Rage of The Dragons/Oni

From SuperCombo Wiki



Air throw - fwd C in air near opponent

Command moves:

(n)dwnfwd B - He does high kick to the opponent's face. Knock away, comboable

             after his Strong attacks and fast. Bufferable too.  This gets my
             vote for the best command move in the game.  Downside is it has a
             short range horizontally.

(n)fwd A - Does a spinning backfist. 2 hits, and can combo after his strong

          attacks.  Cancellable on both hits.

Special moves:

The Ripper - hcf A/C. Dashes in, holds the opponent by the neck, then cuts it.

            This move does not combo but is unblockable.

(a)Air Cut - DP A/C. He does a slash downward from the top of his head. Decent

            anti air.  C version does 2 hits.  Both knocks away opponent.

(n)Cold Steel - qcb A/C x 3. 3 hit slash move.

(a)(n)Cutting Edge - air qcb A/C. Does a 45 degree downward slash move in the

                    air.  It has a good range and knocks away when it hits.  
                    C version does 2 hits and cannot be air-blocked.


(n)Bloody Mess - qcf x 2 B/D. Slashes upward with a wave of fire. D version

                has an additional claw attack afterwards.  The claw attack can
                be delayed by holding D button.  The claw attack also guard
                crushes upon contact with a blocking opponent.  No useful 
                follow ups found so far after the guard crush.

Command Moves

Special Moves

Super Moves

Super Tag


First Impact combos: Ground - A, A, C, C, D Air - A, B, C, C, D

My B&B combo: Jump C, close C(2hits), fwd A(2 hits), qcb C x 3

Other combos:

-Close C, dwnfwd B, DP C -Jump C or D, Jump C or D, air qcb A.

Trick combo:

-Jump D, qcb upbck A.

Wall Combos:

(needs at least 1/8 super meter at start) -Jump C, close C(2hits), fwd A(2 hits), qcb C x 3, hits wall, Cd, air A, B, C,

C, D, dwnfwd B, qcf x 2 D.  19 hits, approximately 60% damage.

(needs at least 2 and 1/2 levels of super meter at start) -Jump C, close C(2 hits), fwd A(2 hits), qcf x 2 D, CD, air A, B, C, C, D,

dwnfwd B, qcf x 2 D.  20 hits, approximately 75%-80% damage.  Double level 2
super combo!!!
