Soulcalibur VI/Tira/Strategy

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Combat Lessons

Fighting Style

This fighting style was derived from the combat techniques used by a group of assassins based in Europe: the Bird of Passage. It employs an unusual weapon—the circular sword, a hoop-shaped blade whose attacks are extremely difficult to anticipate.

Two distinct personalities make up this style, and if wielded well, the combination of the two can quickly eliminate a foe. Jolly utilizes dance-like moves to unleash lethal combinations at mid range; Gloomy has more aggressive movements, and uses powerful attacks to cut the enemy down quickly.

Repeatedly switching between personalities unlocks this style's true potential, and few who have faced its wielder have lived to tell the tale.

Style Lesson: Beginner

A Split Personality

This style utilizes two personalities with their own move sets: Jolly and Gloomy. You will switch personalities when certain conditions are met, and switching will cause your body to glow and your posture to change.


Jolly is your primary personality; it relies less on dealing huge amounts of damage in one attack, and more about moves like the Snare Robin (6AB), the Low Pitch Pointe (1B), and the Ring Con Sordino (1K) all low attacks that chip away at your opponent's health. Additionally, your soul gauge fills more quickly while Jolly.

JS ~ Snare Robin
JS Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.png 6AB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 16,13 -8 4 STN 6%
Counter Hit Combo. Tech Crouch[22-RC]
JS ~ Pitch Pointe
JS Sc 1.pngSc B.png 1B - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 16 -16 -4 -4 3%
JS ~ Ring Con Sordino
JS Sc 1.pngSc K.png 1K - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
28 18 -18 LNC LNC 4%
Tech Crouch[8-RC]


When surrounded by a purple aura, you can switch to the aggressive Gloomy personality. You gain access to Minerva's Lament (6AB) and Basilisk's Lament (6B), which allow you to move quickly from medium range to close range and then unleash either a throw or a Peregrine Rhythm (3B) to get past your opponent's guard. Be aware, however, that in your Gloomy state your soul gauge is more difficult to fill, and some moves damage yourself.

GS ~ Minerva's Lament
GS Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.png 6AB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 22,29 -4 6 KND 12%
Sc GC.png. Self damage 6
GS ~ Basilisk's Lament
GS Sc 6.pngSc B.png 6B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 28 -4 6 KND 8%
Sc LH.png immediately after losing previous round. Tech Crouch[22-RC]. Self-damage 4
GS ~ Peregrine Rhythm
GS Sc 3.pngSc B.png 3B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 22 -14 LNC LNC 9%
Sc GC.png

Style Lesson: Adept

Switching Personalities

You change personalities according to how much health you lose. The change occurs at 30% and 5% health, so keep that in mind when you fight. Some attacks also result in a switch (notated as "May trigger personality change" in the move list). Use moves like Ptarmigan Polka ~ Gestopft Madness (while Jolly 3ABB+K) and Bremen Fortissimo (while Jolly 4K) to switch to Gloomy for more aggressive attacks.

JS ~ Ptarmigan Polka ~ Gestopft Madness
JS Sc 3.pngSc A.png 3A - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10 -18 -10 4 1%
Tech Crouch[17-34]
JS Sc 3.pngSc A.pngSc B.png 3AB - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 26 -22 -6 KND 3%
Counter Hit Combo
JS Sc 3.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 3ABB+K - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 26 - - - -
Sc GI.png
JS ~ Bremen Fortissimo
JS Sc 4.pngSc K.png 4K - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 15 -8 STN STN 2%
Sc SS.png chance on hit = +16/+22 on swap or -2/+4 on hedache. Self damage 4

Style Lesson: Master

Gloomy Coda

If you change personalities enough during battle, eventually the Gloomy state will cause a more violent reddish-black aura to exude from your body. This is known as Gloomy Coda.

Features of Gloomy Coda

Gloomy Coda powers you up significantly and allows you to unleash all soul charge moves like normal moves. Additionally, the following moves in particular are quite strong in Gloomy Coda, so make good use of them to overwhelm your opponent: Minerva's Symphony (6ABB), Symphonic Dissonance (6BB), Peregrine Duet (3BB), Grim Reaper (6A+G), etc.

GC ~ Minerva's Symphony
JS SC Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 32 -8 LNC LNC 15%
Normal Hit Combo. LH if 1st attack after personality change. Sc SS.png chance
GC ~ Symphonic Dissonance
GS SC Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6ABB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 86 4 KND KND 22%
Counter Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance. Self damage 10
GC ~ Peregrine Duet
GS SC Sc 3.pngSc A.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 3AA+B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 70 6 KND KND 8%
Normal Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance. Self damage 4
GC ~ Grim Reaper
GS SC Sc 1.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 1BB - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
26 40 8 LNC LNC 15%
Counter Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance

Special Lethal Hits

The Groove Step (while Jolly 33_66_99A+B), Streaks of Madness (B+KA), and Elegy of Madness (B+KB) moves become lethal hits that do extra damage when used directly after a personality switch. Additionally, landing a Basilisk's Lament (while Gloomy 6B) immediately after your opponent has won a round with a ring out or KO will result in a lethal hit. These moves are by no means easy to pull off, but they will put enormous pressure on your opponent if used well.

JS ~ Groove Step
JS 33_66_99A+B
JS Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc K.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)KB+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 26,30 - - - -
Gestopft Madness
JS ~ Groove Step
JS 33_66_99A+B
JS Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc K.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)KB+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 26,30 - - - -
Gestopft Madness

Critical Edge

Bleak Concerto


A fast, rising middle attack that can be used in air combos. If you unleash it while Jolly, you'll finish as Gloomy. Unleash it as Gloomy, however, and you'll perform a follow-up attack that deals a huge amount of damage.

JS ~ Bleak Concerto
RE JS Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 51 - KND - 50%
GS ~ Bleak Concerto: Finale
SC Sc 4.pngSc B.pngSc K.png 4BK - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 48 -2 KND KND 8%
Normal Hit Combo. Launcher on grounded

Landing this move while Gloomy allows for a major increase in combo damage. Use it after a Peregrine Rhythm (3B) or another move that launches your opponent into the air. If you want to guarantee being able to switch from Jolly to Gloomy, land a critical edge.

Soul Charge

Additional Low Attacks in Jolly

You can't get much better than the Scratch Glissando (during soul charge 236K). Fast and difficult to spot coming, it even has a high chance of ending in Gloomy. While Jolly, your soul gauge fills quickly, so this move is a great way of switching to Gloomy from a soul charge while dealing damage.

JS ~ Scratch Glissando
SC JS 236K
JS SC Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6ABB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 60 4 LNC LNC 10%
Counter Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc GC.png

Additional Powerful Attacks in Gloomy

While Gloomy, your soul gauge fills more slowly, but once you activate a soul charge you become incredibly powerful. If your opponent likes to use the 8-way run, stop them with a Minerva's Symphony (6ABB), and then follow up with the powerful throw Grim Reaper (6A+G), and a Symphonic Dissonance (6BB) or Peregrine Duet (3BB)—both of which strike at the middle—to take a huge chunk out of your opponent's health.

GC ~ Minerva's Symphony
JS SC Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 32 -8 LNC LNC 15%
Normal Hit Combo. LH if 1st attack after personality change. Sc SS.png chance
GC ~ Symphonic Dissonance
GS SC Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6ABB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 86 4 KND KND 22%
Counter Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance. Self damage 10
GC ~ Peregrine Duet
GS SC Sc 3.pngSc A.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 3AA+B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 70 6 KND KND 8%
Normal Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance. Self damage 4
GC ~ Grim Reaper
GS SC Sc 1.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 1BB - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
26 40 8 LNC LNC 15%
Counter Hit Combo. Sc BA.png. Sc SS.png chance

Acidic Modulation

A soul attack that is guaranteed to trigger a personality change upon hit. Its short reach limits it to close-range combat, but landing the attack will allow you to stay on the offensive while soul charged and make it easier to undergo several personality changes, bringing you closer to entering Gloomy Coda. Holding the button will shift you to Gestopft Madness, meaning you can then use your personality change to follow up with a lethal hit.

Acidic Modulation/ ~ Gestopft Madness
RE GS Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 73 - KND - -
RE Sc K.png K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 28 -6 8 - 27%
Normal Hit Combo. Sc SS.png chance on block. Sc SS.png on hit

Reversal Edge

Following Up with A

A high horizontal attack with multiple follow-up attacks. Hold the second attack command of a Twisted Vibrato (after reversal edge AA) to unleash an attack that greatly reduces your opponent's guard stamina. When Gloomy, you can combo with a Twisted Cadence (after reversal edge AK)

RE ~ Twisted Vibrato
UD Sc K.png K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
32 24 -17 KND KND 6%
Becomes Sc L.png at long range
GS ~ RE ~ Twisted Vibrato
Sc BB.png+Sc GG.png (B)+(G) - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
68 45 8 - - 20%
Sc BA.png

Following Up with B

If this hits, you will transition into an attack throw. Jolly's throw absorbs your opponent's health, whereas Gloomy's deals a huge amount of damage instead.

Following Up with K

This move doesn't deal that much damage, but guarantees a personality change.