JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

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Revision as of 03:18, 23 September 2008 by Daniel Denny (talk | contribs)
Cover of the Dreamcast version of the game.


Based on Part Three of the manga of the same name, JoJo's adds a twist to the action through the use of each characters' "Stand", a supernatural ability or being unique to each character. The game seems like a more ground-focused take on the Marvel vs. formula (There's a good reason for this.), and uses the three-button control scheme seen in more recent games like Akatsuki Blitzkampf.

Though the Dreamcast version is the more accurate port, the Playstation version is still a decent game in its own right.



A1: Light Attack
A2: Medium Attack
A3: Heavy Attack
S: Stand

Character Types:

Active Stand: Characters that can activate a Stand that can fight with/in place of character.
Weapon Stand: Characters that utilize their Stand as a weapon.
Passive/no Stand: Characters that have no Stand meter, and Stand activation utilized as an extra attack. They are always considered to have their Stand off.)

Special Actions:

  • Dash: Double tap forward, while holding forward on the second tap: Character will run toward the opponent.
  • Advanced Guard: A1+A2+A3 (while blocking an attack): This action pushes an attacking opponent back further than normally blocking.
  • Guard Cancel: Down, Forward, Down+Foward + any attack button while blocking an attack. Your character will recover from their lengthy block animation much faster than normal, allowing you to counter attack your opponent sooner.
  • Recovery: Any attack button twice in succession after being hit with an attack in the air. Hold a direction while using Recovery to move in held direction.
  • Tech: Any attack button twice in succession while being thrown by opponent. Tech will lessen damage from the throw.
  • Dodge: A1+A2+A3: Character will preform an evasive maneuver toward the opponent, where attacks, excluding throws, will not hit them. (Stand must be off, with one exception, Joseph Jostar)
  • Throw: A3+Forward or Back (next to opponent): Character will grab and preform damage to the opponent. The opponent will be tossed a distance to the left or right depending on the character using Throw.
  • Stand Attack: QCF+S: (Stand must be off)
  • Tandem Attack: QCB+S: When used by Active Stand users, you have a limited amount of time to input commands for what your Stand will preform when the input period is over. You can lengthen the time for input by holding the Stand button after QCB+S. While holding the Stand button, your Stand meter will start to drain. You can hold the Stand button until this meter runs out, but you are free to release any time before that. While the initial Tandem will give you some time with no interruption, holding the button after the normal allotted time grants you no invincibility, and your opponent is free to attack. After your input period is done, Your Stand will become independent of your character and will rush forward, and while your Stand is preforming attacks, you retain control of your Character, who can still attack. However, if your Stand is hit by an attack by your opponent, the Stand will disappear. When used by Weapon Stand users, the attack is similar to Custom Combos seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series, in which you input attacks with little to no delay in between attacks. (Passive/No Stand users cannot preform Tandem attacks.)
  • Stand Release: Forward+any two attack buttons: Releases your Stand to control independently of your character. You control the Stand, inputting attacks, while your character is motionless. Press Stand to cancel. (Available only to Muhammed Abdul, Kakyouin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and D'Bo.)
  • Double Jump: Press Up again while jumping (Stand must be on to preform)

Basic Strategy/Tips


  • Learning to use your Stand wisely is an important part of gameplay. Active Stand users have bonuses granted to them with their Stand on. While your Stand is out, you suffer no chip damage from Normal, Special, and Super moves, with the exception of Throws. You gain extra mobility in the air from Double Dump, your attacks do more damage, and you also suffer less damage from attacking opponents. Furthermore, some Super moves cannot be used without your Stand on. However, Having your Stand on also has it's drawbacks. A major one is Stand Break. Every hit excluding normal non-stand attacks will lower your Stand Meter. When your Stand meter is completely gone, you will be in a state called Stand Break. In this time, you are stunned momentarily and are completely vulnerable to most any attack. However, you can avoid this by putting away your Stand. Having your Stand off will refill your Stand Meter. Also important to note, if you are thrown with your Stand on, your Stand will will disappear. While you have your Stand on, your Stand is considered a part of you. Meaning, if someone hits your Stand with an attack, you suffer the damage. Characters that can send out their Stand using Stand Release can have their Stand hit by any attack. Finally, you cannot utilize Dodge while your Stand is on. Weapon Stand users have specific key differences. Weapon Stand users cannot send out their Stand, therefore their hitbox area does not change. Weapon Stand users cannot Double Jump with their Stand on.
  • Of course, footsies are very important in this game.
  • Learn how each character works so you can use their weaknesses against them.
  • Tandem Attack is useful, but not to be abused. Choose your moment carefully.
  • In order to reduce chip damage, bring out your Stand before blocking.
  • OCF+S is a necessity during close quarters combat or in the middle of a combo if you want to bring out your stand without any sort of lag.
    • For example: "Jotaro: j.A3, s.A3, QCF+S"
  • Countering is definitely useful, but can easily be abused. It doesn't use any meter so you can do it as many times as you like.


Active Stand

Jotaro Kujo (JoJo)
Muhammed Abdul
Kakyouin Noriaki
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Vanilla Ice
New Kakyoin

Weapon Stand

Joseph Joestar

Passive/No Stand

Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse & Boingo
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
JoJo (Young Joseph)

Game Versions
