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SF6 Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Reaction windows

Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit ≥ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value ≥ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be ≥ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 ≥ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.