Super Street Fighter IV AE/Ibuki: Difference between revisions

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{{SSFIVMoveListRow | Hashinsho | qcf qcf + 3k | armorbreak }}
{{SSFIVMoveListRow | Hashinsho | qcf qcf + 3k | armorbreak }}
== AE ver. 2012 Changes ==
''Hammer Kick (Stick Forward + Medium Kick)''
Changed startup from 26F to 25F. Changes move’s total frame count from 37F to 36F.Accordingly, Target Combo 7′s startup is 25F.
''Bonsho Kick''
Adjusted trajectory to facilitate hitting crouching opponents.
Enabled a +1F advantage on a hit and a -3F (dis)advantage on a block.
Enabled a possible +5F advantage for the attacker on a counter-hit.
Made all hits connect with airborne opponents until locked animation sequence.
Made first hit do forcible stand-up damage when it connects with crouching opponents.
Made projectiles fully hit against airborne opponents.
Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.
Made move throw-invincible from start until 7th frame.
Removed all hurtboxes apart from that over the head region from start until 12th frame.
Made move super-cancelable from 10th frame after start onward.

Revision as of 21:58, 15 December 2011

Super Street Fighter IV AESSFIVAE.png
Super Street Fighter IV AE#CharactersSuper Street Fighter IV AE/Controls and TerminologySuper Street Fighter IV AE/Basic ElementsSuper Street Fighter IV AE/Universal AbilitiesSuper Street Fighter IV AE/Game SystemsSSFIVAEHeaderButtons.png


SSFIV-Ibuki Face.jpg

Being trained as a ninja since childhood, Ibuki secretly wishes nothing more than to escape the life she has lived for as long as she can remember and become a "normal" teenage girl in Japan. Although she excels in her training and has become an effective hand-to-hand combatant, as well as an expert at the throwing knife, Ibuki does not enjoy being part of the hidden clan. And as her high school years draw to an end, she is hoping to escape the life of a ninja permanently and become a regular college girl living a regular college life.

In a nutshell

One thing that makes Ibuki so unique is her mobility. From her command dash to High Jumps, Ibuki definitely has ways to continually run circles around the opponent. And everything she has can lead into an untechable Neck Breaker thanks to her myriad of Target Combos and links. And once she gets that untechable knock down, it's time for her Kunai traps. Oftentimes, Ibukis can win entire rounds from one knock down, and keep the opponent guessing which side to block. However, relying on that trap is a mistake: she's definitely a finesse character and, without learning many of her fundamentals, your opportunities for Kunai traps may never arise.


Unique Attacks

b + mp
Backhand Punch
(far from opponent) hp --- hp
First hit can whiff and still be chained
Spin Kick
f + lk
Reverse Spin Kick
b + mk
Hammer Kick
f + mk
df + mk
Bonsho Kick
f + hk
Target Combo 1
(during angled jump) hp --- f + mk
Both hits high
Target Combo 2
(during angled jump) lp --- f + hp
Both hits high
Target Combo 3
(during angled jump) lk --- f + mk
Both hits high
Target Combo 4
close lp --- mp (1 or 2 hits) --- hp
Target Combo 5
(far from opponent) lp --- mp --- f + lk
Target Combo 6
(near opponent) lp --- mp (1 or 2 hits) --- d + hk --- hk
d + hk hits low
Target Combo 7
b + mk --- f + mk
2nd hit high
Target Combo 8
(near opponent) hp (2 hits) --- d + hk --- hk
d + hk hits low
Target Combo 9
lk --- mk --- hk
Target Combo 10
d + hk --- hk
d + hk hits low


Yami Kazura
f or n + lp + lk
Uki Yami
b + lp + lk
(in air) lp + lk

Special Moves

(in air) qcf + p
dp + p
Able to perform Kunai or Kasumi Suzaku during jump
Neck Breaker
hcf + p
ex armorbreak
qcb + p
ex armorbreak
Kasumi Gake
qcf + k
hk version can pass through opponent
dp + k
ex version can be followed up with Kunai; ex
qcb + k
Use d to change any follow-up hit of the ex version to attack low ; ex
   Follow Up Attack
k or d + k
Perform after mk or hk version of Tsumuji; d + k version hits low
rdp + k
Able to perform Kunai or Kasumi Suzaku during bounce back; ex
High Jump
Tap db or d or df immediately followed by ub or u or uf
Cannot be used as a Reversal

Super Combo

Kasumi Suzaku
(in air) qcf qcf + p

Ultra Combos

hcb hcb + 3p
qcf qcf + 3k

AE ver. 2012 Changes

Hammer Kick (Stick Forward + Medium Kick)

Changed startup from 26F to 25F. Changes move’s total frame count from 37F to 36F.Accordingly, Target Combo 7′s startup is 25F.

Bonsho Kick

Adjusted trajectory to facilitate hitting crouching opponents. Enabled a +1F advantage on a hit and a -3F (dis)advantage on a block. Enabled a possible +5F advantage for the attacker on a counter-hit.


Made all hits connect with airborne opponents until locked animation sequence. Made first hit do forcible stand-up damage when it connects with crouching opponents.


Made projectiles fully hit against airborne opponents. Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.


Made move throw-invincible from start until 7th frame. Removed all hurtboxes apart from that over the head region from start until 12th frame. Made move super-cancelable from 10th frame after start onward.

AE Changes

  • Standing Light Kick has a 4 frame start-up, so it'll be easier to utilize as a weak attack.
  • Standing Medium Kick got changed to have a 5 frame start-up so it's possible to use it as the starting point of combos.
  • Kunai's (Dagger Toss) damage was decreased.
  • Neck Breaker had damage and stun nerf.
  • Jump back Kunai's trajectory has been changed to nearly straight vertical-wise.
  • A Crouching Hard Kick into Standing Hard Kick Target Combo was added. It works in the same way as the later part of her Target Combo 6.
  • Her Jump Flip (Tsuijigoe) would register as a counter hit when she was hit out of it, so this was fixed.

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 3 2 10 0 +3
Close Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 - 5 4 6 +2 +6
Close Fierce.gif HL 60*70 125*75 40*20 sp/su 7 2*2 18 -6 -2
Close Short.gif HL 20 50 20 - 4 4 9 -2 +1
Close Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 5 4 14 -4 +1
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 50*60 125*75 40*20 J 6 2*2 23 -5 -
Far Jab.gif HL 25 50 20 ch 3 2 5 +4 +8
Far Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 - 5 4 6 +2 +6
Far Fierce.gif HL 100 100 60 - 12 4 16 -2 +2
Far Short.gif HL 20 50 20 - 4 4 9 -2 +1
Far Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 5 4 14 -4 +1
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 10 3 17 -2 +2
crouch Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 3 6 +3 +6
crouch Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 8 7 7 0 +3
crouch Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 J 9 3 18 -3 +2
crouch Short.gif L 20 50 20 sp/su 4 2 8 +1 +4
crouch Forward.gif L 70 100 40 - 6 5 9 0 +3
crouch Roundhouse.gif L 90 100 60 - 6 2 25 -9 -
Jump up Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 6 7 - - -
Jump up Strong.gif H 80 100 40 - 6 7 - - -
Jump up Fierce.gif H 120 200 60 - 9 5 - - -
Jump up Short.gif H 50 50 20 - 6 12 - - -
Jump up Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 6 7 - - -
Jump up Roundhouse.gif H 110 200 60 - 7 3 - - -
Jump forward Jab.gif H 40 50 20 - 6 6 - - -
Jump forward Strong.gif H 70 50 40 - 7 8 - - -
Jump forward Fierce.gif H 120 200 60 - 11 5 - - -
Jump forward Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 8 - - -
Jump forward Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 8 7 - - -
Jump forward Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 5 - - -
Agemen(Left.gif+Strong.gif) HL 30*60 50*50 40*40 sp/su 6 1*2 10 0 +4
Backhand Punch HL 50 200 60 - 3 2 20 -4 0
Reverse Spin Kick(Left.gif+Forward.gif) HL 30 50 20 sp/su 10 2 17 -1 +2
Spin Kick(Right.gif+Short.gif) HL 70 100 40 - 4 4 9 0 +4
Hammer Kick(Right.gif+Forward.gif) H 80 100 40 - 26 2 10 +3 +5
Sazan(Downright.gif+Forward.gif) L 70 100 20 - 7 11 11 -11 -5
Bansho Kick(Right.gif+Roundhouse.gif) HL 100 210 60 - 13 2 21 -5 -1
Ruishi Jump - - - - - - - 55 - -
(3) > Right.gif+Forward.gif H 40 50 20 - 3 7 - - -
(4) > Right.gif+Forward.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 7 - - -
??Jab.gif > Right.gif+Fierce.gif H 70 150 30 - 4 5 - - -
Jab.gif > Strong.gif (1) HL 30*60 50*50 40*40 sp/su 5 1*2 11 -1 +3
Jab.gif > Strong.gif > Fierce.gif HL 100 60 30 sp/su 2 3 10 +1 +4
Jab.gif > Strong.gif (5) HL 40 50 20 - 4 3 9 +2 +5
(5) > Right.gif+Short.gif HL 20 30 10 - 4 4 9 -1 +2
(1) > Down.gif+Roundhouse.gif (6) L 60 60 30 - 4 2 25 -9 -
(6) > Roundhouse.gif HL 60 60 30 J 5 3 18 -7 -
Left.gif+Forward.gif > Right.gif+Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 26 2 12 +1 +3
(2) > Forward.gif (7) HL 40 50 20 sp/su 4 4 14 -4 +1
(7) > Roundhouse.gif HL 60 60 30 - 5 3 18 -3 +1
Down.gif + Roundhouse.gif > Roundhouse.gif HL 60 60 30 J 5 3 18 -7 -
Focus Attack LVL1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 34 -20 -20
Focus Attack LVL2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 34 -14 -
Focus Attack LVL3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 34 - -
Forward Throw 0.90 130 140 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back Throw 0.90 130 120 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Air Throw 1.10 150 100 40 - 3 2 - - -
Kunai HL 30 60 10/10 su 7 - 16 - -
Kunai EX.gif HL 50*50 100*100 -250/0 - 8 - 9 - -
?? - - - 20/- sp/su - - 50 - -
Neck Breaker Jab.gif L 120 200 30/30 - 15 10 16 -13 -
Neck Breaker Strong.gif L 120 200 30/30 - 15 12 17 -13 -
Neck Breaker Fierce.gif L 120 200 30/30 - 15 21 19 -13 -
Neck Breaker EX.gif L 160 250 -250/0 - 15 14 19 -13 -
Raida Jab.gif HL 110 200 10/30 - 6 5 25 -14 -
Raida Strong.gif HL 110 200 10/30 - 6 5 27 -16 -
Raida Fierce.gif HL 110 200 10/30 - 6 5 29 -18 -
Raida EX.gif HL 140 250 -250/0 - 6 5 20 -9 -
??? - - - - - - - ??? - -
Kazegiri Short.gif HL 50*20*65 40x3 10/20x3 su 5 1*1*11 17+8 -27 -
Kazegiri Forward.gif HL 50*20*75 40x3 10/20x3 su 7 1*1*11 18+10 -30 -
Kazegiri Roundhouse.gif HL 50*20*90 40x3 10/20x3 su 9 1*1*11 15+10 -27 -
Kazegiri EX.gif HL 40*40*80 40x3 -250/0 su 5 3*4(2)8 25+14 -26 -
Tsumuji Short.gif HL 50*50 50*60 10/20*20 - 12 2(10)2 16 -4 +3
Tsumuji Forward.gif HL 35*35 70*60 10/20*20 - 15 2(12)2 14 0 +4
Tsumuji Forward.gif (???) HL 50 60 10/20 - 14 2 17 -3 +1
Tsumuji Forward.gif (???) HL 20 60 10/20 - 17 2 15 -2 -
Tsumuji Roundhouse.gif HL 50*40 70*60 10/20*20 su 15 2(14)2 20 -4 0
Tsumuji Roundhouse.gif (???) HL 50 70 10/20 - 15 2 19 -5 -1
Tsumuji Roundhouse.gif (???) HL 20 60 10/20 - 18 2 25 -9 -
Tsumuji EX.gif HL 40*30X3 60x3*70 -250/0 - 12 ??? 9 -2 -
Tsumuji EX.gif (2,3 ???) L 30 50 -/0 - 12 2 - - -
Tsumuji EX.gif (4 ???) L 25 70 -/0 - 12 2 12 -2 -
Hien Short.gif H 40*75 70*70 10/0*20 - 25 7 6+11 - -
Hien Forward.gif H 40*90 70*70 10/0*40 - 27 7 6+11 - -
Hien Roundhouse.gif H 40*110 70*90 10/0*60 - 28 7 6+11 - -
Hien EX.gif H 40x3*50 70*0*0*200 -250/0 - 36 12 19+11 - -
Hien (???) - - - - sp/su - - 8 - -
Super Combo Jab.gif HL (27*28)x6 0 -1000/0 - 1+7 - 5 - -
Ultra Combo 1 (1.10)*HLx7 501[38*45*38x4*39] 0[50*0x6] 0/0 - 0+1[13] 2(10)17 107 -5 -1
Ultra Combo 2 HL 30x6*289 0 0/0 - 0+9 2(2)2(15)2(26)1*2(8)2 70 -63 -
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
