkc.gif, F.gif + Snkc.gif X X X

Frame Data

Legend :

 Command = the input for the attack.
Start Up = How many start up frames an attack has.
Hit = When the attack hits.
Block = When the attack is blocked.
+ signifies how many advantage frames the attacker has.
- signifies how many disadvantage frames the attacker has.
KD means the attack will knock the opponent down.

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Close Snka.gif 3 +7 +7
Close Snkb.gif 4 +3 +3
Close Snkc.gif 5 -5 -5
---F.gif + Snkc.gif 5 +4 +4
Close Snkd.gif 7 -2 -2
Far Snka.gif 4 +4 +4
Far Snkb.gif 5 +1 +1
Far Snkc.gif 11 -2 -2
Far Snkd.gif 9 -5 -5
Down.gif Snka.gif 4 +6 +6
Down.gif Snkb.gif 5 +6 +6
Down.gif Snkc.gif 7 +6 +6
Down.gif Snkd.gif 8 KD -15
Snka.gif + Snkb.gif 26 -1 +5
Down.gif + Snka.gif + Snkb.gif 8 -14 -8
Qcb.gif + Snka.gif 14 KD -12
Qcb.gif + Snkc.gif 23 KD -10
Qcb.gif + Snkb.gif 22 -2 -2
Qcb.gif + Snkd.gif 20 KD -13
Dp.gif + Snkb.gif 3 KD -4
Dp.gif + Snkb.gif (Break) 3 KD -2
Dp.gif + Snkd.gif 3 KD -11
Dp.gif + Snkd.gif (Break) 3 KD -2
Qcf.gif + Snka.gif 11 -6 -6
Qcf.gif + Snkc.gif 11 -11 -11
F.gif, F.gif + Snka.gif 11 -7 -7
---F.gif, F.gif + Snka.gif ? KD -16
-----F.gif, F.gif + Snka.gif ? KD -18
F.gif, F.gif + Snkc.gif 20 +7 +7
---F.gif, F.gif + Snkc.gif ? KD +2
-----F.gif, F.gif + Snkc.gif ? KD -13
Snkc.gifSnkd.gif 15 KD -15
Qcf.gif, Qcf.gif + Snka.gif 7 KD -38
Qcf.gif, Qcf.gif + Snkc.gif 3 KD -68
Qcf.gif, Qcf.gif + Snkb.gif 8 KD -17
Qcf.gif, Qcf.gif + Snkd.gif 4 KD -34

Data from Howard's Arena

Hitboxes and Attack Notes

Buster Throw

Garou Terry Grab.jpg

Command Total Frames
Close B.gif/F.gif + Snkc.gif 9

Terry's regular Throw. Not the best, but not the worst either, specially when you take into consideration the fact that, in case the Throw fails, a cl. C will come out instead, and that's one of Terry's best normals; which can be Feint Canceled, or just jumped right into his target combo (two pretty safe options).

You can use this to set up some tricky crossup situations. For example, after performing a midscreen backthrow, run just a little bit and then jump with Terry's j. C: if done correctly, the enemy will get hit in the back at a pretty deceptive angle (this can be done with a regular throw, but a backthrow seems to be easier). A similar setup works in the corner, and it's even better: after throwing his enemy into the corner, and running just a little before perfoming a jump, even if the enemy has his back against the corner, he will have to change his block direction because of a bug that will leave him standing up at the opposite direction of Terry's.

Forward Feint

Garou Terry ForwardTaunt.jpg

Command Total Frames
F.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif x

Terry's best Feint Cancel option by far, since it makes him advance slightly, lessening the impact of the pushback from his attacks and allowing him to land more blows. This is core to Terry's gameplay.

Down Feint

Garou Terry DownTaunt.jpg

Command Total Frames
Down.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif x

Almost completely uselesss, stick with the forward one. It's a thousand times better. This one moves Terry backwards way too much, so Feint Canceling with this is a waste of time. You could, once in a blue moon, use this to actualy fool your opponent into thinking you're going for a Burning Knuckle, and that would be you searching really, really hard for a reason to use this at all.

cl. A

Garou Terry cl.A.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Close Snka.gif 3 +7 +7

As fast as it can get with a 3F startup, this is a pretty good button to mash around when your about to score a Guard Crush. Good poke, cancelable into Specials, and starter of a few basic combos. Also works as an Anti-Air, specially after a crossunder.

cl. B

Garou Terry cl.B.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Close Snkb.gif 4 +3 +3

Canceled right into a Power Dunk, this is mostly used as an Anti-GC option on the enemy's wake-up. The only other use this move has is annoying you when it comes out on accident when you are trying to use a st. B as Anti-Air.

cl. B

Garou Terry cl.C.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Close Snkc.gif 5 -5 -5

If the foward Feint Cancel is the heart of Terry's gameplay, this move is certainly the soul: good startup, excelent blockstun and hitbox positioning, fairly safe on block, Feint Cancelable, Special and Super cancelable, blockstring and combo starter (including his target one), throw button, this move has it all. Expect to use this a lot.

cl. D

Garou Terry cl.D.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Close Snkd.gif 7 -2 -2

Very few uses for this one, unfortunately. It hits twice, but it's cancelable only on the first hit, so you can't exactly use this to beat out GC attempts (well, you can, but there are far better options). It can work as an Anti-Air too at certain ranges.

far. A

Garou Terry s.A.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Far Snka.gif 4 +4 +4

Basicaly the same as his cl. A, except that is has a far better range. Fast poke, good for intercepting dashers. Also doubles as a pretty decent Anti-Air (even better after a crossunder). Special and Super cancelable. This move also works as a frame trap to beat out opponents trying to engage you after blocking something, like Terry's Power Wave.

far. B

Garou Terry s.B.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Far Snkb.gif 5 +1 +1

This move isn't Special cancelable. However, it works as one of Terry's best Anti-Airs, since it has a deceptively large hitbox and speed. It's also pretty safe in case the opponent empty-jumps at you, trying to Air-JD your Anti-Air, since the pushback won't allow him to counter-attack. At precise rangers, this move will beat out hop and jump attempts, acting as a preemptive Anti-Air of sorts. Good frame trap when followed by a far. A, for example.

far. C

Garou Terry s.C.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Far Snkc.gif 11 -2 -2

Pretty horrible normal. Not only is this button ungodly slow, it's also unsafe on block, and it's not even Feint, Special, or Super cancelable. Avoid this.

far. D

Garou Terry s.D.jpg.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Far Snkd.gif 9 -5 -5

A little slow, but it has good damage and nice range, allowing it to be used as poke at far distances (with caution and moderation, of course). This isn't cancelable on hit, but it is cancelable on block, making this move a prime candidate of corner resets with Terry's Power Charge.

cr. A

Garou Terry cr.A.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Down.gif Snka.gif 4 +6 +6

One frame faster than Terry's crouching light kick (but it doesn't hit low, making it less useful). Good frame advantage on block and on hit, also Special and Super cancelable. An average normal.

cr. B

Garou Terry cr.B.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Down.gif Snkb.gif 5 +6 +6

Very good normal. Good range, fast startup, Special and Super cancelable, and it has to be defended low; as such, this move is a great add to Terry's overall mixup game when used as a meaty. The hitstun in this also allows for some nice and easy hit confirms. It's also sometimes used as a frame trap with Terry's run (run a little, cr. B, run a little, cr. B again), but it's not something that should be abused.

cr. C

Garou Terry cr.C.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Down.gif Snkc.gif 7 +6 +6

Another excelent normal. Average startup and solid range turns this move into one of Terry's most commonly seen combo finishers. It's also his best way to punish unsafe moves at mid-ranges.

cr. D

Garou Terry cr.D.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Down.gif Snkd.gif 8 KD -15

Terry's sweep is easily one of the worst in the game, with just atrocious disadvantage on block. It has some speed and, of course, it can score a knockdown, but that's pretty much it. Should be used sparringly.

Garou Terry j.A.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Jumping Snka.gif 4 ? ?

Garou Terry j.B.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Jumping Snkb.gif 5 ? ?

Garou Terry j.C.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Jumping Snkc.gif 7 ? ?

Garou Terry j.D.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Jumping Snkd.gif 9 ? ?

Garou Terry AB.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Snka.gif + Snkb.gif 26 -1 +5

Garou Terry 2AB-1.jpgGarou Terry 2AB-2.jpgGarou Terry 2AB-3.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Down.gif + Snka.gif + Snkb.gif 8 -14 -8

Garou Terry CD.jpg

Command Start Up Hit Guard
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 14 KD -11

Attack Notes

To come.


  • s.Snka.gif/s.Snkc.gif
    • Qcb.gifSnka.gif
    • Qcf.gif.Snkc.gif
    • Qcf.gifQcf.gif.Snka.gif
  • s.Snka.gif,s.Snka.gif,s.Snka.gif, (F.gif,F.gif.Snka.gif)x3
  • s.Snkc.gif,Dp.gifSnkd.gifxxSnka.gifSnkb.gif, Qcf.gifQcf.gif.Snkb.gif
  • Qcb.gif.Snkd.gif(ch), Dp.gifSnkd.gifxxSnka.gifSnkb.gif, Qcf.gifQcf.gif.Snkb.gif
  • (s.Snkc.gif(c), fc)x2 2.Snkc.gif, Qcf.gif.Snka.gif/Snkc.gif
  • (Corner) F.gif,F.gif.Snkc.gif,(s.Snkc.gif(c),fc)x2, 2.Snkc.gif,fc,2.Snkc.gif,Qcf.gif.Snkc.gif/Qcb.gif.Snka.gif.
  • (Corner) s.Snkc.gif>F.gifSnkc.gif,Dp.gifKxxSnka.gifSnkb.gif,Qcf.gifQcf.gif.Snkb.gif

T.O.P. Notes

To come.

Overall Strategy

To come.

Matchup Notes

To come.

Advanced Tactics

To come.

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