Ultra Street Fighter IV/Rufus

From SuperCombo Wiki
Ultra Street Fighter IVUSFIV-Header.png


SSFIV-Rufus Face.jpg

Despite his appearances, Rufus's speed and mastery of his self-taught martial arts have managed to help Rufus make a name for himself in the Street Fighting circuit. Though he has yet to truly prove himself, Rufus has declared himself America's best warrior. However, he knows the only way to truly prove this is a match with Ken Masters, the true champion of America's Street Fighting circuit. But, as he is willing to tell anyone (in many, many, many, many words), there is no way he will lose that fight.

In a nutshell

The epitome of the Dive Kick character, Rufus's strength lies almost entirely in his Dive Kick game. Also aiding in Rufus's strategy is his myriad of ways to combo his Ultra I for big damage and big comebacks. Rufus is perhaps one of the easiest characters to pick up in the game, but it turns out at the highest levels RUfus may be one of the trickiest characters to use. Defeating opponents is not simple with his weak set of Normal Moves, but if you can get into your opponent's head properly with his Dive Kick mix-up game and extremely powerful EX Messiah Kick, you can go very far with Rufus.

Players to Watch

Inco (Japan)
Andreas (UK)
Ricki Ortiz (US)
Justin Wong (US)
Kindevu (Japan)
Haitani (Japan)

Ultra SFIV Changes

(From Ultra SFIV Arcade Japan)

  • Forward Throw: Damage reduced to 135 from 150
  • Stand MP: Can now be canceled into Special Moves, Super, or EX Focus Attack
  • Stand MK: Active Frames increased to 2 frames from 1 frame
  • Target Combo (LK --> HK): On block now -8 from -5
  • Messiah Kick: Light version given Juggle Potential (exact data unknown)
  • Low Attack: Recovery increased to 22 frames from 19 frames
  • Mid Attack: Recovery increased to 19 frames from 17 frames
  • EX Messiah Kick: Reduced maximum height to make it less likely to pass over crouching opponents
  • EX Messiah Kick: Startup invincibility reduced to frames 1-13 from frames 1-16;
  • Spectacle Romance (SC): 2nd hit Hitbox expanded to the tip of the fist
  • Space Opera Symphony (UC1): Damage reduced to 420 from 460
  • Big Bang Typhoon (UC2): Damage reduced to 360 from 420

(New to Ultra SFIV Console Digital Release)

  • Close HP: Hitbox expanded downward
  • EX Snake Strike: Bug causing the move to not activate when the simultaneous P button timing was off by 1 frame fixed
  • High Attack: Juggle Potential increased to 2 from 1
  • EX Messiah Kick: 2nd hit and after now given Juggle Potential (exact data unknown)

Character Specific Data


Health: 1050 Stun: 950 W-Ultra Scaling: 75%
Forward Walk Speed: 0.045 Forward Dash Distance: 1.14
Back Walk Speed: 0.03 Forward Dash Total Frames: 20
JUMPING Back Dash Distance: 0.94
Jump Height Apex: 1.81 Back Dash Total Frames: 27
Jump Total Frames: 43 (4+39) Back Dash Invincibility: 8
Forward Jump Distance: 2.28 Back Dash Airborne: 17
Back Jump Distance 2.28 Back Dash Recovery: 2
Forward Throw Range: 0.90 Face Up Total Frames: 31
Back Throw Range: 0.90 Face Down Total Frames: 21
High Attacks: Vulture Kick, Mid Attack Hard Knockdowns: Crouch HK, Low Attack, Mid Attack
Low Attacks: Crouch LK, Crouch MK, Crouch HK, Glory Kick, Low Attack Armor Breakers: High Attack, Galactic Tornado, EX Galatic Tornado, Spectacle Romance, Space Opera Symphony, Big Bang Typhoon
Level 1 Focus Startup Frames: 21 L1 EX Red Focus Attack Combo Lead-Ins: Close HP, Close HK, LP/MP/HP Galactic Tornado (1st Hit), EX Galatic Tornado (1st Vacuum Hit)
Level 2 Focus Startup Frames: 29
Level 3 Focus Startup Frames: 58
L1 Focus Attack Forward Dash: -4 L2 FA Forward Dash (On Block): +2
L1 Focus Attack Back Dash: -11 L2 FA Back Dash (On Block): -5

Frame Data (At A Glance)

More detailed Frame Data Table at bottom of page.

Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Close LP Close Jab.gif 30 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 4 2 7 2 5
Close MP Close Strong.gif 80 100 40 HL sp/su 5 2 10 2 5
Close HP Close Fierce.gif 100 200 60 HL sp/su 6 2 23 -7 -2
Close LK Close Short.gif 30 50 20 HL - 4 2 6 3 6
Close MK Close Forward.gif 30*50 50*50 40*20 HL sp/su*- 7 2(4)3 11 0 3
Close HK Close Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 HL su 8 2 21 -5 0
Far LP Far Jab.gif 20 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 5 2 5 4 7
Far MP Far Strong.gif 90 100 40 HL sp/su 7 2 12 0 3
Far HP Far Fierce.gif 120 200 60 HL - 9 3 16 -1 3
Far LK Far Short.gif 40 50 20 HL - 6 2 7 2 5
Far MK Far Forward.gif 70 100 40 HL - 10 2 17 -4 -1
Far HK Far Roundhouse.gif 90 150 60 HL - 17 2 14 2 -
Crouch LP Crouch Jab.gif 30 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 4 2 8 1 4
Crouch MP Crouch Strong.gif 80 100 40 HL sp/su 7 3 10 1 4
Crouch HP Crouch Fierce.gif 100 200 60 HL - 14 2 30 -14 -10
Crouch LK Crouch Short.gif 20 50 20 L ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 3
Crouch MK Crouch Forward.gif 70 100 40 L sp/su 6 1 16 -3 0
Crouch HK Crouch Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 L - 12 2 22 -6 -
Vulture Kick Vulture Kick 60 50 40 H - 21 2 16 -4 -1
Glory Kick Glory Kick 50 50 40 L - 21 2 12 0 3
Fragrance Palm Fragrance Palm 100 150 60 HL - 19 5 18 -5 -
Target Combo Short.gif > Roundhouse.gif 70 100 30 HL - 8 2 21 -8 -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Neutral Jump LP Neutral Jump Jab.gif 50 50 20 H - 5 7 - - -
Neutral Jump MP Neutral Jump Strong.gif 80 100 40 H - 6 5 - - -
Neutral Jump HP Neutral Jump Fierce.gif 100 200 60 H - 5 7 - - -
Neutral Jump LK Neutral Jump Short.gif 50 50 20 H - 5 6 - - -
Neutral Jump MK Neutral Jump Forward.gif 90 100 40 H - 4 6 - - -
Neutral Jump HK Neutral Jump Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 H - 6 4 - - -
Angled Jump LP Angled Jump Jab.gif 50 50 20 H - 6 6 - - -
Angled Jump MP Angled Jump Strong.gif 80 100 40 H - 6 9 - - -
Angled Jump HP Angled Jump Fierce.gif 100 200 60 H - 7 5 - - -
Angled Jump LK Angled Jump Short.gif 50 50 20 H - 6 7 - - -
Angled Jump MK Angled Jump Forward.gif 80 100 40 H - 7 5 - - -
Angled Jump HK Angled Jump Roundhouse.gif 50*40 50*100 60*20 H - 7 3(4)3 - - -
Falcon Kick Dive Kick 70 100 40 HL - 11 Until ground - 7 -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 Focus 80 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 -21 -21
Focus Attack (Level 2) Level 2 Focus 100 150 40 HL - 18+11 2 35 -15 -
Focus Attack (Level 3) Level 3 Focus 160 200 60 - - 58 2 35 - -
Red Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 Red Focus 100 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 -21 -21
Red Focus Attack (Level 2) Level 2 Red Focus 150 150 40 HL - 18+11 2 35 -15 -
Red Focus Attack (Level 3) Level 3 Red Focus 240 200 60 - - 58 2 35 - -
EX Red Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 EX Red Focus 100 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 -15 -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Head Bazooka Forward Throw 135 120 40 0.907 - 3 2 20 - -
Hand Machinegun Back Throw 130 160 40 0.907 - 3 2 20 - -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Messiah Kick Messiah Kick Short.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 24 2 8 + After landing 20 -9 -5
Messiah Kick Forward.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 26 2 11 + After landing 20 -12 -8
Messiah Kick Roundhouse.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 35 2 5 + After landing 20 -6 -2
EX Messiah Kick Messiah Kick EX.gif 15x4*20 10x4*50 -250/0 HL - 11 3(1)2(1)2(1)2(8)2 6+27 -14 -10
High Attack Messiah Flash Kick Followup 60 100 20/30 HL su 12 4 14 + After landing 21 -18 -
Low Attack Messiah Low Followup 80 100 20/30 L - 19 2 22 -3 -
Mid Attack Messiah Overhead Followup 90 150 20/30 H - 26 5 After landing 19 -3 -
Galactic Tornado Galactic Tornado Jab.gif 40*50 50*50 20/10*20 HL su*- 10 8(6)2 20 -1 -
Galactic Tornado Strong.gif 50*20*40 50x3 20/10*10*20 HL su*-*- 14 10*11(5)2 20 -1 -
Galactic Tornado Fierce.gif 50*20*50 50x3 20/10*10*20 HL su*-*- 15 10*11(5)2 20 -1 -
EX Galactic Tornado Galactic Tornado EX.gif 0*130 0*100 -250/0 HL su*- 11 19(3)1 22 -2 -
Snake Strike Snake Strike Jab.gif 40x5 40x5 20/16x7 HL - 8 1(3)1(3)1(4)1(3)1 1+17 2 6
Snake Strike Strong.gif 40x7 40x7 20/16x7 HL - 7 1(3)1(2)2(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)2 2+17 0 4
Snake Strike Fierce.gif 40x7 40x7 20/16x7 HL - 6 1(3)1(2)1(3)2(2)1(3)1(3)1 4+17 -1 3
EX Snake Strike Snake Strike EX.gif 30x7 30x7 -250/0 HL - 7 1(1)2(1)1(2)2(1)1(2)1(2)1 15+17 - -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Spectacle Romance Super Combo Jab.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+6 1(14)1 29 -9 -
Super Combo Strong.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+13 2(14)1 29 -9 -
Super Combo Fierce.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+15 3(14)1 29 -9 -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv
Space Opera Symphony Ultra Combo 1 32*32*38x7*90 0 0/0 HL - 0+9 3(6)3(10)3(22)3(17)2(6)3(9)3(2)3(14)2 32 -13 -
Big Bang Typhoon Ultra Combo 2 47*17*17*18x14*27 0 0/0 HL - 0+11 88 87 -74 -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Block Adv Hit Adv


Standing Close Normals

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Close LP

Close Jab Close lp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Close MP

Close Strong Close mp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Close HP

Close Fierce Close hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Close LK

Close Short Close lk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Close MK

Close Forward Close mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Close HK

Close Roundhouse Close hk

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(No uses/strategies)

Standing Far Normals

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Far LP

Far Jab lp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Far MP

Far Strong mp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Far HP

Far Fierce hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Far LK

Far Short lk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Far MK

Far Forward mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Far HK

Far Roundhouse hk

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(No uses/strategies)

Crouching Normals

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Crouch LP

Crouch Jab d + lp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Crouch MP

Crouch Strong d + mp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Crouch HP

Crouch Fierce d + hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Crouch LK

Crouch Short d + lk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Crouch MK

Crouch Forward d + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Crouch HK

Crouch Roundhouse d + hk

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(No uses/strategies)

Neutral Jumping Normals

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Neutral Jump LP

Neutral Jump Jab u + lp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Neutral Jump MP

Neutral Jump Strong u + mp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Neutral Jump HP

Neutral Jump Fierce u + hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Neutral Jump LK

Neutral Jump Short u + lk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Neutral Jump MK

Neutral Jump Forward u + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Neutral Jump HK

Neutral Jump Roundhouse u + hk

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(No uses/strategies)

Diagonal Jumping Normals

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Diagonal Jump LP

Diagonal Jump Jab ub / uf + lp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Diagonal Jump MP

Diagonal Jump Strong ub / uf + mp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Diagonal Jump HP

Diagonal Jump Fierce ub / uf + hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Diagonal Jump LK

Diagonal Jump Short ub / uf + lk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Diagonal Jump MK

Diagonal Jump Forward ub / uf + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Diagonal Jump HK

Diagonal Jump Roundhouse ub / uf + hk

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(No uses/strategies)

Unique Attacks

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Vulture Kick

Overhead f + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Glory Kick

Rolling Kick df + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

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Fragrance Palm

Palm Strike f + hp

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(No uses/strategies)

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Target Combo

Target Combo lk --- hk

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Falcon Kick

Dive Kick (in air) df + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

Focus Attacks

  Name Nickname Command Notes
File:No image.png Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 Focus mp + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

File:No image.png Focus Attack (Level 2) Level 2 Focus mp + mk

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(No uses/strategies)

File:No image.png Focus Attack (Level 3) Level 3 Focus mp + mk

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(No uses/strategies)


  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Head Bazooka

Forward Throw f or n + lp + lk

~~ Uses and Strategies ~~

Mixing between throw and divekick is Rufus' basic pressure game. In previous versions of the game Rufus' throw did more damage than most normal throws, but in Ultra Street Fighter IV the damage is now at the "normal" level. It's still important for Rufus to establish the threat of a throw as landing a couple of throws will open the opponent up to his divekick pressure.

As Rufus usually wants to stay close to his opponent, a common follow-up after landing a forward throw with Rufus is to immediately dash forward twice followed by a forward jump to attempt an ambiguously-spaced divekick. Against some characters Rufus can also attempt a crossup j/MK after the two forward dashes (note that against some characters this attack will always miss). Alternatively Rufus can simply walk or dash forward to apply pressure on the ground, or time his divekick to land at the same moment the opponent rises, allowing Rufus to attempt a throw when the opponent likely expects to block a divekick.

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Hand Machinegun

Back Throw b + lp + lk

~~ Uses and Strategies ~~

Against characters lacking a 3-frame reversal, Rufus can "safe jump" after landing a back throw by immediately jumping towards the opponent and attacking with j.HP. However many Rufus players will only use a back throw if they are standing in/near the corner and the back throw will gain them a better positional advantage than would a forward throw.

One interesting note on Rufus' back throw is that, in this version of the game, it takes input priority over his focus attack. This means that with proper timing it can be used in the same way as other characters' "armour cancels": hold back on the stick and quickly tap the focus attack buttons and then the throw buttons immediately afterwards, and with proper timing the focus attack will absorb one hit before cancelling quickly into a back throw (this is easily practised against fireballs, and if done correctly you should see Rufus focus-absorb the fireball and immediately whiff a throw). This has two noteworthy applications once mastered: first Rufus can focus-absorb fireballs without dashing afterwards, remaining in place with far less recovery time than if he let the focus attack whiff and allowing him to build ultra meter (e.g. for ultra 2), and second he can absorb some single hitting close attacks and punish with back throw during their recovery. This second is difficult to master and perhaps not worth time and effort which could be spent mastering other more fundamental aspects of the game, but is an interesting quirk of the character's button priority.

Special Moves

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Messiah Kick

Messiah Kick qcf + k ex

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High Attack

Messiah Flash Kick Followup lk armorbreak Perform after Messiah Kick

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(No uses/strategies)

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Low Attack

Messiah Low Followup mk Perform after Messiah Kick

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(No uses/strategies)

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Mid Attack

Messiah Overhead Followup hk Perform after Messiah Kick

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(No uses/strategies)

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Galactic Tornado

Galactic Tornado qcf + p ex armorbreak For mp and hp versions, b or f controls forward distance traveled

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(No uses/strategies)

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Snake Strike

Snake Strike dp + p ex

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(No uses/strategies)

Super Combo

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Spectacle Romance

Super Combo qcf qcf + p armorbreak

~~ Uses and Strategies ~~

While it can be juggled from an air-to-air j.HK, far st.HK, or at the end of any combo ending in Galactic Tornado (in the corner only), Rufus' super combo should usually only be used if it will win the game. While there are exceptions to most rules, Rufus usually has better ways to use his EX meter and often it is more important for him to have meter stocked to make the opponent wary of his EX messiah kick than it is for him to score one big chunk of damage from landing his super combo. In any case, if he is playing well against an opponent of similar skill Rufus should usually make use of his meter before he has built a full bar.

Ultra Combos

  Name Nickname Command Notes
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Space Opera Symphony

Ultra Combo I qcf qcf + 3p armorbreak

~~ Uses and Strategies ~~

Rufus hits his opponents with a series of eight kung fu strikes, followed by a high kick. If the kick connects, the opponent is launched into the air, where Rufus hits him with a vertical palm strike to finish it off. The usefulness of this Ultra is in its comboability; there are many different ways to use it as a combo finisher both in the corner and at mid-screen. After the final hit lands, it also provides for great setups to continue your offensive onslaught.

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Big Bang Typhoon

Ultra Combo II qcb qcb + 3p armorbreak

~~ Uses and Strategies ~~

"Transform!" Rufus winds back and spins in an unrealistically fast circle, throwing out a barrage of strikes around him. Even though it's hard to incorporate this Ultra into a useful combo, it can make up for many situations where Rufus would usually have difficulty. Use this Ultra as an anti-air, a counter to a throw attempt, or as a reaction to Focus Attacks at mid-range.

The Basics

The very basics

Rufus' divekick, the Falcon Kick, is the tool around which his game was built. With no height restriction - meaning it can be performed at any point during his jump arc - and excellent hit- and block-stun properties, it is commonly considered to be the best divekick in a game where divekicks are extremely useful (partly due to the mind game that has developed around using "crouch tech" as an effective defensive tactic, which tactic can be easily exploited by Rufus' divekick). His other key tool is his ultra combo 1, and he has a wide variety of ways to safely land it to boost his damage output.

Where Rufus struggles is in the ranged game - his normal attacks are limited and don't cover different ranges as well as many other characters - and on defence. He has an invincible reversal in EX messiah kick which is highly effective at low levels of play but extremely risky to use against skilled opponents (and which costs one bar of EX meter to execute), his backdash is not good and his focus attack lacks range. He also has no 3 frame normal attacks.

Rufus' basic goal in most matchups, then, is to work his way in close to his opponent and persuade them to press buttons (or otherwise stop blocking) in order that he can connect with a divekick and convert that opening into a combo, after which he will continue to apply pressure. Many of Rufus' basic combos can be modified to make use of his ultra combo 1 once it's available, which not only boosts his damage output but provides him with a nice setup for further pressure afterwards.

Ultra combos

Ultra combo 1 is the traditionally recommended ultra selection for Rufus, however in matchups against fireball characters he might opt to use ultra combo 2 (or w-ultra) instead, giving him a damaging fireball punish and anti-air. W-ultra can also be useful against certain rushdown/mixup characters, for example C. Viper and El Fuerte, in order to discourage their airborne approaches with ultra combo 2 but also allow the option to use ultra combo 1 to boost combo damage should the opportunity arise.


Rufus combos often begin with a divekick (at any point in a jump, press down-forward and MK together). Because the divekick can afford Rufus different durations of hitstun depending on how high or low on the opponent's body it lands, and because it can also lead to different timings for pressing the next button after the divekick, it is important to practice combos from a range of divekick heights (and against different characters when standing/crouching due to the effect this has on character hurtboxes).

Any combo ending in Galactic Tornado can be followed with a juggle into UC1 (in the corner only, with one or two exceptions), or he can use Red Focus Cancel on the first hit of Galactic Tornado to score a crumple and continue the combo as he sees fit (anywhere on screen).

Essential combos

  • st.LK, st.HP xx Galactic Tornado
  • st.LK, st.LK, st.HP xx Galactic Tornado
    • The above are "the Rufus BnB" - on certain characters (and from certain positions after landing a crossup divekick) only one st.LK is possible before the st.HP. The link from st.LK to st.HP is a "one frame link" requiring very precise timing from the player. However it is widely agreed that it's essential that the aspiring Rufus player learn this combo in order to score sufficient damage when the opportunity arises.
  • st.HP xx Galactic Tornado
    • Rufus' basic punish for blocked attacks which leave the opponent at significant disadvantage. Also, from a very low-hitting divekick Rufus can combo directly into this without a st.LK beforehand, which makes the combo easier and removes the damage scaling added by the st.LK attack in the "BnB".
  • cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • a nice simple punish for lots of situations where the st.HP punish above is too slow or doesn't reach far enough.
  • EX messiah kick FADC UC1
  • j.HK (air to air), UC1
  • st.LK>st.HK, UC1
    • Three basic ways to land Rufus' ultra combo 1, all essential to his game especially at low to intermediate level. Only the third of these can be preceded by a divekick, making it perhaps the most common way to land Rufus' ultra during pressure. The first combo above can be extended as follows if the messiah kick has pushed the opponent near the corner: EX messiah kick FADC snake strike, UC1. The second can be used with an EX snake strike if Rufus doesn't have ultra available.

Other combos

  • cr.LK, cr.LP, (cr.LP), far st.LP, st.MP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • This combo starts from a low attack and can be useful after divekicking early to avoid actually hitting the opponent. The player can experiment with the number and type of light attacks at the start of this combo to achieve satisfactory spacing to ensure that the st.LP is indeed the "far" version of the move.
    • As well as ending with a juggle into UC1 at the end of this combo (in the corner only), Rufus can use FADC after inputting the EX Galactic Tornado (after the vacuum effect has started but before Rufus' arm connects) anywhere on screen to continue the combo as he sees fit (e.g. by linking a st.LK>st.HK target combo and juggling with ultra).
  • cr.LK xx Galactic Tornado (LP version)
    • This can be performed immediately after a divekick and will either combo if the divekick hits or perform a blockstring if the divekick is blocked (or combo from cr.LK if the opponent blocks everything standing). Low damage.
  • far st.HK, UC1
    • Rufus' far st.HK is very good at avoiding low attacks, and in some matchups this can be a useful way to land an ultra combo. far st.HK can also juggle as an anti air against some characters trying to jump away.
  • st.MP, st.LK>st.HK, UC1
    • Most useful if you can land a st.MP counterhit on the opponent's wakeup by timing it to interrupt the startup of their crouch tech/other button.
  • st.LK, cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado
  • st.LK, st.MP, cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • Often used after a crossup divekick whose spacing may have led to the usual "BnB" failing to connect, these provide reasonable damage for one bar of EX meter. In addition, the second can act as a useful frame trap with slightly delayed timing if the player sees that the preceding divekick was blocked.
  • df+MK (rolling attack), cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • This only works if the first attack hits as a counterhit, so the player will need to practice checking for the "counterhit" symbol appearing on screen before inputting the EX Galactic Tornado.
  • nj.HK, st.HP xx Galactic Tornado
    • This is Rufus' standard high-damage punish when standing close to a dizzied opponent. If the opponent is further away, the nj.HK can be replaced with a j.HP for slightly less damage.
  • EX messiah kick FADC EX messiah kick
  • j.HK (high air to air), LK messiah kick (plus LK ender)
    • Two new juggles in USF4 which weren't possible in previous versions of the game. The first is expensive so should only really be used for fun, or if it will end the round. The second is a useful modification of Rufus' j.HK, EX snake strike combo, providing a good option if Rufus doesn't want to spend meter.
  • nj.HK, st.HP xx EX Galactic Tornado FADC st.HP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • This requires four bars of EX meter but, if continued with a UC1 juggle at the end, was Rufus' most damaging combo in previous versions of the game (when ended with an UC1 juggle in the corner). In USF4, it is superseded by...
  • nj.HK, st.HK xx Red Focus (hits) xx dash forward, st.HP xx EX Galactic Tornado
    • There is also a variation of this which requires Rufus to backdash from the from the Red Focus hit then walk forward a little to land a far st.HK and continue the combo (also works midscreen with slightly different timing).



vs. Abel

SSFIV-Abel Face.jpg

Abel can punish a blocked cr.HP from Rufus with his ultra 1.

Abel's ultra 2 can also be an effective counter to Rufus' divekick, so it's important to note which ultra Abel has selected and adjust one's approach accordingly.

Abel may build a cr.HP option select into his crouch tech when defending against divekick pressure, which is designed to counter Rufus attempting a divekick to beat a throw tech attempt. To counter this tactic, Rufus can opt instead to frametrap, for example by inputting a st.MP after his blocked divekick.

Rufus may need to attempt throw on wakeup once or twice to discourage Abel from attempting to roll away from the pressure. Once Abel has decided not to try and roll out, Rufus will have better success with his pressure game on wakeup.

Abel's only option for chip damage at the end of a round is his wheel kick. If Rufus is expecting this attack he can react with ultra 1 to catch it before it hits, or he can ensure he doesn't stand at the wrong ranges so that this is not a threat.

vs. Adon

SSFIV-Adon Face.jpg

One of Adon's most effective tools here is his jaguar kick pressure. Rufus should know that the ground jaguar kick will break a focus attack, but the air jaguar kick will not and so anti-air focus is useful if you see Adon jump before inputting a jaguar kick. Rufus' st.HP and cr.MK can also be used as anti air in this situation. Against a ground jaguar kick, the best options are either simply to block and accept the chip damage, or attempt a pre-emptive far st.MP to stuff the startup of the jaguar kick.

Adon's off-the-wall jaguar tooth attack can be frustrating for some characters as he can aim it short to bait a reversal attempt. Rufus however can use his divekick to jump back and instantly divekick in place - if Adon's jaguar tooth lands short, Rufus stays safe, and if Adon's jaguar tooth lands where Rufus was standing then Rufus will connect a divekick and can convert into a full BnB punish. As a result, good Adon players won't often attempt this move against Rufus, but they may test to see if the Rufus player knows how to handle it.

Adon has an "unblockable" setup against Rufus, following from his backthrow, so be sure to mix between delayed wakeup and normal timing if you eat a backthrow.

Adon's standard setup after a knockdown is to either jump and come down with MK immediately to cross you up, or take a little step back to hit you in front. Or he can do a j.LK instead without moving to hit you in front. Watch for the step backwards and you'll know to block normally.

If you jump in and manage to bait (and avoid) Adon's EX rising jaguar, Rufus can either cr.HP for an easy punish or immediately jump towards HP into combo/ultra (harder).

vs. Akuma/Gouki

SSFIV-Akuma Face.jpg

Rufus can respond to Akuma's defensive teleport on wakeup by entering a jump input as an option select during his jumping attack. Practice jumping in on Akuma while he's waking up and inputting a backwards- or forwards-jump at the moment when Akuma would be in blockstun if the attack hit, and if Akuma teleports then Rufus will land in time for the jump input to register and send Rufus back into the air. Rufus still has to guess which direction Akuma will teleport but this can nevertheless be useful in chasing down and discouraging a teleport-happy Akuma player.

Blocked/whiffed uppercuts should be punished with ultra 1 or with cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado. The standard punish of st.HP xx Galactic Tornado will whiff against Akuma because the recovery animation of his uppercut moves his hurtbox away from Rufus.

Akuma's ultra 2 meter offers him an almost-guaranteed punish against any EX messiah kick ender (the exception is a slightly-delayed MK ender, however if Akuma anticipates this option he can adjust his timing accordingly).

If Akuma throws a badly spaced air fireball Rufus can sometimes cr.HP underneath it for a trade in Rufus' favour, but good Akuma players will space their air fireballs to make themselves safe. Against forward-jump air fireballs that would otherwise be safe, Rufus can anti-air with EX snake strike with proper timing, which does excellent damage against Akuma's short health bar.

vs. Balrog/Boxer

SSFIV-Balrog Face.jpg

st.MP is an effective poke for Rufus against normal dash punches, though it is obviously out-ranged by Boxer's sweep if he expects it, and beaten by EX rush punch armour.

Boxer can punish a blocked EX messiah kick with ultra 1 regardless of whether or not Rufus delays the LK ender, however the HK ender can hop over the ultra 1 punish attempt.

Low divekicks will whiff on a standing Boxer due to his strange hurtbox. This isn't an issue against crouching Boxer and crossup divekicks can be very effective, especially as they also remove one of Boxer's reversal options by nullifying his horizontal charge.

Boxer's traditionally strong wakeup options are headbutt and EX rush punch. EX rush punch will lose to throw, so don't be scared to attempt a throw on Boxer's wakeup.

Jabs can beat out Boxer's dash punches, including ex ones. Rufus can also buffer a Galactic Tornado into the jab, or simply do an EX tornado on reaction to the approaching dash punch as it will break armour.

vs. Blanka

SSFIV-Blanka Face.jpg

Rainbow balls can be focused, but if Rufus blocks one he can punish with j.HK juggled into ultra or snake strike.

cr.LP will knock Blanka out of his hop, but once Blanka is up close and has advantage then the cr.LP may be too slow to be effective.

After a forward throw, Rufus can bait EX upball by dashing forward twice, jumping forward and timing his divekick so that he does not cross Blanka up until after the reversal window. Blanka will EX upball in the "wrong" direction and Rufus will land safely and be able to chase for a punish. Blanka can of course counter this by delaying his EX upball.

Blocked slides can often be punished with EX Galactic Tornado, or even with cr.MK xx EX Galactic Tornado if the slide is particularly badly spaced.

vs. C. Viper

SSFIV-CViper Face.jpg

cr.MP can beat burn kicks sometimes.

C. Viper's cr.MP (or cr.MK) xx thunder knuckle is not a true blockstring, so Rufus can interrupt with EX messiah if he predicts the normal attack will be cancelled into thunder knuckle on block.

Rufus' far st.HK is particularly good against C. Viper's cr.MK and will go over it and hit C. Viper surprisingly well.

vs. Cammy

SSFIV-Cammy Face.jpg

Cammy can use ultra 1 on reaction to punish Rufus' EX messiah kick (blocked) FADC backdash, meaning that unless you want to test the opponent's knowledge it may be better just to save the meter if you comming to an EX messiah kick which is then blocked.

Cammy has an unblockable setup from her back throw, so Rufus must vary his wakeup timing and occasionally look to use reversal options.

vs. Chun-Li

SSFIV-ChunLi Face.jpg

Chun Li's cr.HK can trade with divekicks where other character's low attacks would lose, so Rufus must be mindful of this.

Chun Li's high jump arc makes EX snake strike a reliable anti-air.

Chun Li can punish Rufus' blocked cr.HP with her ultra 1.

vs. Cody

SSFIV-Cody Face.jpg

Cody has several good anti-air options against Rufus' divekicks, but up close his defensive options are weak.

M and H versions of Criminal Upper can be punished with cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado - a good Cody player won't be presenting this punish opportunity often, but it's useful to keep in mind.

vs. Dan

SSFIV-Dan Face.jpg

Rufus' far st.MP is effective at stuffing ground Dan-kicks if Dan is using this to try and close distance. If Dan opts instead to jump and use LK air Dan-kicks then Rufus' st.HP is the preferred anti-air. Careful use of these two buttons will eliminate most of Dan's approach options.

Remember that Dan's crumple/dizzy animations are unusual and so normal punishes are harder to execute - it's often a better idea to attack with raw ultra or begin your combo with an attack that hits fairly low on the body (e.g. cr.LP).

vs. Decapre

SSFIV-Decapre Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Dee Jay

SSFIV-DeeJay Face.jpg

Against knee-drop pressure Rufus' only useful options are to block, attempt a st.HP very early (which will often trade), or attempt an EX snake strike in anticipation (which may miss depending on spacing).

vs. Dhalsim

SSFIV-Dhalsim Face.jpg

Rufus must walk Dhalsim to the corner and prioritise keeping the positional advantage over scoring damage. Often it can be more effective to walk, jump or divekick to a position closer to Dhalsim than to attempt to hit Dhalsim immediately, as his anti-airs and ranged options are of course very good.

vs. Dudley

SSFIV-Dudley Face.jpg

far st.LK is an effective poke in this match, and can be converted into the combo far st.LK, cr.LP xx EX Galactic Tornado.

Dudley's ultra 1 will punish a blocked cr.HP from Rufus.

Dudley will often mix between walking forward with normal attack pressure and fishing for a crumple with focus attack, so it can be effective to mix raw Galactic Tornado into Rufus' approach in this match to discourage Dudley from using focus attack.

vs. E. Honda

SSFIV-EHonda Face.jpg

If Rufus knocks Honda down in the corner and does jump forward dive kick for an ambiguous dive while he's waking up (timed as if you expect him to quick rise, or to hit at the moment he's waking up if you got a hard knockdown), as soon as Rufus hits the wall/correct point to dive at, the game thinks Rufus is on the other side of Honda so even though Rufus still looks like he's facing in the right direction he must hold downback and press MK to get a dive kick. The left and right corners still work the same as for other characters with regard to whether or not you land in them or outside of them as with any other character, but Honda's hitbox as he falls/rises means that at the point you're usually inputting the dive kick command you're technically on the other side of him so need to reverse your input. If you do the dive kick earlier (before you touch the back wall) or later (when he's standing) then you can just input it normally.

With four bars of EX meter, Rufus can follow on from EX messiah kick FADC with an EX snake strike if he does not have ultra 1 meter available.

E. Honda can punish the LK ender of messiah kick with ultra or super on block, so Rufus should usually opt for HK (which can still be punished with buttslam, but at least isn't as damaging as an ultra/super).

E. Honda's body shape means that even when standing Rufus can place a divekick unusually high on his body and still combo into st.LK.

vs. El Fuerte

SSFIV-ElFuerte Face.jpg

Ultra 2 is a reliable punish against blocked Quesadilla Bomb or splash attacks.

A blocked Quesadilla Bomb can also be punished with cr.HP or EX Galactic Tornado.

vs. Elena

SSFIV-Elena Face.jpg

Elena's EX mallet smash move is -4 on block which makes it difficult to punish. Rufus might opt instead to try to interrupt its startup with a far st.MP or trade with st.HP. After blocking an EX mallet smash, Rufus can do LP Galactic Tornado which will interrupt any button Elena attempts as a follow-on to her pressure, though this will of course if she attempts an invincible uppercut.

vs. Evil Ryu

SSFIV-Evil Ryu Face.jpg

There is a timing at which Rufus can press cr.MP as an anti-air against Evil Ryu's jump-in where, if Evil Ryu attempts a normal jump-in attack, the anti-air will be successful, but if Evil Ryu attempts a divekick to delay his approach the cr.MP will recover in time for Rufus to block. The timing is earlier than Rufus would normally press anti-air cr.MP and might seem difficult to achieve consistently without practice.

Rufus' far st.MP should rarely be used in this matchup as it will lose reliably against Evil Ryu's cr.MK, which is far and away Evil Ryu's preferred poke.

vs. Fei Long

SSFIV-FeiLong Face.jpg

Fei Long's "chicken wing" attack is extremely useful to him in closing the gap to apply his pressure game, so it is well worth Rufus learning to anti-air on reaction with far st.HP. Even if it trades the trade is in Rufus' favour and frustrates Fei Long's approach.

far st.MP is a useful footsie tool to stuff Fei Long's rekka attacks.

Fei Long's range of jump-in attack options make cr.MP the preferred anti-air for Rufus in this match, except when reacting to "chicken wing" approaches.

vs. Gen

SSFIV-Gen Face.jpg

If punishing Gen's waterfall kick feels difficult, a st.HP punish while Gen remains airborne is still reasonable damage.

If Gen neutral jumps to bait an EX messiah kick on Rufus' wakeup he can punish with Ultra 1.

vs. Gouken

SSFIV-Gouken Face.jpg

Gouken's diagonal fireballs, if poorly spaced, can be punished on reaction with cr.HP. It should go without saying that attempting a cr.HP before confirming that the diagonal fireball is on screen will often result in Rufus suffering damage.

Using Galactic Tornado to move through fireballs is not recommended due to the flexibility of Gouken's fireball game and his powerful punish options if he anticipates a Galactic Tornado approach.

Gouken's focus attack is fast enough to crumple a high divekick.

vs. Guile

SSFIV-Guile Face.jpg

The speed and range of Guile's flash kick enable him to punish a blocked EX messiah kick FADC backdash. However, the flash kick is not fast enough to punish a blocked EX messiah kick FADC forward dash. Guile does have a fast jab he can use to punish this but the timing is strict.

A high/deep divekick on Guile's wakeup will beat flash kicks cleanly. He can anti-air reliably in this situation only with super, or his ultra 1 which can work though with stricter timing (and may sometimes only hit once).

vs. Guy

SSFIV-Guy Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Hakan

SSFIV-Hakan Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Hugo

SSFIV-Hugo Face.jpg

At close range, every hit of MP snake strike will hit a standing Hugo, making it an extremely damaging attack. Rufus can even link a cr.LP afterwards allowing him to continue the combo into EX Galactic Tornado, and even FADC from that into another MP snake strike and cr.LP link.

As a result of the above behaviour of MP snake strike, Rufus has some high-damage character-specific combos against Hugo but these may not prove to be particularly useful in normal play. However, the MP snake strike becomes a threat which Hugo must bear in mind on either character's wakeup, and work around.

vs. Ibuki

SSFIV-Ibuki Face.jpg

far st.LK is useful in checking Ibuki's approach if she is attempting to dash in, though it loses to slides.

vs. Juri

SSFIV-Juri Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Ken

SSFIV-Ken Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. M.Bison/Dictator

SSFIV-MBison Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Makoto

SSFIV-Makoto Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Oni

SSFIV-Oni Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Poison

SSFIV-Poison Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Rolento

SSFIV-Rolento Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Rose

SSFIV-Rose Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Rufus (self)

SSFIV-Rufus Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Ryu

SSFIV-Ryu Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Sagat

SSFIV-Sagat Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Sakura

SSFIV-Sakura Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Seth

SSFIV-Seth Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. T.Hawk

SSFIV-THawk Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Vega/Claw

SSFIV-Vega Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Yang

SSFIV-Yang Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Yun

SSFIV-Yun Face.jpg (No strategies)

vs. Zangief

SSFIV-Zangief Face.jpg (No strategies)

Frame Data

Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Close LP Close Jab.gif 30 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 4 2 7 12 2 5 11 14 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Close MP Close Strong.gif 80 100 40 HL sp/su 5 2 10 16 2 5 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Close HP Close Fierce.gif 100 200 60 HL sp/su 6 2 23 30 -7 -2 18 23 Forces stand Forces stand Forces stand Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Close LK Close Short.gif 30 50 20 HL - 4 2 6 11 3 6 11 14 Cannot be chained into Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Close MK Close Forward.gif 30*50 50*50 40*20 HL sp/su*- 7 2(4)3 11 26 0 3 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Close HK Close Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 HL su 8 2 21 30 -5 0 18 23 Forces stand Forces stand Forces stand Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far LP Far Jab.gif 20 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 5 2 5 11 4 7 11 14 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far MP Far Strong.gif 90 100 40 HL sp/su 7 2 12 20 0 3 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far HP Far Fierce.gif 120 200 60 HL - 9 3 16 27 -1 3 18 22 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far LK Far Short.gif 40 50 20 HL - 6 2 7 14 2 5 11 14 Cannot be chained into Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far MK Far Forward.gif 70 100 40 HL - 10 2 17 28 -4 -1 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Far HK Far Roundhouse.gif 90 150 60 HL - 17 2 14 32 2 - 18 - Free Juggle Free Juggle Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - Lower body: 1~13F Lower body: 1~13F - - -
Crouch LP Crouch Jab.gif 30 50 20 HL ch/sp/su 4 2 8 13 1 4 11 14 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Crouch MP Crouch Strong.gif 80 100 40 HL sp/su 7 3 10 19 1 4 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Crouch HP Crouch Fierce.gif 100 200 60 HL - 14 2 30 45 -14 -10 18 22 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Crouch LK Crouch Short.gif 20 50 20 L ch/sp/su 4 2 9 14 0 3 11 14 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Crouch MK Crouch Forward.gif 70 100 40 L sp/su 6 1 16 22 -3 0 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Crouch HK Crouch Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 L - 12 2 22 35 -6 - 18 - Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown - - - - - - -
Vulture Kick Vulture Kick 60 50 40 H - 21 2 16 38 -4 -1 14 17 Reset Reset - - Lower body: 7~20F Lower body: 7~20F - 7~23F -
Glory Kick Glory Kick 50 50 40 L - 21 2 12 34 0 3 14 17 Reset Reset - - - - - - -
Fragrance Palm Fragrance Palm 100 150 60 HL - 19 5 18 41 -5 - 18 - Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - - - - - -
Target Combo Short.gif > Roundhouse.gif 70 100 30 HL - 8 2 21 30 -8 - 15 - Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - - - - - -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Neutral Jump LP Neutral Jump Jab.gif 50 50 20 H - 5 7 - 11 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~11F - - -
Neutral Jump MP Neutral Jump Strong.gif 80 100 40 H - 6 5 - 10 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~10F - - -
Neutral Jump HP Neutral Jump Fierce.gif 100 200 60 H - 5 7 - 11 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~11F - - -
Neutral Jump LK Neutral Jump Short.gif 50 50 20 H - 5 6 - 10 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~10F - - -
Neutral Jump MK Neutral Jump Forward.gif 90 100 40 H - 4 6 - 9 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~3F - - -
Neutral Jump HK Neutral Jump Roundhouse.gif 110 200 60 H - 6 4 - 9 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~9F - - -
Angled Jump LP Angled Jump Jab.gif 50 50 20 H - 6 6 - 11 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~11F - - -
Angled Jump MP Angled Jump Strong.gif 80 100 40 H - 6 9 - 14 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~14F - - -
Angled Jump HP Angled Jump Fierce.gif 100 200 60 H - 7 5 - 11 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~11F - - -
Angled Jump LK Angled Jump Short.gif 50 50 20 H - 6 7 - 12 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~12F - - -
Angled Jump MK Angled Jump Forward.gif 80 100 40 H - 7 5 - 11 - - Reset Reset - - - Lower body: 1~16F - - -
Angled Jump HK Angled Jump Roundhouse.gif 50*40 50*100 60*20 H - 7 3(4)3 - 16 - - [1st Hit]: Free Juggle, [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown [1st Hit]: Free Juggle, [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown - - - - - - JP: 0*1
Falcon Kick Dive Kick 70 100 40 HL - 11 Until ground - 11 7 - Guard advantage based on earliest jump Reset Reset - - - - - - JP: 1
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 Focus 80 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 57 -21 -21 16 16 Range: 1.761 Crumple Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown 1~10F - - - - - -
Focus Attack (Level 2) Level 2 Focus 100 150 40 HL - 18+11 2 35 65 -15 - 22 - Range: 1.761 Crumple Crumple Free Juggle Free Juggle 1~18F - - - - - -
Focus Attack (Level 3) Level 3 Focus 160 200 60 - - 58 2 35 94 - - - - Range: 1.761, cannot hit pre-jump X Crumple Crumple Free Juggle Free Juggle 1~57F - - - - - -
Red Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 Red Focus 100 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 57 -21 -21 16 16 Range: 1.761, Builds 10 meter on block, Opponent gains 10 meter on hit, 5 on block Crumple Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown 1~10F (99 hits) - - - - - -
Red Focus Attack (Level 2) Level 2 Red Focus 150 150 40 HL - 18+11 2 35 65 -15 - 22 - Range: 1.761, Builds 20 meter on block, Opponent gains 20 meter on hit, 10 on block Crumple Crumple Free Juggle Free Juggle 1~18F (99 hits) - - - - - -
Red Focus Attack (Level 3) Level 3 Red Focus 240 200 60 - - 58 2 35 94 - - - - Range: 1.761, Opponent gains 30 meter on hit, cannot hit pre-jump X Crumple Crumple Free Juggle Free Juggle 1~58F (99 hits) - - - - - -
EX Red Focus Attack (Level 1) Level 1 EX Red Focus 100 100 20 HL - 10+11 2 35 57 -15 - 22 - Range: 1.761, Builds 20 meter on block, Opponent gains 20 meter on hit, 10 on block Crumple Crumple Free Juggle Free Juggle - - - - - - -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Head Bazooka Forward Throw 135 120 40 0.907 - 3 2 20 24 - - - - Opponent recovers 74F after you recover X Hard Knockdown - - - - - - - - - -
Hand Machinegun Back Throw 130 160 40 0.907 - 3 2 20 24 - - - - Opponent recovers 36F after you recover X Hard Knockdown - - - - - - - - - -
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Messiah Kick Messiah Kick Short.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 24 2 8 + After landing 20 53 -9 -5 21 25 After landing 3F~ can cancel into followup, builds 10 meter on block Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - - - - 10F~ JP: 7
Messiah Kick Forward.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 26 2 11 + After landing 20 58 -12 -8 21 25 After landing 3F~ can cancel into followup, builds 10 meter on block Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - - - - 10F~ -
Messiah Kick Roundhouse.gif 80 100 20/30 HL - 35 2 5 + After landing 20 61 -6 -2 21 25 After landing 3F~ can cancel into followup, builds 10 meter on block Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - - - - - 10F~ -
EX Messiah Kick Messiah Kick EX.gif 15x4*20 10x4*50 -250/0 HL - 11 3(1)2(1)2(1)2(8)2 6+27 65 -14 -10 21 25 After landing, 2~17F can cancel into followup, opponent gains 15x5 meter on hit, 10x4*5 on block Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - All: 1~13F - - - 11F~ JP: 0*1*2*3*4
High Attack Messiah Flash Kick Followup 60 100 20/30 HL su 12 4 14 + After landing 21 50 -18 - 21 - Builds 20 meter on block X Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown Soft Knockdown - All: 1~11F - - - 14F~ JP: 7
Low Attack Messiah Low Followup 80 100 20/30 L - 19 2 22 42 -3 - 21 - Builds 20 meter on block Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown - - - - - - -
Mid Attack Messiah Overhead Followup 90 150 20/30 H - 26 5 After landing 19 49 -3 - 21 - Builds 20 meter on block Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown - - - - - 9F~ -
Galactic Tornado Galactic Tornado Jab.gif 40*50 50*50 20/10*20 HL su*- 10 8(6)2 20 45 -1 - 21 - Builds 8*10 meter on block X X - - - - - - JP: 1*0
Galactic Tornado Strong.gif 50*20*40 50x3 20/10*10*20 HL su*-*- 14 10*11(5)2 20 61 -1 - 21 - Can move forward during rotation, builds 8x2*10 meter on block X X - - - - - - JP: 1*0*0
Galactic Tornado Fierce.gif 50*20*50 50x3 20/10*10*20 HL su*-*- 15 10*11(5)2 20 62 -1 - 21 - Can move forward during rotation, builds 8x2*10 meter on block X X - - - - - - JP: 1*0*0
EX Galactic Tornado Galactic Tornado EX.gif 0*130 0*100 -250/0 HL su*- 11 19(3)1 22 55 -2 - 21 - 13~14f cancellable, 1st hit cannot hit airborne, opponent gains 5*10 meter on hit, 4*5 on block X X [1st Hit]: Vacuum effect, [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown [1st Hit]: Vacuum effect, [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown [2nd Hit]: Soft Knockdown - - - - - - JP: 0*3
Snake Strike Snake Strike Jab.gif 40x5 40x5 20/16x7 HL - 8 1(3)1(3)1(4)1(3)1 1+17 43 2 6 21 25 Builds 10x5 meter on block - - - - - 1F~ JP: 1x3*2x2
Snake Strike Strong.gif 40x7 40x7 20/16x7 HL - 7 1(3)1(2)2(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)2 2+17 51 0 4 21 25 Builds 10x7 meter on block - - - - - 1F~ JP: 1x3*2x3*3
Snake Strike Fierce.gif 40x7 40x7 20/16x7 HL - 6 1(3)1(2)1(3)2(2)1(3)1(3)1 4+17 50 -1 3 21 25 Builds 10x7 meter on block - - - - - 1F~ JP: 1x3*2x3*3
EX Snake Strike Snake Strike EX.gif 30x7 30x7 -250/0 HL - 7 1(1)2(1)1(2)2(1)1(2)1(2)1 15+17 56 - - - - [Counter hit vs Airborne] increased knockback, opponent gains 8x7 meter on hit, 5x7 on block - All: 1~10F - - - 1F~ JP: 1~7 sequentially
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Spectacle Romance Super Combo Jab.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+6 1(14)1 29 51 -9 - 21 - Restands opponent on air hit, 2nd-3rd Hit armor breaks, 3rd hit triggers on a successful 2nd hit and starts in 104f, opponent recovers 79 frames after you recover, opponent gains 20x3 meter on hit, 5x2 on block X [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown - All: 1~5F - - - - JP: 127
Super Combo Strong.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+13 2(14)1 29 59 -9 - 21 - Restands opponent on air hit, 2nd-3rd Hit armor breaks, 3rd hit triggers on a successful 2nd hit and starts in 104f, opponent recovers 79 frames after you recover, opponent gains 20x3 meter on hit, 5x2 on block X [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown - All: 1~6F - - - - JP: 127
Super Combo Fierce.gif 100*80*150 0 -1000/0 HL - 1+15 3(14)1 29 62 -9 - 21 - Restands opponent on air hit, 2nd-3rd Hit armor breaks, 3rd hit triggers on a successful 2nd hit and starts in 104f, opponent recovers 79 frames after you recover, opponent gains 20x3 meter on hit, 5x2 on block X [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st~2nd Hit]: Forces stand, [3rd Hit]: Hard Knockdown - All: 1F - - - - JP: 127
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
Space Opera Symphony Ultra Combo 1 32*32*38x7*90 0 0/0 HL - 0+9 3(6)3(10)3(22)3(17)2(6)3(9)3(2)3(14)2 32 151 -13 - 22 - 9th hit armor breaks, pursuit property, 9th hit triggers 10th hit, opponent recovers 88F after you fully recover, opponent gains 20x10 meter on hit, 5x9 on block X Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown - All: 1~9F - - - - JP: 127
Big Bang Typhoon Ultra Combo 2 47*17*17*18x14*27 0 0/0 HL - 0+11 88 87 185 -74 - - - 1st hit cannot hit airborne, opponent gains 5*10x18 meter on hit, 4*5x18 on block X [1st Hit]: Vacuum, [18th Hit]: Hard Knockdown [1st Hit]: Vacuum, [18th Hit]: Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown Hard Knockdown - All: 1~12F - All: 13~98F - - JP: 0 (if any hit connects vs airborne all hits become JP: 127)
Move Name Nickname Damage Stun Meter
Startup Active Rcvry Total
Proj Throw On Hit
Hit Ground
On Hit
Hit Air
Armor Full
Airborne Juggle
