The King of Fighters 2003/Shen

From SuperCombo Wiki


Moves List


Kyakuten Zuchi [b/f]+[C/D]

Command Moves

Fusen Kyaku f+B Tenren no Kamae f+hold D Tenren Shuu f+D

Special Moves

Gekiken qcf+hold P !

`! if not charged

└Cancel K Fukuko Geki qcb+A └Kouryuu Geki qcf+A Saikou Hougeki close hcb,f+C

Desesperation Moves

Zetsu! Gekiken qcf,qcf+P @ Kohyou Rengeki qcf,qcf+K

Leader Desesperation Moves

Bakushin CABC

`attack power up

The Basics

Advanced Strategy
