Marvel Super Heroes/Blackheart

From SuperCombo Wiki


Moves List

Normal Moves

Magic Series
Ground: Kick to Punch
Jumping: Kick to Punch
Super Jumping: standard zig-zag

  • All of Blackheart's HP attacks send out demons that latch onto the opponent and make the next move that connects do more damage (including throws).
  • All of Blackheart's HK attacks send out demons that latch onto the opponent and force the opponent to stay in place until the demons wear off.
The demons wear off a) after a second or two; b) if BH presses HK or HP again; or c) if BH gets hit.


LP: A quick jab in front of Blackheart; LK: short poke with his tail. will push back opponents a good distance if blocked
MP: Blackheart's launcher; MK: okay for keeping people out
HP: Demons fly out of his chest at a downward angle; HK: a stomp that sends demons flying out in an arc. Can be super jump cancelled if the stomp touches the opponent.


LP: crouching hit with tail; LK: good annoyance tool, fast startup
MP: knocks opponent back nearly full screen (on hit); MK: good "get off me" move
HP: Demons fly across the ground; HK: Demons crawl across the ground until they reach the opponent


LP: links into itself, important part of BH's air combos; LK: for air combos
MP: BH throws a lightning bolt from his hands that drains super meter; MK: a decent jump in and causes flying screen at the end of air combos
HP: sends demons downward at a shallow angle. The demons return to BH. Good for controlling the air; HK: sends demons downward at a steep angle, also good for controlling the air.

Special Moves


  • Half Circle Back + Punch
The button pressed determines the range of the attack.
LP: will hit directly in front of Blackheart
MP: will hit approximately 3/4 of the screen away from Blackheart
HP: will hit wherever the opponent is currently standing
note: After performing the motion for Inferno, press one of the following buttons to change the effect of the portal summoned
LP (or no button press): Lightning Inferno. Drains the opponent's super meter in addition to doing damage.
MP: Ice Inferno.
HP: Fire Inferno. Has the fastest startup of the three infernos.

Dark Thunder

  • Half Circle Forward + Punch

Super Moves

Infinity Counter

Dark Thunder

  • Back, Down-Back, Down + Punch

Infinity Combo


  • Quarter Circle Forward + All three Punches

Heart of Darkness

  • Quarter Circle Forward + All three Kicks

The Basics

Advanced Strategy
