Real Bout Fatal Fury 2

From SuperCombo Wiki


Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 is the 7th episode of the Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu series. It features a wide variety of characters, and plays very much similiar to Real Bout Fatal Fury and Real Bout Fatal Fury Special that came before it, with some gameplay tweaks, along with two new characters.


How to Play

It's a good idea before you begin, you view the How to Play so you know the basic controls for the game. This is the first step to learning how to play, so pay good attention!


Up = Makes your character jump.

Forward = Moves your character forward.

Back = Moves your character backward.

Down = Makes your character crouch.

A = Punch

B = Kick

C = Heavy Attack

D = Line Shift

Starting Out

The rules of the game are very simple, you win the round if you deplete your opponents life bar dry, or by having more life than your opponent has when the timer runs out (Default setting is 60 seconds). Likewise, you lose if your on the opposite end of the spectrum here. The match is over when a player wins two rounds (default setting). In versus mode (human vs. human), it's game over for the loser unless they decide to continue.


In single player mode (human vs. cpu), you pick your character, and then you choose your first cpu opponent, whom can be anyone except Billy Kane, Laurence Blood, Wolfgang Krauser and Geese Howard, since they serve as the bosses of the game. While playing in single player mode, the game ranks you based on how well you performed durring your fight based on health left over, time left over, score, etc.

Upon beating the single player mode, you will view a short ending sequence for your character with the credits, and you'll also recieve your final overall ranking. If you perform very well in the single player mode, you can fight Alfred from Real Bout Fatal Fury Special:Domainted Mind (Playsation only) as a hidden boss. He is not playable however, through legit means anyways.

Basic Techniques

Before you start getting deeply into this game, it's a good idea to learn the basic aspects of the gameplay in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2. The following basic techniques all apply to fighting in the front line of the fighting field.

Forward Dash - Double tap forward. If you jump durring a Forward Dash, you can jump further than you could normally.

Backward Dash - Double tap back. If you time this correctly, you can avoid projectiles and some attacks.

Small Jump - Simply tap the up direction and you will do a small jump. You can do a small backward and forward jump as well.

Blocking - Simply hold back while your opponent attacks, and you will defend yourself, taking no damage from basic attacks, and small amounts of damage from special and desperation moves. You can block aerial and high attacks from a standing block postion.

Low Blocking - Hold back and down together as your opponent attacks, and you will assume a crouching guard postion. This is the only way to defend againest low attacks. Aerial and most high attacks will hit you in this postion.

Air Blocking - Hold back while your jumping.

Crawl - While crouching, press forward and your character will slowly crawl forward while crouching.

Mid Air Turn - Press the D button durring a jump, your character will quickly turn around to face the other direction. Very useful when jumping over your opponenets so you can quickly face them and attack.

Fient - Every character has a fake-out move that is the start of an animation of a special or desperation move, but is cut short. These really serve no purpose other than to surprise (or annoy) your opponent.

Evasion Attack - Press A and B together, this attack will avoid the opponent for a split second while you attack them.

Grapple/Throw - Press Forward or Back and C when you are very close. Some characters may also have throws that can be performed in mid air.

Safe Fall - Simply press D before you hit the ground, and you'll safely recover. This does not work if you are thrown or hit by a Desperation/Super Desperation Move.

Pursue Attacks - Some characters may have moves that enable them to attack an opponent that has fallen onto the ground. All the more reason to take advantage of the Safe Fall manuver when applicable.

Line Shift Recovery - Press Up and D together has you hit the ground, and you will roll into the back line. You must have H. Power or higher to do this.

Taunt - Press C and D together. Each charcter has a unique taunt, however taunting will leave you open, but you may cancel the taunt with any movements.

Break Shot - Also known as a Guard Cancel, certain special moves (and Desperation moves!) can be performed while in the guard postion and break your opponents attack. You must be at H.Power or higher to do this, and it drains your power gauge a notch.

Line Shift Fighting

While in the back line, you have quite a few manuvers you can perform, offensive and defensive. It's a good idea to learn to take advantage of both, because it can make a great deal of difference durring play. Note that some backwards are only one line, but they may have hazards if you knock your opponent into the background that cause extra damage.

Movement - In the back line, you can move forward and back. You can dash as well. Note that dashing will cause you to return back to the front line. It's a good idea to use the dash in the back line sparingly, as it leaves you open to attack.

Defending - You can block high and low in the back line, however blocking an attack from the back line will return you to the front. If you are hit while in the backline, you will also be forced to return to the front. Finally, you can perform a safe roll back into the front if you press Down + D.

Attacking (Back line) - You can perform three kinds of attacks from the backline, high (A), low (B), and heavy (C). High attacks from the back line must be blocked high, while low attacks must be blocked low. Heavy attacks can be blocked high or low, however if they connect, you can follow up with another attack easily.

Attacking (Front line) - You can attack an opponent that is in the back line by hitting D for a high attack and Down + D for a low attack. Some characters have special moves that can hit opponents in the back line, such has Terry's Round Wave.

Line Thrust Attack - Almost all the characters can perform an attack that will force their opponent into the back line, allowing them to attack them again with a front line attack. If you are fighting on a one line stage, then this attack will knock your opponent into a background hazard, causing some more damage. These attacks are also the building blocks of many deadly combo's, so keep them in mind.

Chain Combo's

Every character can chain certain basic attacks into a chain combo. These chain combo's differ from each character, but they essentially do pretty decent damage on their own. The true power behind these rely on being able to follow up these chain combo's with a special or desperation move that greatly increase their damage potential.

You can also knock your opponent into the background with some of these combo's, allowing you to do even more damage. Experiment and learn your characters chain combo's, then figure out how you can turn them into even more flashy combo's.

Example of a chain combo for Kim - Standing Close C, Standing A, Standing B, Standing C. This chain combo will launch the opponent into the air, allowing Kim to continue it with his Air Dust (Hold Down, Up + A) and end it with his Air Dust Finisher (Down + A). Take note with this that only certain moves will connect when your opponent is airborne after an attack.

Desperation and Super Desperation Moves

Every character has at least one Desperation and one Super Desperation Move, and both are very powerful types of attacks. Your average Desperation Move will take off about 45% damage, while a Super Desperation move can take off as much as 65%.

Desperation Moves can be performed when you have the power gauge built up to S.Power or when your life bar is flashing red, you may use unlimited Desperation Moves. Super Desperation Moves can only be performed when your life bar is flashing red and you have the power gauge built up to P.Power. If your gauge is at S.Power and your life bar begins to flash, it will automatically change to P.Power.

Character Guide


  • Terry Bogard
  • Andy Bogard
  • Kim Kaphwan
  • Joe Higashi
  • Duck King
  • Mai Shiranui
  • Rick Strowd
  • Li Xiang Fei
  • Sokaku Mochizuki
  • Bob Wilson
  • Hon Fu
  • Blue Mary
  • Franco Bash
  • Ryuji Yamazaki
  • Jin Chonshu
  • Jin Chonrei
  • Billy Kane
  • Cheng Sinzan
  • Tung Fu Rue
  • Laurence Blood
  • Wolfgang Krauser
  • Geese Howard
  • Alfred