Breakers Revenge/Pielle

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Pielle is a Frenchman who can control lightning and flowers. He has a butler and sometimes the butler will come out after a victory to provide a service for Pielle.

Moves List

Normal Moves

  • Throw - F or B + HP while close
  • Air Throw - F or B + HP/HK close while both players are airborne
  • Massive Rapier Attack - LP+HP, can be comboed afterwards with super if it hits airborne opponent, uncancelable
  • Sexy Hip Hop - LK+HK, leaping overhead
  • Pogo Spike - D+LK in the air, Pielle stabs opponent's head from top
  • Another Air HP Attack - U+HP in air, Pielle's another air HP

Special Moves

  • Bad Iori Copycat Fireball - QCF+P, really bad fireball with horrible recovery.
  • Rapier Upper - DP+P, really bad dragon punch, not sure why he has it.
  • Lovely Rose Spin - QCB+K, LK goes for a short length, small recovery, HK version goes longer out, longer recovery. Good move to use sparingly.
  • Good Iori Copycat Rekka - QCB+P, P, P, good move overall, both used alone and in combos. It can also juggle.
  • Beautiful Graceful Dive Swoop Stab - D+LP+LK+HP, good move to catch unaware opponents.

Super Moves

  • Rapier Upper Super - QCF, QCF+P, Pielle does multiple DP+P moves, good move to use in combos.
  • Lightning Rod Super - QCB, QCB+P, Pielle turns into a lightning rod and stabs opponents in the face. Excellent breakering super, excellent anti-crossup super, lots of invincibility, hard to fully punish if blocked.
  • Really Lovely Magnificent Rose Spin - QCB, QCB+K, Souped up QCB+K's move. Good move to punish blatant mistakes. Extremely safe if blocked.

The Basics

  • Noteable normals
    • Standing B - It is cancelable into rekka, even from very far. Good poke.
    • Crouching C - Good for anti air if done very, very early. Can combo into good things.
    • Crouching D - It is a slide that knockdowns. Sliding knockdowns are good. Hard to punish if done from far.
    • LK+HK - It is easy to combo after overhead, be aware of his large startup on it though.
  • Crossups
    • Jumping B - Pielle's only crossup move. It can look ambigious if spaced properly.
  • Meterless Combos
    • cr.A xN - "Please back off. I need room to look beautiful."
    • (Jump in attack OR LK+HK), st.B, Rekka - That combo hurts a lot. If you accidently do Rekka on blocking opponent, stop the first rekka, or you can delay next rekka in hopes of opponent dropping his/her guard.
    • (close HP or close HK), A+C - Another strong and simple combo. Unsure if it's breakerable, never saw it happen.
  • Combos with meter
    • cr.HP, A+C, QCF,QCF+P - Good punishing unbreakerable combo.

Advanced Strategy


Vs. Alsion 3:

Vs. Condor:

Vs. Dao-Long:

Vs. Mahrel:

Vs. Pielle (self):

Vs. Rila:

Vs. Saizo:

Vs. Sho:

Vs. Tia:
