Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Urien/Archive

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Urien's Character Select Portrait
Urien's Neutral Stance


Urien is a character that relies mostly on setups, basic mixups and normal moves. His basic game is extremely straightforward and his attacks aren't that unique, but his sum is greater than it's parts. Due to Aegis Reflector he can truly shine in competitive play. If you want an extremely meter dependent character that can turn a knockdown or favorable position into something akin to slaughter, Urien is your man.

Moves List

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

LP - Urien jabs into the air quickly, primary uses include comboing into s.MP, a quick, mediocre anti-air, hiding a charge, in mid-screen unblockable combos, a "filler" attack when going for pressure and confusing an opponent before a throw. Cancelable into: Self, MP, Special, Super

MP - Urien stretches with his right hand very far for a nice punch, solid poke, very good counter-poke, works as a decent anti-air, for resets, and stops some moves pretty clean (mostly rushing attacks). If used as anti-air, can be canceled into a tackle, headbutt or anti-air fireball to mess up would be air-parries. Combos in certain situations (into headbutts and tackles). Good all around move. Best move for wiffing to gain meter. Cancelable into: Special, Super

HP - Urien throws out a mean karate chop. Great move, comes out fast, unpunishable from a good range, does great stun and a lot of damage, knocks aerial opponents to the ground, stuffs a lot of good moves, a great poke to throw out, has an extremely large variety of uses, possibly Urien's best normal attack.

LK - Urien shifts his foot forward a little bit, like LP except worse in almost every way, except it doesn't whiff versus crouching opponents (in which a crouching LP would work just as well in that case). Cancels into: Special, Super

MK - Urien fully extends his right leg in a side kick, poke with great range, can be used to keep certain characters like Hugo and Q in their place. Not much use otherwise. Good to throw out there every once and a while.

HK - Urien lifts his leg torwards the sky and swings it down like an axe. Slow overhead, makes Urien back up a TINY bit, so it can be used to avoid certain moves as well as to avoid throws. Good to throw out during throw setups to catch people off gaurd. Two hits, knocks down in air. Not a good every day move but it's nice to throw out every once in a while. Unsafe on block, can be reversaled by certain moves (Shippu for example)

Crouching Normals

LP - Urien does a light backfist. See standing LP, can combo in a couple situations. Used primarily in the cases where standing LP would be used (and would not miss). Can combo into Tyrant Slaughter (but why would you be using that?). Cancelable into: Self, Special, Super

MP - An elbow attack that slides Urien forward, not many uses for this move except keeping an opponent cornered for a few attacks, can also be used to go behind opponents when they are jumping in for an attack. Goes under Remy's High LOV, and can escape demon flip mixups.

HP - Urien palms upward, followed by a rising elbow attack in the same motion, Basic launcher, extremely crucial to Uriens game, starts juggles. 2 hits, can be used twice in a row versus some characters, limited mid-juggle use. Cancelable into: Special, Super

LK - Used in unblockable situations and as a quick poke. A solid low attack. Great for breaking out of pressure strings. Cancelable into: Special, Super

MK - Mostly used as a good poke, pretty basic c.MK, doesn't combo, great range, not very good priority so can be easily counter poked.

HK - Sweep, has AMAZING range for a sweep and fairly safe at range as well. Similar in most ways to a shoto sweep, albeit a little slower startup.

Jumping Normals

Most of Urien's jumping moves are seldom used in anything, the primary exception being jumping HK, which is a very very good move.

LP - Urien places his elbow near his thigh and holds it in place. Pathetic range, stays out his entire jump.

LK - Throws his knee forward. Slightly better range than jumping LP. Pretty much entirely useless unless you want to beat your opponent in an air-to-air fight.

MP - Urien swipes horizontally. decent for air to air as it stays out for a bit.

MK - A simple horizontal kick, good range, nothing spectacular.

HP - Urien slams slightly downward, lots of hitstun and good damage. But still worse than jumping HK in every concievable way.

HK - Has almost retarded priority, starts up pretty fast and does good damage. This is the single reason Urien will likely jump in a match. Can be used in pretty much any situation where Urien needs a safe poke. Cancelable into: SA1


Destroy Claw


An 8-hit neutral throw. When you perform this throw, drum your fingers across all 3 punches in a piano like fashion to speed up the process. If all 8 hits connect, it does more stun than Spartan Bomb. However, the drawback is you will never be able to pull off all 8 since the opponent can mash out of it. Thus, you will never use this throw as the Spartan Bomb is better than this throw in every way.

Spartan Bomb

F/B + LP + LK

One of the best throws in the game. Its range is superior than most, the damage is great, and the throw keeps the opponent right next to you. Always try to throw your opponents in the direction closer to the corner.

Command Normals

Quarrel Punch


This move is quite good for an anti-air as the reach is far, however, try to use it at maximum range. When you are executing a corner juggle, use this as a finisher to reset the opponent. This is a viable poke for taller characters such as Hugo, Q, Urien, Alex, and Dudley when they are on the ground. Can be cancelled into F+HP.

Quarrel Kick


This move has great reach, however it is easily parried. It has a great number of active frames, and is thus used as the standard guard break for Aegis Reflector unblockables. Other than that, do not use it.

Terrible Smash


This is an overhead attack. The move comes out pretty fast, and makes for a good meaty attack.

Target Combos

F+MP -> F+HP

You'll only land both hits on a standing opponent if they were quite close, but on a crouching opponent the F+MP will whiff. Not too great of a combo as most of the cast are too short to get hit by F+MP, and not only that, when you do happen to connect the first hit, the F+HP will miss unless you were quite close, thus not utilizing the great range of the first attack to it's potential.

Special Moves

I will not go into detail for combo wise, the following is just for throwing out the move as is.

Metallic Sphere


Kill! A slow projectile that will put the opponent in a juggle state if they are airborne. Used for massive juggles by anti-airing.

LP version - Standard horizontal projectile. Basically used to keep the opponent busy parrying it, to throw some light pressure on. Greatest recovery time of the 3 versions. Don't use it if you are less than 2/3 screen away from the opponent.

MP version - Angled shot at 30 degrees. Primarily used for anti-air.

HP version - Angled shot at 45 degrees. Very fast recovery time., so fast that if you happen to shoot someone at point-blank, you are safe on block. Situational anti-airs for high jumpers such as Necro and Chun-li.

EX version - No angle, shot travels much slower than any version for 2 hits. DON'T USE IT.

Chariot Tackle

Charge B, F+Kick

Crush! The chariot tackle is Urien's signature move. Although it should NEVER be thrown out randomly, only use it for juggling and if you must throw one out, make sure to have an Aegis Reflector ready to cancel into to protect you from being punished if it gets blocked.

LK version - Comes out quite fast, but has short range, use for punishing blocked moves such as a sweep from Ken.

MK version - Travels about 1/2-1/3 screen, the staple one to cancel into Aegis for a safe mixup afterwards.

HK version - Slow start-up, longest recovery of all version. Reaches a screen-length, so its good to cancel into aegis to trap opponents. Other than that, don't use it outside of juggles.

EX version - comes out lightning fast as Urien zips across the screen. Use sparingly, to catching opponents off guard on to continue corner juggles. Can be linked into Tyrant Slaughter.

Dangerous Headbutt

Charge D, U+Punch

Eh-yah! A leaping headbutt that jumps over low attacks in the process, does great stun, and knocks down. Being a leap attack like a UOH, it therefore beats out throws as well. The EX version however, puts the opponent in a juggle state, and does massive stun. After a blocked or whiffed headbutt, you should always attempt a throw. On Hugo, Alex, and Urien - After a landed Headbutt, you can do c.lp to reset the character.

LP version - Excellent move. This is the version you would throw out randomly and in poking, comes out almost instantly. Does not cross over downed or crouching opponents except chun and oro. Try to use as often as possible.

MP version - Travels a little farther and higher than LP version. Crosses over grounded. Can be used for anti-air and juggles, but use sparingly.

HP version - Travels far and high, and thus is very floaty and slow. Crosses over grounded or crouched opponents as well. DON'T USE IT.

EX version - Excellent move, has same startup as MP version, however, it has the fastest recovery time of all versions and is safe on block. This is the version to throw out if you aren't using the LP version and if you have meter to burn. Two-hits, and puts opponents in a juggle state. Crosses over grounded or crouched opponents.

Violence Kneedrop

Charge D, U+Kick

Destroy! A move the opponents can see coming from a mile away - parry bait. If it gets blocked, you are still screwed, however, if your knee bangs into the opponents lower body, then Urien will become grounded so that you would be relatively safe.

LK version - You can use this, but make it whiff! Can be used to "psych opponents out." But'd be better off NOT using it.

MK version - DON'T USE IT.

HK version - Use it when you are cornered and need to escape.

EX version - Comes out lighting quick, homing into the opponent. Use it for when opponent throws out a projectile like a hadouken, or for chip kills.

Super Arts


I will list the most practical/common combos that do not require the use of Super Art.

Midscreen Combos

c.HP - MK tackle

c.HP - MP headbutt (Use LP headbutt for Chun-li and Elena)

c.HP - c.HP - MP headbutt (Elena only)

c.HP - c.HP - MK tackle (Elena only)

EX required:

c.HP - EX headbutt - MK tackle

c.HP - EX headbutt - MP headbutt

MP x EX headbutt - MP sphere - MK tackle

Corner Combos

Note: All final moves can be swapped with a f.MP for a reset.

c.HP - LK tackle - LP sphere - LK tackle - HP (Works on Chun-li, Makoto, Necro, Twelve, and Elena) PS. Works on Alex and Dudley but almost impossible to do so.

c.HP - MK tackle - MK tackle - MP headbutt (Can be used against all of the characters listed above as well as shotos and Urien) PS. Works against Yun, Yang, Remy, Ibuki but very difficult to connect.

c.HP - MK tackle - HP

c.HP - walk a half-step forward to LK tackle - c.HP - LK tackle (For Hugo Only)

c.HP - LK tackle - MP sphere - HK tackle - LK tackle (Chun-li, Necro, Q)

c.HP - LK tackle - HP sphere - HK tackle - HK tackle (For Q Only)

EX Required:

MP x EX headbutt - HK tackle - MK tackle - MK tackle

c. HP - MK Tackle - EX Tackle - HK Tackle (Does NOT work on Necro, Twelve, Alex, and Hugo)

c. HP - EX Tackle - HK Tackle - MK Tackle (Variation of the above)

Anti-Air Combos

Obviously from midscreen, if you land a Metallic Sphere on an airborne character - you can only tack on a HK tackle, but if you are near the corner or in the corner, then proceed with the following. The following combos are after you hit an airborne character with a sphere.

HK tackle - MK tackle - EX tackle - HK tackle (Does NOT work on Necro, Twelve, Alex, and Hugo)

HK tackle - EX tackle - HK tackle - MK tackle (Variation of the above)

HK tackle - MK tackle - MK tackle - HP

HK tackle - MK tackle - LP sphere - LK tackle - HP

Frame Data



Command Normals

Special Moves

Super Arts

Additional Frame Data



Urien has three stages: A) No Aegis B) Aegis Stocked C) Aegis Out (And not wasted)

Your primary goal is to get to stage C. To get there, your primary goal should be to fight for space (don't get backed into a corner), meter (work your way to stage B) and a knockdown (as to safely plant an Aegis or lay down damage and get meter at a much lower risk). Learn how to play each stage of Urien properly, and focus on getting to stage C. Urien's primary strength comes from Aegis, his combos are stronger, his mixups are safer and his normals have more priority.


Super Art Selection

Super Art 1 QCFx2+P - Tyrant Punisher (Also refered to as Tyrant Slaughter)

An extremely basic super art that combos off all essential moves. Does great damage, combos easily and can be used as Uriens only real "good" reversal. Recommended for beginner Urien players.

Super Art 2 QCFx2+P - Jupiter Thunder (Also refered to as Jupitel Thunder or Temporal Thunder).

"Projectile" super art. Launches a blast of electrical energy that eventually weakens into a metallic sphere. Does decent stun damage, pretty poor at anything else. Decent in corner juggles, the closer you are to the opponent, the better it is.

Super Art 3 QCFx2+P - Aegis Reflector

Considered Urien's best Super Art, also one of, if not the most unique one in the game. Urien creates a shield that will hit 6 times, and remain near stationary once it reaches its destination, homing in very slowly. Strength of the P button determines how far it will travel. EX version moves the same distance as the LP version with an upward angle. Because projectiles must be blocked in the way they originated from, Urien can cross up the opponent and create situations where an opponent must parry/reversal their way out or eat guaranteed damage. This is an unblockable situation. Also, because an opponent will have much trouble acting if an Aegis Reflector is on top of them on wakeup, it is used to create mixup games which are near inescapable. Urien can also use the reflector to cancel a Chariot Tackle, and then do another series of Chariot Tackles into the corner. Because of the Aegis' versatility and 2 super bars, it is considered the best Super Art Urien has.


Urien has no kara techniques.


Urien's primary pokes are s.MP s.HP s.MK c.MK c.LK c.HK j.HK Most other attacks are poor pokes.


Urien has a plethora of crossups, 2 high attacks, and a large amount of unblockables, as well as setups that lead into mixups.

The most basic of such are his crouching kicks (all hit low), Universal Overhead and F+HP hitting high.

Additional Notes

Urien is the third tallest character in the game, Q and Hugo are the only ones taller than him, because of his size, it changes a few situations slightly. (He can be reset in situations where others can't). He also cannot duck under certain things like fireballs and specific standing attacks.

Urien has an EXTREMELY fast, far dash. So fast that it's viable to dash in and throw the opponent after blocking or parrying certain moves. He can also push downed characters to the corner very quickly with it. Urien's dash can usually cross-up tech-recovering characters.

Urien has a very high defense rating, rivaled only by Alex, and beaten by Hugo and (taunted) Q.


Serious Advantage Match-ups

Twelve - Twelve is very VERY susceptible to air fireballs. If you nail one the match will quickly turn in your favor DRAMATICALLY. You can punish his HK with a parry, dash in throw. It must be stressed that an anti-air fireball in most cases mean the match for Twelve, try and land one without risking too much. This is likely Urien's best matchup.

Sean - Treat him like a normal shoto, only worse in every way :) His combo options are more limited, and his space control is worse and less threatening.

Q - s.MP stops a lot of attacks cold, including dash punches. LP headbutt will trade/reset you with most attacks (which is an advantage if you seek to escape the corner), or beat out a C&DB if you are cornered. MP Fireball can hit a standing Q when relatively close. Avoid letting Q taunt, you can walk all over him, considering Urien's speed, punishing a taunt from anything but full screen is not an issue for him, you can in most cases generate a knockdown, at least.

Hugo - MP Fireballs stop Hugos dead in their tracks. Just play it safe from a distance until you have an Aegis. Don't let his throws control the match, just be VERY safe. Remember that Headbutts beat throws 100% of the time, and a parry will seal a cr.HP in most cases.

Advantage Match-ups

Necro - Avoid getting cornered against Necro, one of Necro's few strengths vs Urien is his ability to do monster damage for little risk fighting a cornered Urien. His db.HP can juggle Urien multiple times, generally refilling Necro's entire super meter. Your best ground defense against Necro's pokes is to parry them and dash in for a throw. Avoid using Fireballs unless you know they will hit. Necro has few options once cornered to actually escape unlike a lot of other characters.

Alex - Just remember that Alex wants to play it safe with mixups, which actually limits his game a good amount. He is a sucker for a few specific setups too. You can reset Alex from an LP Headbutt with a well time c.LP

Remy - You can c.MP under Remy's high LoVs.

Elena - You can hit Elena with c.HP twice in a row from anywhere on the screen.

Fair Match-ups

Ryu - Ryu is a fight that changes depending on what super he chooses, it doesn't change a lot mind you, but it changes. His general strengths rely on a mid-screen, mid distance fight. His main threat relies on EX Fireballs, which are the ultimate poke (treat them as such). EX fireballs are weak from far away, and are outclassed by other moves at close range, so any intelligent Ryu will want to whore them at mid range. Whiffing a poke is generally not a safe option unless you are full screen or Ryu doesn't have EX. Ryu's bests strengths rely on the fact that close up, or mid-screen, he can punish you, and it will hurt, and it will cost very little meter for him. What this means is while he has no real good way of shutting you down, being predictable or making any non-minor mistakes can cost you 1/3 of your life. Don't let this happen. c.MK HK Tatsu or anything into EX Donkey Kick will rape your lifebar. Ryu has a shitty shoryuken, and OS forward parries will beat all varieties of SRK besides EX if he's stupid enough to use them. Now, onto the super art differences.

SA1: This basically gives Ryu midscreen domination, at the cost of damage. Unless he gets an actual close attack off, he is of little threat to you, meaning his only damage options close/mid to you is a c.MK combo, or he can use EX to knock you down and try for damage off that. Nothing you have will really beat an EX Hadouken.

SA2: Probably Ryu's weakest SA in this matchup. He throws his mid range dominance for... damage he will have difficulty earning because without a knockdown he can't really build meter very well, so while you should be wary of an EX Hadouken, it's his only true option to really work into a full super meter.

SA3: This is probably Urien's worst SA to go against with Ryu. Why? Because Urien is tall. While Urien does have kneedrop, this is about his only viable option to beat SA3, and it will die to a proper Denjin setup, so you're stuck in the parry zone. However, again, Ryu loses his mid range dominance for this super, the only difference is this bar is twice as short as SA2 and can be escaped from (although hard vs a good player), so it's MUCH easier to get off this super art in the long run, vs Urien, simply because you're going to have it stocked twice as often, and requires slightly less of an effort to set it up.

Oro - If Oro ever does (Blocked) close MP, MK Chicken Kick, you can walk away from the Chicken Kick and punish with a c.HP. Oro's double jump can avoid air fireballs when timed properly. Tengu Stone will destroy Aegis Reflectors ridiculously fast. Oro's goal is to keep you out until he gets a mixup/super opportunity, which means your primary objective is to merely punish parry as much as you can until an Aegis setup arises. Oro has very poor damage opportunities unless he is very close or parries something really laggy, such as a f.HP.

Dudley - Dudley can fall victim to fireballs easier due to his lower jump. Dudley, like Makoto, is a fatty, and can be pushed into Aegis' in places where other characters wouldn't.

Disadvantage Match-ups

Yun - Yun fights similarly to Urien, in that he plays in 3 seperate stages, no meter, full meter, and meter active, the difference between the two characters is when Yun has meter he is more dangerous. The primary thing you need to watch out for with Urien is that while Yun is a very very strong character, you can capitalize off specific, extremely important pressure options to Yun. Urien can red parry target combos for damage, Urien can parry dive kicks for a free c.HP, Urien can seldomly nail anti-air fireballs for great damage. Your primary strength in this matchup is that Yun will have to risk being parried for the potential round if he wants a better Genei-Jin, otherwise he has to use an activate and approach method, so while fighting certain other characters, he can pretty much get away with Genei-Jining in their face, it's more risky to do it to Urien, because he has a counter and then some for every activation method Yun has.

Chun-Li - You can punish some of her whiffed pokes with Chariot Tackles, but be wary if she has meter. Extremely easy to combo against. Never ever ever ever throw a fireball when Chun-Li has meter unless you cancel it, or you can safely assume she won't SA2. Chun-Li is a sucker for unblockables, as she is the easiest character to do them on. Tackle xx any non LP Aegis vs a Chun-Li can be supered for FREE. Only Fireball xx Aegis or Tackle xx LP/EX Aegis vs her if you want to put her under pressure while she's standing. When Chun-Li has no or little meter, she is barely a threat, focus on baiting her and lay down the pressure without blindly rushing in (this will get you killed). Try to avoid parrying anything once she has meter UNLESS it's outside of her c.MK range, which in case try to parry a c.HK or s.HP will work. If you Aegis her with a bit of breathing room in the corner, lay on the pressure or she can jump up and wall jump out of there, don't just let her sit there.

Akuma - Be aware that Akuma can escape planted Aegis Reflectors by Reversal Teleporting. You can beat Demon Flip Kicks with OS parry pretty easily. Once you are cornered generally your best option is to wait it out until a safe option parry become available, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE WITHOUT AN OPENING, once you become Akuma's bitch, you need to wait it out. Do not get impatient. Waiting for a hurricane kick or low jab or tech throw attempt is pretty much the best way to ride it out. Learn how to parry HK hurricane kick or it will make you Akuma's bitch for free. c.MP goes under Demon Flips, and is unpunishable by the time Akuma lands, leading to an easy escape.

Ken - Can punish Chariot Tackles extremely easily. Be extremely careful with air fireballs.

Ibuki -

Yang - Like Yun, Yang is hard to combo against.

Makoto - Makoto has a wiiiiiide hitbox, you can hit her into a reflector behind her from a longer distance than most characters.

Serious Disadvantage Match-ups

  • Personal Action: Attack up (If Taunt connects, no bonus given).

Advanced Urien Play

Things to know

Charge Partitioning - Breaking a charge into multiple parts. A simple example is simply hold down on your joystick for about 3/4 of a charge, iimmediately dash forward, immediately being holding down, and hitting Up + MP as soon as the dash ends, this will do a Dangerous Headbutt where normally not possible in other games. This specific partition is used heavily so it is recommended to practice it.

Charge Buffering Starting a charge earlier than normal, the 3S system is extremely lenient with inputs, thusly, one can actually do a move where normally not possible. This is pretty exclusively used in tackle juggles. An example: Do a c.HP, then do an MK Chariot Tackle the first moment possible, however, hit forward then back + MK and hold back again. This will begin another charge earlier than had you hit F+MK alone, making another MK tackle possible, and then another.

Double Tackles Apparently, double tackles are hard to do! Here is how you do one properly: After you do a c.HP, you MUST MUST MUST do the first tackle ASAP. To do the first tackle, your inputs should read something like this. db.HP, wait a second, forward, neutral, down back + MK the absolute second you hit down back, do not "slam" the stick into down back, move the joystick to the closest position to neutral while still hitting back/down back, once you initiate the second tackle, the instant your joystick registers to forward, hit MK. If you follow these steps properly, you will get a double tackle. Usually ending with a headbutt is just icing but not necessary, follow similar steps to nail the headbutt.

Aegis Reflector The Aegis Reflector is such a versatile super that it has to be explained AGAIN before you can really understand how to use it. It rivals the Genei-Jin in terms of power, and making Urien a low-mid tier character into a high-tier one.

Aegis has 4 different positions, here are the general uses for each.

PP Aegis - Executes in one frame. Meaning that if you were to activate it and a throw at the same time, EX Aegis wins in speed. Because of it's speed, it can be used in different combos, essentially, it makes Urien's UOH (Universal Overhead) viable for something outside of an already planted Aegis.

The other use is that it makes Chariot Tackles completely safe to most moves on block (Hugo's Gigas Breaker is an obvious exception to the rule, considering it starts up in one frame and is completely invulnerable) and allows you to do things like c.HK after a blocked Tackle.

LP Aegis - Has four uses, a simple planting of it for pressure in the corner, extending juggles (generally if you're 1/3 of the game screen from the corner, facing it when you begin a juggle, you will be able to do this) and simple unblockables. The simple unblockable is throw, LP Aegis, MP Headbutt to cross-up. This is EASILY escapable unless the opponent was knocked down by an another Aegis (Super knockdowns make you inable to tech roll). Also used in corner unblockables.

MP Aegis - Generally used for corner pressure, it is best to supercancel into this version.

HP Aegis - Primarily used for mid-screen unblockables

Other things to note about Aegis: It's 6 hits It has a slow homing property Can be "destroyed" with attacks hitting it, hit by hit. Some moves can be reflected, others are absorbed, Denjin Hadouken will destroy the entire reflector and persists.

What do I do with my meter?

Highly depends on situation and where you are located. If you have a downed opponent in the corner, just throw down a reflector and do low or high attack. If they are launched in the corner, you can do a corner unblockable. Corner unblockables vary from character to character. Most of them involve using Violent Knee Drop.

If you are in the middle of the screen, and get off a c.HP, you have two choices: You can go for an unblockable, or continue a corner juggle using LP Aegis. If you want to do an unblockable, you do a c.HP, LK Chariot Tackle, HP reflector, HK tackle, then, depending on the character, find a way to cross up the opponent before they rise. This is one of the most difficult things you have to learn. Most of the time, you will dash forward, then do an MP Headbutt, then f.MK them into the Aegis after dashing them inward, there are other variations to this.

If you wish to continue the aerial combo, do an LP Aegis after an LK tackle, then simple cancel into another tackle, then do another tackle/headbutt/s.HP, or after the tackle, it may be possible to get a headbutt of s.HP off.

You can also cancel a blocked tackle into an EX Aegis then try to dash forward and throw, f.HP c.HK to create a mixup.

Metallic Sphere super-cancels into Aegis, which means you can do QCF+P then do another QCF+P and get a fireball -> Reflector. This can push an enemy into a corner, this is effective if they're close to a corner but you can't get them there in time. Dashing can also push an opponent into the corner.

There are other uses for Aegis, but they are more obscure and less likely to be useful (but they can and likely will, Aegis reigns supreme in the versatility category, which means you should watch videos to learn other, random setups). Hell, sometimes you can do setups you didn't even know existed! Experiment!