SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Earthquake

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Earthquake(let's call him EQ here) is (without doubt) the fattest character of the Samurai Shodown series(and probably one of the tallest characters from the SNK games). He is nice to play here, so if you like those "strong" characters, you can pick him. Now let's see his pros and cons.

EQ's Good and Bad Things

Good Things:

  • Easy and fun to play;
  • Has a nice arsenal of Normal/Special/Super Moves(They can act offensively and defensively depending on the situation;
  • Nice damage, reach and recovery on some of his normal moves;
  • Has a quick dash and a nice backdash;
  • He is faster than his old versions(Well, he is kind of a fat ninja);
  • If you learn on how to use him, he can be a hard target for the opponent;
  • He can stop/punish Normal/Super projectiles(Yes, you can stop the Shinkuu Hadouken with him);
  • He can connect his cl.HP with his cl.HK;
  • He has a nice... Projectile?(I don't know what is it, really);
  • He can jump off walls.(Incredible, right?)

Bad Things:

  • Is an easy target(Captain Obvious strikes again);
  • Has some problems if he is stuck in the corner(See the line above for more details);
  • He is easy to do some crossups, due to his hitbox
  • The opponent can crossup EQ with ease, due to his HUGE hitbox(I, Redarts, tried with Ken and I could crossup with j.LP, was hard, but it's possible. I don't know if all of the characters can crossup him);
  • He don't have reliable jump-ins(See below and this line will get a little worse);
  • Even he can jump off walls, his jumps are not that good(But his wall jump is a little better than his normal jump).

Moves List

Normal Moves

s.LP/A button - The close and far versions are the same. It's a fast attack that cannot combo in itself. It's cancelable, and the damage is nice for a light attack. You can use this to push the opponent if you want.
s.LK/B button - The close and far versions are the same. Fast kick that cannot combo in itself. The startup is almost the same than the move above (I think), but this move is not cancelable, so you can avoid it if you want.
s.HP/C button - (Close) Nice move, really. This is a fast move(A little faster than the moves above) that is cancelable and combos into EQ's s.HK. The damage is nice, so make sure to cancel if it hits the opponent. This move is safe if blocked, so you can abuse of it to push the opponent. (Far) One of his long range pokes. The reach, the damage and the speed of this move are nice, and that makes this move a nice poke for him. It's not cancelable.
s.HK/D button - The close and far versions are the same. Fast and cancelable kick that can be used as a poke and as a followup for the cl.HP(Just time well and you'll be fine with this simple combo). The damage of this move is nice(EQ's normals are incredibly good, really), so this move is good for punishing combos.

j.LP - The neutral and diagonal versions are the same. This can work as a surprise move, due to its reach, but as an air-to-air move, forget it. As a jump-in, forget it. EQ has better options, so avoid if you want. Sadly, EQ's air attacks are not cancelable.
j.LK - The neutral and diagonal versions are the same. His best air-to-air move, really. Can be used as an jum-in, but he have better options. Only that, I think.
j.HP - The neutral and diagonal versions are the same. His best jump-in attack. EQ performs an attack with his big belly. Nice damage, easy to combo after the attack, can crossup the opponent, but bad as an air-to-air.
j.HK - You'll know what will be written here. It's a jump-in attack that can crossup the opponent. The damage is good, but it's hard to combo with it. Just practice if you want to use.

cr.LP - The same info that is in the s.LP you can put here, but it hits low. You can use this as a low poke too.
cr.LK - Kick that is similar to the s.LK. Don't hits low and it's not cancelable. Avoid if you want.
cr.HP - Strange anti-air. Cancelable, and a little fast. Use if you want.
cr.HK - That's your low long range poke. It's a fast move that knocks down and the damage is incredibly good, but isn't cancelable, sadly. Use it only as a low long range poke. I know a nice setup for this move, it will be on the Advanced Strategy section.

Command Moves

ub into a wall, press uf: Fat Triangle
d + K in air: Fat Bound

Special Moves

qcf + P: Fat Burst
qcf + P in air: Chainsaw Dive
f,d,df + P: Fat Chainsaw
qcb + P, direct d / u: Fat Breath
hcb + B: Fat Fake
hcb + D: Fat Replica Attack

Super Moves

qcf,qcf + P: S^ Earth Got 'Em 2003
qcf,qcf + K: S^ Fat Guilty


qcf,hcb + AC: X^ Fat Carnival

The Basics

Advanced Strategy
