The King of Fighters 2002/Ryo

From SuperCombo Wiki

1. ~Crouch B, Crouch C, qcf+C/qcf hcb+A - 30%/45%
2. Crouch BBB, Far A, hcb+B - 28%
3. Close C, dp+C, (S)qcf hcb+A(Buffer:qcb+A) - 55%
4. f+A(early on opponent's wakeup), Far A, hcb+B - 22%

1. Close C, f+A, BC, qcfx2+AC(quickly), (Jump C, Close C, hcb+D)/(Jump C, ~Crouch B, Crouch C, qcf hcb+A) - 75%/88%
2. (Already in maxmode) f+A, (C)dp+C(1), (S)f hcf+A(Buffer:hcf+A)/(S)qcf hcb+A - 42%/48%

Normal Links:
1. Crouch B, Close C/Crouch C

Attack Strings:
1. Crouch D/CD, qcf+B/qcf+A
2. Crouch B, Crouch C, qcf+B/qcf+A

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, close C, crouch C, close D, crouch D
-CD is cancellable into command moves, specials and DMs
-free cancellable into moves are hcb+K, qcf+K and dp+P
-free cancellable out-of moves are f+A, dp+P on the first hit, f b f+P on the last hit
-f+A and qcf+K are overheads
-dp+P is supercancellable on the first hit
-f b f+P, f+B and df+B have autoguard
-f+B and df+B can be cancelled into a special move if the autoguard activates
-qcf+K sometimes hits as a hard knockdown, but not always; f b f+A is a hard knockdown

-his f+A overhead is very meaty compared to most moves. If done very early on a waking up opponent, Ryo will recover fast enough to be able to land a far A, hcb+B/HSDM combo. Thus, Ryo has a good high/low game with his f+A, qcf+B, crouch B and crouch D. It is especially good to cancel his crouch D into a qcf+B overhead and mix this up with f+A and crouch B, crouch C mixups

-the f+B parry is a great move for countering predictable yet high priority and unpunishable moves, such as Robert's air qcb+K, May Lee's qcf+B in Hero Mode, Terry's qcb+P, etc. After parrying the move, cancel to dp+C or qcf hcb+P

-even if comboed into, his hcb+D will whiff on the third (and sometimes second) hits against a crouching opponent, giving them more than enough time to punish him