Soulcalibur VI/Amy/Strategy

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Combat Lessons

Fighting Style

Building upon the fundamentals of the renowned House of Sorel's sword techniques, this style focuses on taking advantage of openings in the opponent's attacks. The process of applying pressure with quick rapier attacks to lure an enemy into making a reckless counterattack, then parrying said attack to dole out the punishment is really where this style shines. Additionally, you can toss a rose at the opponent to gauge their reaction and learn their patterns, increasing Amy's "Perception". Once you're able to read their movements, you can use the many devastating techniques at your disposal to blindside them and deliver the final blow. Of course, your opponent will not be without options, either—they are free to choose how they would like to perish.

Style Lesson: Beginner

Control the Fight at Close Range with Horizontal Attacks

When fighting at close range, you can both stop the opponent and break their guard with the low horizontal attack Graceful Cutter (4A), after which the quick Triple Botta in Tempo (6BBB) can be used to score a counter hit. if the opponent guards, unleash another Graceful Cutter (4A) to continue the assault, or try to land Luna Strike (3B), a middle attack that will set you up for a combo.

Graceful Cutter
Sc 4.pngSc A.png 4A - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 16 -20 0 0 1%
Tech Crouch[8-40]
Triple Botta in Tempo
Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6BBB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
10 8,6,16 -14 0 0 9%
Counter Hit Combo. Tech Crouch[11-21]
Luna Strike
Sc 3.pngSc B.png 3B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 22 -14 LNC LNC 9%
Tech Crouch[11-18]

Closing the Distance from Mid-Range

This style boasts a large number of quick. effective attacks, but most of them have short reach. If an opponent begins attacking from mid- to long range. you will need to find ways to close in on them. The best method for this is Falcon's Stride (33_66_99A). which will close the gap in a flash. If the opponent guards, they may counter with AA , but you can shift to either Biondetta Parry (8B+K), a high attack with guard impact properties, or Lilith Parry (B+K), a middle attack that also has guard impact properties, effectively repelling the counter while continuing your offensive.

Falcon's Stride/ ~ HP/ ~ MP
SC AS Sc AA.png+Sc GG.png (A)+(G) - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 59 KND KND KND -
WR +1 Sc TH.png
Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)AB+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 30 -20 -6 -6 4%
Tech Crouch[8-23]. Tech Jump[23-45]. Tech Crouch[48-71]. Sc SS.png into MP
SC AS Sc 4.pngSc AA.png+Sc GG.png 4(A)+(G) - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 59 KND KND KND -
WR +1 Sc TH.png

Other alternatives for approaching the opponent include Descending Talon (22_88A), which allows you to move forward when guarded; Soaring Flutter (22_88B), which works as a combo starter; or High Arc (22_88_33_66_99A+B).

Decending Talon
Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc A.pngSc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)A2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 30 -20 -6 -6 4%
Tech Crouch[8-23]. Tech Jump[23-45]. Tech Crouch[48-71]. Sc SS.png into LP
Soaring Flutter
Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)B2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 16 -12 2 2 2%
Sc GI.png[4-14]. LP
High Arc
Sc 22.pngSc 5.pngSc 88.pngSc K.pngSc B.png (2)_(8)KB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
24 20,4 -10 0 0 10%
WR +1

Style Lesson: Adept

Amaryllis Spin (236 or alternate inputs)

An advanced step that propels you forward while dodging high attacks. In addition to the command 236, the move can also be shifted to from other moves to create a combo.

Young Wyvern ~ Amaryllis Spin (6AA6) and Triple Botta in Tempo - Amaryllis Spin(6BB6) are both easy to use at close range. Other great options include the middle attack Stocatta Slicer (during Amaryllis Spin BB) and the throw Amaryllis Fling (during Amaryllis Spin A+G or 4A+G).

Amaryllis Spin
Sc 22.pngSc 5.pngSc 88.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc G.pngSc K.png (2)_(8)B+KGK - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 20 -12 4 KND 1%
Tech Jump[9-17]
Young Wyvern ~ AS
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc A.pngSc 6.png 6AA6 - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,10,22 2 10 KND 5%
Counter Hit Combo. AS
Triple Botta in Tempo ~ AS
Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc 6.png 6BB6 - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
10 8,6 2 8 8 4%
Normal Hit Combo. AS
AS ~ Stocatta Slicer
AS Sc A.png A - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 12,20 -12 16 16 2%
Tech Crouch[1-18]. Tech Jump[23-40]. Tech Crouch[49-62]
AS ~ Amaryllis Fling
AS Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png A+G - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 50 - - - -
Sc TH.png
AS Sc 4.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png 4A+G - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 50 - - - -
4 Sc TH.png

Lilith Parry (Middle Parry; B+K or alternate inputs)

A special stance best suited for changing the flow of an assault. The move can be used as a guard impact against middle attacks, allowing you to cover openings from the immediately preceding move and continue attacking.

This stance features quick moves such as Frigid Thrust (during Lilith Parry BB) and Arctic Dance (during Lilith Parry AK) that can be used to perform combos.

Lilith Parry (a.k.a. MP)
AS Sc 8.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 8B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. HP
MP ~ Frigid Thrust
MP Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 16 -8 0 0 2%
MP ~ Arctic Dance
MP Sc A.pngSc AA.png A(A) - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 14,16 2 18 30 3%
Normal Hit Combo. Sc GI.png[4-14]. Sc SS.png into HP

Merrow Parry (Low Parry; 2B+K or alternate inputs)

A stance capable of performing guard impacts against low attacks. Features long-reaching attacks such as Vengeful Talon (during Merrow Parry A) and Shark Tooth (during Merrow Parry K) that enable you to break an opponent's guard from a distance.

Merrow Parry (a.k.a. LP)
MP Sc 8.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 8B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. Sc SS.png into HP
LP ~ Vengeful Talon
Sc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 2B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14] vs Sc L.png attacks
LP ~ Shark Tooth (far)
LP Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
34 22 -6 STN STN 15%
Tech Jump[8-26]

Biondetta Parry (High Parry; 8B+K or alternate inputs)

A stance capable of performing guard impacts against high attacks. Moves such as Hidden Thorn (during Biondetta Parry B) and Silent Sweep (during Biondetta Parry K) leave only small openings when guarded, allowing you to continue attacking.

Biondetta Parry (a.k.a. HP)
LP Sc 8.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 8B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. HP
HP ~ Hidden Thorn
WRP HP Sc A.png A - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
32 36 4 STN STN 4%
Sc BA.png. Tech Crouch[15-26]
HP ~ Silent Sweep
HP Sc a.pngSc G.png aG - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. LP

Style Lesson: Master

Raise Amy's Perception to Unleash Powerful Attacks

Anticipate your opponent's movements and hit them with either a red or white rose to increase Amy's Perception of the corresponding color. Her Perception can be raised up to 4, after which it will not go down during battle. Maxing out her Perception will cause the screen to flash, and will unlock powerful techniques. Hitting the opponent with a rose will also fill the soul gauge.

Red Rose Perception Enhances Attacks

Hitting your opponent with red roses increases Amy's Red Rose Perception, which, once maxed out. enhances her offensive abilities and greatly increases her soul gauge. Evidence Rouge (214A), for example, only becomes available with maximum Red Rose Perception. As a long-reaching. low horizontal break attack, it is excellent at punishing reversal edges and 8-way running. Rouge Vexation (during Amaryllis Spin with maximum Red Rose Perception A+B) is also helpful in mounting an offensive that cannot be stopped by a reversal edge.

RRP ~ Evidence Rouge
RRP 214A
RRP Sc 2.pngSc 1.pngSc 4.pngSc A.png 214A - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
36 26 0 6 KND 4%
Sc BA.png. Tech Jump[11-34]. Tech Crouch[36-RC]
RRP ~ AS ~ Rouge Vexation
AS Sc K.pngSc K.png KK - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,16 -4 KND KND 9%
Tech Jump[0-32]

White Rose Perception Enhances Defense

Hitting your opponent with white roses increases Amy's White Rose Perception, which, once maxed out, enhances her defensive abilities. Evidence Blanche (214B), for example, only becomes available with maximum White Rose Perception. Thanks to its quick start-up, it is easy to use as a counterattack after guarding. With maximum White Rose Perception. each stance's guard impacts trigger more quickly, resulting in enhanced defensive capabilities.

WRP ~ Evidence Blanche
WRP 214B
WRP Sc 2.pngSc 1.pngSc 4.pngSc B.png 214B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 18,10 -18 KND KND 10%
Tech Crouch[6-18]. Tech Jump[19-54]

Skillfully Raising Amy's Perception

Hitting the opponent with Rouge Signet (6B+K) after they miss an attack, or working a rose toss into a combo as a follow-up attack both make it easy to raise Amy's Perception. During an air combo. you can use 3B ~ 4B to hit the opponent with a red rose, or 3B ~ 6AB to hit them with a white rose.

Rouge Signet
Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 6B+K - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 4 -14 -6 -6 2%
RR +1
Luna Strike
Sc 3.pngSc B.png 3B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 22 -14 LNC LNC 9%
Tech Crouch[11-18]
Floral Signet
Sc 4.pngSc B.png 4B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 22,8 4 12 12 10%
RR +1
Lien Ardent
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.png 6AB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,10,4 -6 4 4 5%
WR +1

After a combo that uses "during Amaryllis Spin KK", such as "22_88B ~ 66B+K6", you can change the combo into Fang Signet (during Amaryllis Spin A+B) to increase Red Rose Perception , or Insigne de L'aile (during Amaryllis Spin KB) to increase White Rose Perception.

Soaring Flutter
Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)B2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 16 -12 2 2 2%
Sc GI.png[4-14]. LP
Bleak Touch ~ AS
Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc G.png (1)_(4)_(7)A+BG - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - -42 - - -
AS ~ Frigid Moon
AS Sc K.pngSc B.png KB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,4 -18 -8 -8 4%
Tech Jump[2-37]. WR +1
AS ~ Fang Signet
AS WRP Sc K.pngSc B.pngSc B.png KBB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc SM.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,4,50 -4 KND KND 15%
AS ~ Insigne De L'aile
AS Sc K.png K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10 -12 6 6 2%
Tech Crouch[0-14]. Tech Jump[18-37]

When fighting an opponent who won't let down their standing guard, try using 1B ~ 6[B+K] to raise Amy's Red Rose Perception.

Silent Impale
Sc 1.pngSc B.png 1B - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 18 -18 KND KND 2%
Tech Crouch[17-RC] Sc LH.png after hitting opponent with a lethal hit 4 or more times
Rouge Griffer
Sc 6.pngSc BB.png+Sc KK.png 6(B)+(K) - Attack Level: Sc SL.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 4 -12 -2 -2 2%
RR +1

Critical Edges

Aléa Rouge & Aléa Blanc


Aléa Rouge, accompanied by a red rose, can be performed with A+B+K, while Aléa Blanc, accompanied by a white rose, can be performed with 6A+B+K. The former boasts high damage, while the latter has a quick start-up. Each critical edge can be used in different situations to utilize its strengths. Additionally, their properties change depending on whether Amy's Red or White Rose Perception is at max.

Aléa Rouge
HP Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. MP

When Red Rose Perception is maxed, Aléa Rouge gains the following benefits:

  • increased damage.
  • Hitting the enemy reduces their soul gauge.
Aléa Blanc
HP Sc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 2B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-14]. LP

When White Rose Perception is maxed, Aléa Bianc gains the following benefits:

  • increased damage.
  • Hitting the enemy restores your guard stamina.

Rose Mystique


A critical edge that can be performed when both Amy's Red and White Rose Perception are at maximum. In addition to boasting the characteristics of both Aléa Rouge and Aléa Blanc, it also gains the following benefits:

  • Difficult to counter attack when guarded.
  • Hitting the enemy increases your soul gauge.
Rose Mistique
Sc A.png A - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 19 -4 14 - 28%
Sc LH.png with white rose or on 2nd round as initiator
Sc B.png B - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 30 - LNC - 50%
Sc LH.png with white rose or on 2nd round as initiator


Thanks to its quick start-up. this move can be used to interrupt opponents' combos or as a counter attack after guarding moves with large openings. It also deals increased damage if used when Amy's Perception is maxed, and gains the beneficial side effects that come from either colored rose.

Soul Charge

Easily Raising Amy's Perception

Upon hitting the opponent with a soul charge, an extra attack will be made that raises Amy's Perception. To raise her Red Rose Perception, you can use attacks such as En Chasse (while soul charged 6BBBB), which will hit all the way until the end when used as a counter attack. Another good alternative is Fleur des Enfers (during Amaryllis Spin while soul charged A+G or 4A+G), a powerful throw attack when breaking an opponent's guard.

En Chasse
Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 236A+B+K2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 39 -14 2 2 9%
Sc GI.png[4-14]. LP
AS ~ Fleur Des Enfers
SC Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png (1)_(4)_(7)B+K - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 27 -6 4 STN 2%
Tech Crouch[19-50]. RR +1
SC Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc 6.png (1)_(4)_(7)B+K6 - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 27 2 12 STN 2%
AS. Tech Crouch[19-50]. RR +1

Maximum Perception Unlocks Powerful Soul Charge Techniques

When Amy's Perception is at max, she gains very powerful soul charge techniques. Rose de la Gloire (during Amaryllis Spin while soul charged with maximum Red Rose Perception A+B), a middle attack that inflicts critical edge-level damage, is one such technique. Fulfilling the conditions to perform It is no easy task, but once available, it can turn the tide of battle.

AS ~ Rose De La Gloire
SC WRP FC Sc 3.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 3BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 22,18 -6 - - 9%
Sc SS.png into RE
SC Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc 6.png (1)_(4)_(7)B+K6 - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 27 2 12 STN 2%
AS. Tech Crouch[19-50]. RR +1

A soul attack that can be performed from both a normal stance and Amaryllis Spin. Incorporating the move into combos will damage the opponent and put you n a soul charged state. After the attack, you can shift to special stances like Lilith Parry and follow up with Bal du Soir (during Any Parry while soul charged A+B) or other moves to keep your opponent on the defensive.

Mystic Thorn/ ~ HP/ ~ MP/ ~ LP
Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 66 -20 KND KND 10%
With RRP, increased damage and reduces opponent gauge
RRP WRP Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 6A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 85 -20 KND KND 10%
Increase soul gauge, decrease opponents soul gauge and restores guard stamina
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 6A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 50 -20 KND KND 10%
With WRP, increased damage and restores guard stamina
RRP WRP Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 85 -20 KND KND 10%
Increase soul gauge, decrease opponents soul gauge and restores guard stamina
Any Parry ~ Bal Du Soir
SC HP or MP or LP A+B
SC AS RRP Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 35,60 0 STN STN 9%
SC AS Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png A+G - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 59 KND KND KND -
RR +1 Sc TH.png
SC AS Sc 4.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png 4A+G - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 59 KND KND KND -
RR +1 Sc TH.png

Reversal Edge

White Rose Perception and Reversal Edges

Reversal edges gain significant benefits when Amy's White Rose Perception is maxed. For example, if you're able to hit the opponent during a reversal edge clash, the attack will be counted as a lethal hit.

Following Up with A

Even when guarded, this attack only leaves a small opening, but when it hits, it opens the way to further attacks such as Triple Botta in Tempo (6BBB) and, if it lands as a lethal hit, Reprisal's Thorn (6A+B)

Reprisal's Thorn
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 6A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
38 38 4 STN STN 15%

Following Up with B

Landing this attack launches the opponent and opens them up to air combos such as Young Wyvern (6AA)

Young Wyvern
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc A.png 6AA - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 10,10,22 -4 4 KND 5%
Counter Hit Combo

Following Up with K

Although not the greatest source of damage, this attack will raise Amy's White Rose Perception when it connects. When it registers as a lethal hit, it can be followed by attacks such as Bleak Touch (33_66_99B+K).

Bleak Touch
Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png (1)_(4)_(7)A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
54 60 KND KND KND -
Sc UA.png. Tech Crouch[41-55]

Following Up After a Special Stance

After pressing B+G, you can press 6 before the attack starts to perform the same attack as Reprisal's Thorn (6A+B). The start-up will be a little slower, but it has a long reach and allows you to move before the opponent if they guard, making it an excellent option after parrying a long-range attack from an opponent trying to keep you from getting close.

Meanwhile, if your opponent is using the 8-way run to dodge your B+G and B+G6, you can switch to the horizontal attack Reprisal's Talon (b+g6A)

Reprisal's Talon
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc A.png 6A+BA - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
38 24 -4 12 12 4%