The King of Fighters 2002/May Lee

From SuperCombo Wiki

(N) - Normal mode
(H) - Hero mode

1. Close D(N,2), qcbx2+K(N) - 40%
2. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), K(N), uf+K(N), d+K(N) - 33%
3. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), K(N), (S)qcbx2+K(N) - 55%
4. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), qcb+C(H), jump D(H)/jump qcfx2+P(H, Buffer:qcf uf qcf+P) - 42%/55%
5. qcf+K(N,Blocked), ~K(N,Blocked), d+K(N), ABC, qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+P(H) - 48%
6. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), delayed qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+P(H) - 55%
7. hcb+K(N,Counter), ABC, Jump qcfx2+P(H, Buffer:qcf uf, qcf+P) - 50%
8. Crouch C(H, opponent in air), ABC, qcf+K(N,1), ABC, qcf+B(H) - 24%
9. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), K(N), df+K(N), ABC, D(H), qcf+A(H)/(qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+P(H) - 50%/75%
10. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), K(N), df+K(N), ABC, Jump D(H, Buffer:qcf uf+D), qcfx2+A(H, Buffer:qcf+P) - 55-60%

1. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), qcb+C(H), wait split second qcb+A(H) - 43%
2. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N,1), ABC, qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+P(H) - 60%
3. hcb+K(N,Counter), ABC, qcb+C(H), qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+P(H) - 70%
4. hcb+K(N,Counter), ABC, qcf+C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N), ABC, qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+C(H) - 72%

1. Close D(N,2), BC, run Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N), AC BD ABC(N) - (Corner)
2. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), BC, Crouch C(H), wait until she recovers, qcf+C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N,1), ABC, Jump qcfx2+P(H)/(qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+C(H)) - 60%/75%
3. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch C(H), BC, Crouch C(H), wait until she recovers, qcf+C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N,1), AC BD ABC(N) -
4. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), K(N), df+K(N), ABC, D(H), BC, C(H), qcfx2+AC(H)/f B f C C(H) - 85%

1. CD counter(N, counterhit), ABC, qcf+B(H) - 15%
2. CD(H, counterwire), ABC, qcf+K(N), ABC, qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+C(H) - 55-60% (Corner)
3. qcf+B(H, counterwire), Jump qcfx2+P(H)/(qcb+A(H), (S)qcfx2+C(H)) - 35%/50%

Attack Strings:
1. ~(Close D(N,1), ABC), Crouch BB(H), qcf+A(H), ABC
2. ~(Close D(N,1), ABC), Crouch B(H), D(H), qcf+A(H)/df+B(H), ABC
3. ~(Close D(N,1), ABC), Crouch BB(H), df+B(H)/(Crouch D(H), df+B(H)), ABC
4. Crouch D(N)/Far D(N), ABC, C(H), qcf+A(H)/df+B(H), ABC
5. Close D(N,2), qcf+K(N), ~K(N), df+K(N)/d+K(N), ABC, D(H), qcf+A(H)/df+B(H), ABC
6. Close D(N,1), ABC, Crouch B(H), qcf+A(H,1), ABC, move forward slightly, use any of above strings

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A(N), far A(N), crouch A(N), close B(N), crouch B(N), close C(N), crouch C(N), close D(N,2), crouch D(N), close A(H,2), far A(H,2), crouch A(H), close B(H), far B(H), crouch B(H), close C(H), far C(H), crouch C(H), close D(H), far D(H), crouch D(H), jump C(H), jump D(H, high only)
-CD(N) is cancellable into specials and DMs; CD(H) is unblockable, but cancellable only to mode switch
-qcf+B(H) and CD(H) are counterwires
-df+B(H) is cancellable
-df+B(H) and d+K followup of qcf+K(N) ~K(N) are low attacks
-df+K(N) followup of qcf+K(N) ~K(N), d+K(N) followup of qcf+K(N) ~K(N) uf+K(N), qcbx2+K(N) and qcb+A(H, Chang only) are overheads
-qcb+P(H), qcf+K(H), qcf+C(H) and qcf+K(N) K(N) are all supercancellable
-d+K(N) followup of qcf+K(N) ~K(N) uf+K(N), qcf+B(H), qcbx2+K(N), hcb f+P(H) and CD(H) are hard knockdowns
-if qcf+A(H) hits relatively close to her, and it counterhits, it will do double damage since it will hit twice. This does not happen if it hits from too far away
-May Lee cannot block in hero mode
-she can cancel all normals and special moves (that connect when she is on the ground), into the modeswitch. She can cancel all whiffed normals into the modeswitch but not whiffed command moves or specials


-She doesn't have any particularly fast anti-airs (such as a dp). Her crouch C(N) is probably her highest priority (and fastest) anti-air, although it should not be attempted to be used on your wakeup, when the opponent is already coming down and about to hit you, as you'll get stuffed. It is best used for opponents that high jumped in and are relatively high in the air when you decide to anti-air. Her far D(N) is good for stopping opponents close to you that are attempting to jump. And once again, this is a relatively safe thing to do since you can modeswitch at any point during the move, including on whiff. Her crouch C(H) is also noteworthy, although it is a bit slow to do on reaction to a jump. It is better to do this move in anticipation to a jump, and cancelling into the modeswitch, whether it connects, or you guessed wrong. Crouch C(H) also has a juggle property, allowing you to combo after (even if it didn't counterhit an opponent in the air). The usual combo to use is crouch C(H), ABC, qcf+K(N,1), ABC, qcf+B(H), with better options available if in the corner (refer to combo section). May Lee has no reliable anti-air for when the opponent is about to hit you with an air attack and you haven't gotten up yet. It is best to block in this situation.

-May Lee has a great mixup with her unblockable stand CD in hero mode. If timed right, it can hit the opponent just as they are waking up, giving them little opportunity to counter with a fast wakeup move. It is also able to counterhit people out of some wakeup moves. If the opponent attempts to roll out of the way, this is even worse since May Lee can cancel the CD into her normal mode at any point during the move, thus allowing you to combo or throw them. This move can be used for mindgames by purposely mistiming the move making the opponent think he can easily counter the move, then cancelling to her normal mode in the last instant, blocking and punishing the opponent if they did decide to do attack

-May Lee can even cancel her CD counter. In the case that the CD counter counterhits, you should cancel the CD counter into the hero mode and do qcf+B, which will combo. It is also useful for pressuring, since you can cancel the CD counter and immediately have control of her, preventing the opponent from taking advantage of recovery rolling the counter.

-her crouch C in hero mode whiffs if used against crouching opponents