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Training Drills

Defensive Button Press Timing

Skilled players are great at pressing a button in the middle of "fake" blockstrings. For example, after Kimberly's 2MP or after a ranged light string where only 5LK can reach.

  • See which characters have consistent 3-hit light strings that actually frame trap. Get used to interrupting ones that overextend (usually a -2 into a 5f light)
  • After 3-hit light strings, see if Kim can consistently 2MK to interrupt or catch a walk back or backdash. Characters with cancelable 2MKs often do this, but Kim's has less range and less reward. Maybe 2HK can work in some matchups depending on their punish options.

Ways to mix up Pressure

Pressure after DR~2MK
  • 2HP > 236K is a good relatively safe frame trap
  • 2MK, 5LK also frame traps and catches walk back but low reward
  • ?
Jump into delayed j.214K as a throw bait
  • Useful in safe jump situations, or any situation where I could do empty jump into low/throw
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Safe Jumps to Practice

236HP > instant j.214K (corner)
  • Can hold up to buffer the jump, easily allowing time to input Air Tatsu
  • Doesn't work when juggling into 236PP due to higher KD Adv.
5MP~HP > delay 236K~MK
  • Frame perfect delay on slide is required (as late as possible), but allows a midscreen safe jump
  • Even if I mess up the timing, opponent may respect it anyway (OS an instant throw as I land?)
236KK~K (Wall Splat, no follow-up), throw Spraycan
  • Expensive and sacrifices damage, but gives a safe jump into instant overhead/low
  • For some reason it seems to not work occasionally; for best results, be fully cornered at the moment of the wall splat and time j.HK as late as possible

Combo Stuff to Practice

Corner 236K Arc Step (no follow-up), juggle 236LP > SA3 Useful corner route into SA3 from no-resource hitconfirms
  • Timing is a little awkward to get used to at first, start right after landing
5MK~DRC into 5HK on Hit, 2MK on Block Important for optimizing damage while remaining airtight vs. reversals on block