Rage of The Dragons/Jones

From SuperCombo Wiki



Command Moves

Air throw - fwd C in air while near opponent

Command moves:

(n)fwd A - Does an overhead elbow attack. Does not combo after his normals.


(n)dwnfwd B - Does a 2 hit frog-like kick. Must be blocked low. Comboable

             after his Strong normals.  Cancelable on both hits.

Special moves:

(n)Retro Knuckle - qcb A/C. Does a hoping punch forward that sends the opponent

                  away.  C version does 2 hits and has more range.  Only A 
                  version is comboable.  Its like Tung Fue Rue's
                  qcb A/C move in the RB series.

(n)Gaudy Punch - Press A/C rapidly. Does a flurry of punches. Too bad he

                doesn't have a finisher for this move.

(a)Arc Fliegen - qcb B/D. Jumps and spins around with his feet out like a

                wheel.  B version jump straight up, D version moves forward.
                Decent anti air.  Hits twice.

(n)Funky Impacto - qcf A/C. Does a short range palm strike that sends the

  (Funky Impact)  opponent to the edge of the screen.  A version is fast and
                  comboable.  C version is very slow, but can guard crush a
                  blocking opponent.  No follow ups though, so its pretty
                  useless(the guard crush I mean). ~_~


(n)Groove Master - qcb x 2 B/D. Does a slide then a flying kick upwards.

                  Inital hit on both versions must be blocked low.

Special Moves

Super Moves

Super Tag


First Impact combos: Ground - A, B, C, D, C Air - A, B, B, C, C

My B&B combo: Jump C, dwn C, dwnfwd B(2 hits), qcb A or press P rapidly

-qcb A is the safest move wehn blocked. So its best to use that.

Other combos: -Jump D(2 hits), close C, dwnfwd B(2 hits), qcf A or qcb B/D -Jump D(2 hits), close C, dwnfwd B(2 hits), qcb x 2 B/D

Trick combos: -dwn B, fwd A OR dwnfwd B, qcb A. Mix up dwnfwd B and fwd A. -dwn B, fwd A, qcb x2 B/D. Low, high low... talk about confusion.  ;)

Wall Combos:

-Jump D(2hits), close C, dwnfwd B(2 hits), qcb B, hits wall, CD, air A, B, B,

C, C, qcb x 2 B.  18 hits, approximately 50% damage.

(needs at least 2 and 1/2 levels of super meter at start) -Jump C, close C, dwnfwd B(2 hits), qcb x 2 D, hits wall, CD, air A, B, B, C,

C, qcb x 2 B.  22 hits, approximately 65% damage.
