Waku Waku 7/Dandy J/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Dandy J is a famous treasure hunter who is traveling around the world with Natsumi and Rampoo. He started his current quest when he was asked to find the legendary Waku Waku 7 treasure.

Dandy J is a combination of a zoner and mixup character, controlling a lot of space midscreen. 236A/B is a great long-range tool that can push opponents away, or bring them closer when 4A/B is used after. He becomes most intimidating after knocking the opponent down, utilizing Rampoo Nage and Natsumi Nage to setup a pressure situation he can capitalize on.

Dandy J
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Normals inflict good amount of Dizzy
  • Forward Dash can be canceled
  • Backdash has a lot of invinvibility
  • Can Crouch cancel moves like 5A making chains that are not suposed to work
  • 2 DokiDoki's
  • Has the worst movement speed in the game
  • Rampoo Nage and Natsumi Nage disallow special usage while active