Super Street Fighter IV AE/Dan

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SSFIV-Dan Face.jpg

Dan's father, Go Hibiki, was murdered in a Street Fighting match by Sagat after Go has blinded Sagat in one eye. Swearing revenge, Dan sought after Sagat to avenge his father and end Sagat's life. When finally given the opportunity to fight Sagat, Sagat saw his own chase for revenge in Dan and, realizing its futility, allowed Dan to defeat him to assuage Dan's anger. Dan, since then, has determined he was the strongest warrior ever and opened up his own school to teach his "Saikyou" style. Though his school has yet to garner any voluntary students (Blanka and Sakura act as ones just to humor him), Dan is determined to perform well in the next Street Fighting tournament to spread his teachings wider.

In a nutshell

Dan's greatest power may be the illusion that Dan is supposed to be bad. In the history of Street Fighter, Dan has always been an extremely sub-par character, but this is definitely not true at all in Super Street Fighter IV. Do not sleep on Dan: he has an effective rush down that always leads to a guessing game. He actually has a very effective Dragon Punch! Dan is not free by any means. Winning with Dan oftentimes involves surprising your opponent, who believes they should be getting a free victory only to find out that, wait a sec... Dan is a legitimate fighter!!


Unique Attacks

Jumping Taunt
(in air) hp + hk
Ducking Taunt
d + hp + hk


Gado Thrust
f or n + lp + lk
Saikyo Haraigoshi
b + lp + lk

Special Moves

qcf + p
dp + p
qcb + k
ex armorbreak
Airborne Dankukyaku
(in air) qcb + k

Super Combo

Hissho Buraiken
qcf qcf + p
Legendary Taunt
qcf qcf + hp + hk

Ultra Combos

Shisso Buraiken
qcf qcf + 3p
Haoh Gadoken
qcf qcf + 3k

AE ver. 2012 Changes

Airborne Dankukyaku

Made EX Airborne Dankukyaku fully hit after EX Focus canceling a Koryuken. Changed heavy version’s damage from 50 + 40 + 30 (120 total) to 50 * 3 (150 total). Changed EX version’s height restrictions, allowing it to be activated 1F earlier. Changed EX version’s stun from 100 * 3 (300 total) to 100 + 75 + 75 (250 total).


Changed heavy version’s damage from 50 + 40 + 30 (120 total) to 50 + 40 + 40 (130 total).

Hissho Buraiken

Adjusted to fully hit when used up close against any character.

Ducking Taunt, Jumping Taunt

Made Super Meter bonus +70 on a hit and +30 on a block.

Close Standing Medium Punch

Changed startup from 6F to 5F. Takes the total frame count to 23F.

Close Standing Heavy Kick

Shortened hitback distance on standing or crouching hit.

Crouching Heavy Kick

Changed startup from 12F to 10F. Takes the total frame count to 33F.

AE Changes

  • Crouching Medium Punch's startup is now 5 frames.
  • Close Standing Light Kick, Close Standing Medium Punch, Close Standing Hard Kick, Far Standing Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, and Crouching Medium Kick's recovery time was reduced. New combo possibilities.
  • Neutral Jumping Hard Punch will slam opponents down to the ground when hit.
  • Medium and Hard Dan Kicks damage distribution got adjusted. Hard Dan Kick's total damage decreased.
  • Dragon Punch will give air reset on trade.
  • Ultra 2 invincibility was decreased to 8 frames after Ultra freeze.

The Basics



qcf + p
ex Pathetic excuse for a fireball. It travels barely past his fist, while the HP and EX versions barely travel 1/3 of the screen or something like that. However it will still cancel out projectiles when hit, so you can hold your own in fireball wars but do not expect to win them. The frame advantage on his fireball is decent however leaving him at neutral rather than hugely negative.
dp + p
ex Actually a decent anti air move, and standard dragon punch/uppercut. Low damage but overall a good move. EX blows through stuff and travels far horizontally and vertically.
qcb + k
ex armorbreak The staple of Dan's moveset. This is relatively safe on block, with LK being 0 and Medium/Heavy at -2. EX is at -3 even so a very good move overall. Kind of slow startup but that flaw is negligible when cancelled from normals. LK Dan Kick leads to Dan's close range pressure and shenanigans. EX is a hard knockdown and has good range. He is also airborne and blows up focus attacks/armored moves.
Airborne Dankukyaku
(in air) qcb + k
ex Lesser version of his grounded Dan Kick. It doesn't break armor. But it does help change Dan's jump trajectory. Can help Dan add a litte double jump if you mistime a jump and crossover the opponent to mess up their anti air timing. Can also be used in combos near the end for some damage.


Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2
Close Strong.gif HL 65 100 40 sp/su 5 2 17 +2 +8
Close Fierce.gif HL 95 200 60 sp/su 8 2 19 -3 +1
Close Short.gif HL 25 50 20 - 3 2 6 +3 +6
Close Forward.gif HL 40*30 50*50 40*20 sp/su*- 6 2*2 14 -2 +1
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 100 200 60 su 8 2 14 +2 +6
Far Jab.gif HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 5 +4 +7
Far Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 su 6 2 13 -1 +2
Far Fierce.gif HL 110 200 60 - 11 2 18 -2 +2
Far Short.gif HL 35 50 20 - 4 2 9 0 +3
Far Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 - 7 2 14 -2 +1
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 11 2 18 -2 +2
crouch Jab.gif HL 25 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 8 +1 +4
crouch Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 5 2 10 +2 +5
crouch Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 11 3 22 -7 -2 Forces stand
crouch Short.gif L 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3
crouch Forward.gif L 65 100 40 sp/su 7 2 12 0 +3
crouch Roundhouse.gif L 90 150 60 - 10 2 22 -6 - Hard knockdown
Jump up Jab.gif H 45 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump up Strong.gif H 75[25] 100[50] 40[20] - 8 6 - - - Pursuit property, [] refers to active frames 3~6
Jump up Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 12 4 - - - [Air hit] Limited juggle, pursuit property
Jump up Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 8 - - -
Jump up Forward.gif H 75 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump up Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 10 4 - - -
Jump forward Jab.gif H 45 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump forward Strong.gif H 75 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump forward Fierce.gif H 95 200 60 - 7 4 - - -
Jump forward Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
Jump forward Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 7 5 - - -
Jump forward Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 9 5 - - -
Jump Taunt HL 0 0 0/70[30] - 14 30 After landing 22 - - [] refers to on block
Crouch Taunt HL 0 0 0/70[30] - 14 26 21 -36 -33 [] refers to on block
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 10+11 2 35 -21 -21
Focus Attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 18+11 2 35 -15 -
Focus Attack LVL 3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 35 - -
Forward Throw 1.03 120 100 40 - 3 2 20 - - Hard knockdown
Back Throw 0.96 130 120 40 - 3 2 20 - - Hard knockdown
Gadoken Jab.gif HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 8 Total 40 0 +4 15~16f cancellable
Gadoken Strong.gif HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 10 Total 41 -1 +3 15~16f cancellable
Gadoken Fierce.gif HL 70 100 20/20 su 14 15 Total 42 -2 +2 15~16f cancellable
Gadoken EX.gif HL 50*60 50*50 -250/0 su 14 20 Total 40 +3 +6 Pursuit property, 15~16f cancellable
Koryuken Jab.gif HL 110[70] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 15+11 -18 - 1~2f Invincible, 3~16f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 3~4f unthrowable, 5f~ airborne, [] refers to active frames 2~13
Koryuken Strong.gif HL 120[80] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 25+19 -36 - 1~4f Invincible, 5~16f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 5f~ unthrowable, 5f~ airborne, [] refers to active frames 2~13
Koryuken Fierce.gif HL 140[100] 200[100] 30/40 su 4 13 28+19 -39 - 1~4f Invincible, 5~16f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 5f~ unthrowable, 5f~ airborne, [] refers to active frames 2~13
Koryuken EX.gif HL 70*60 100*100 -250/0 su 4 1*12 31+19 -40 - 1~16f Invincible, 6f~ airborne, 2nd hit pursuit property
Dankukyaku Short.gif HL 90 100 40/30 - 17 10 After landing 11 0 - 10f~ airborne, armor break
Dankukyaku Forward.gif HL 60*40 100*50 40/30*20 - 17 2(6)2 10+11 -2 - 8f~ airborne, armor break, 2nd pursuit property
Dankukyaku Roundhouse.gif HL 50*40*40 100*50*50 40/30*20*10 - 17 2(6)3(6)2 10+11 -2 - 8f~ airborne, armor break, 2nd-3rd hit pursuit property
Dankukyaku EX.gif (1 hit) HL 40 100 -250/0 - 8 10 5+9 -3 - 4f~ airborne, armor break, on hit goes into 2nd and 3rd hit
Dankukyaku EX.gif (2, 3hit) HL 40x2 75*75 - - 8 2(9)2 8+25 - - Pursuit property
Dankukyaku Short.gif (air) HL 90 100 10/30 - 8 14 After landing 17 - -
Dankukyaku Forward.gif (air) HL 60*40 100*100 10/30*30 - 5 1(9)2 After landing 17 - - 2nd hit Pursuit Property
Dankukyaku Roundhouse.gif (air) HL 50*50*50 100x3 10/30x3 - 5 1(9)1(10)2 After landing 17 - - 2nd-3rd hit Pursuit Property
Dankukyaku EX.gif (air) HL 50x3 100*75x2 -250/0 - 5 1(6)1(7)1 After landing 7 - - 2nd-3rd hit Pursuit Property
Hisshou Buraiken HL 15x18*80 0 -1000/0 - 1+3 174(22)14 23+26 -42 - 1~12f Invincible, Untechable limited juggle knockdown, pursuit property, (information about active frames)
Legendary Taunt - - - -1000/0 See notes 1+0 - Total 397 - - 232~294f airborne, Can cancel into ultra until 231f
Ultra Combo 1 HL 465 0 0/0 - 0+10 12 64 -55 - 1~9f Invincible, Hard knockdown, On hit goes into animation
Ultra Combo 2 HL 60x5*68 0 0/0 - 0+15 22 Total 156 -85 - 1~8f Invincible, Untechable limited juggle knockdown
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
