Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Sean/2021/Introduction

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Sean is a young, prideful amateur martial artist from Brazil. He idolizes Ken, eventually becoming Ken's student and seeking to prove his worth as a fighter. Sean first appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation.

Sean is perhaps the most efficient definition of an underrated character in the history of fighting games. In the 2nd version of Street Fighter III, 2nd Impact, he was pretty much totally broken, doing tons of damage off of his lengthy combo strings. In response to this, Capcom did the responsible thing and made him an original character, as opposed to a black Ken in a yellow gi.

Well, they did it a little too well.

Other than being extremely hard to use and situational because of his hit-box placement and frame advantage (Dragon Smash's hit-box is located over his head), 3s makes Sean much more of a defensive counter character. When you play as him you have to understand that he does have a lot of good points, such as his MP-HK target combo, Cl.HK/Shoto normals, EX Tornado, and his supers. He trades pretty well if used properly with the right SA's against the right match-ups. He also has an assortment of AAs to choose from.

Super Arts

SA1: Hadou Burst

    • More Hit-Confirms
    • Situational Closer/Punisher
    • Anti-Air
    • More than 50% damage potential
    • 50% stun potential
    • Consumes 1-hit projectiles
    • Small Meter Length
    • Fast travel speed
    • Easy to Parry
    • Slightly long recovery
      • Game-plan: 4 Close Roundhouses can fill up a bar of Hadou Burst and you have 5 EX's in total. From a long range, the go-to confirm is Cr.MK. Up close, you have either Cl.HK, Cl.HP, Cr.MP or Cr.LK x2. After a parry, you have 3 choices: Cr.MP, Cr.MK and Cr.HP. Cr.HP is good against moves with long reach that recovers late and does great damage, Cr.MK is the standard, and Cr.MP is faster than the other 2 but you need to be within range. This super, like his others can link of a UOH. Parry -> Hadou Burst vs. certain "Parry-Bait Supers" near the corner can potentially deal near 50% if you have 2 stocks. To properly Anti-Air into this super, it has to be done off Cl.MP since that button doesn't reset the juggle counter like the other cancel-able ones. Be looking for opportunities to punish with this move, especially against crouching attacks. Sean can do a lot of "dash-back" set-ups with this super. The max damage output of this super can rival the max damage output of Ken's SA3.

SA2: Shoryu Cannon

    • More than 50% damage potential
    • Corner Juggles
    • True Anti-Air
    • Situational Closer/Punisher
    • High invincibility
    • Grants a free Mix-up afterwards
    • Goes through projectiles
    • Bad recovery and range
      • Game-plan: 6 Close Roundhouses fill up a bar and its 4 EX's in total. Cr.LK x 2 or Cl.HK are the go-to confirms for this super. It's main usage is as an Anti-air but still has to be timed correctly or many of the hits will whiff. Cl.HK x SA2 is the primary Anti-air, and should be one of the few things to go for when a super is stocked. This can punish moves that leave opponents too close on block (overheads, Sean tornado, Remy CBK's, etc). The strongest combo with a single stock of Shoryu Cannon (with the corner Cl.HK reset) is equal to Chun's strongest combo with Hoyokusen. With 2, it can deal from 70% to 80%. Beats a lot of Parry-baits with the exception of itself, Hyper Tornado, and a few other supers. It can link off of a UOH but only as a Meaty up close. It doesn't have much range so the main goal should be to always be close to the opponent. S.C. has 10 frames of invincibility and some of the highest priority in the game with the exception of a few supers.
      • Sean has 3 moves that can link into Shoryu Cannon: Standing Short, Standing Forward, and the Overhead Wheel Kicks. Standing Forward has to be done on Meaty up close (against Crouchers) for it to work. Same with the Wheel Kick but its a Yun/Yang only link.

SA3: Hyper Tornado

    • True Punisher
    • More than 50% damage potential
    • Higher invincibility
    • Travels through projectiles
    • Great range
    • 50% stun potential
    • Large Meter
    • Bad capacity for EX
      • Game-plan: The Punisher. Meter building is very important for this super. It takes 7 Close Roundhouses to fill it and you only get 3 EX's. It starts up in 3 frames (like Ken's Shippu) which allows him to punish a lot of things in the game once stocked. H.T has the same confirms as Hadou Burst (minus the ones with Dragon Smash) and can almost cover the same amount of range. The go-to confirms are Cr.LK x 2, Cr.MK/MP, and Cl.HK. Hyper Tornado has very high invincibility, even higher than Shoryu Cannon which means it blows up Parry-Baits more reliably (except against itself and a few supers), and it can travel through projectiles too but the projectile has to be far from the opponent or you risk wasting the super. Like his other supers, H.T can be linked off of a UOH too. The maximum damage potential of this super is just shy of Hugo's Gigas by a few pixels.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Tricky moves that can be annoying for unexperienced opponent to understand
  • Good Health and stun for a defensive style character
  • Still has some decent pokes and anti airs, inherently as a shoto
  • Deals higher than average damage per single hit
  • Good dash
  • Good selection of supers
  • Has the most powerful cancel-able normal in the game (Cl.HK)
  • Has the strongest back throw of the shotos
  • Has more cancel frames on some of his normals than the other shotos
  • Relatively serviceable throw game
  • Underwhelming combo ability, hard to guarantee a knockdown or good damage
  • Worst dp in the game,
  • Linear and predictable offensive presence, limited tech and few tools
  • Many moves are unsafe or - on block
  • No reliable reversal without meter (depends on the match-up)
  • Over-reliance on parries
  • Specials leave him crouching on recovery
  • Some of his normals start-up/recover slower and/or do less damage than the other shotos
  • Has a bit of trouble building meter (there are ways around this)
  • Less advantage on Jump-ins than the other shotos