
I've been playing fighting games since childhood with games such as Yie-Ar Kung Fu and SF1, but really started with SF2 and the Fatal Fury series in the early 90s. My execution sucks (to the point of not reliably being able to Dragon Punch) so I tend to focus on footsies and Yomi. I'm a mid-level player at best and play online for enjoyment and to challenge myself.

"More than any other fighting game player in the entire world, Daigo has the power of yomi: the power to know the mind of the opponent. There is no need to execute difficult combos, or to have deep knowledge of the nuances of a game when you know exactly what the opponent will do next." - David Sirlin

PSN: estarriol Games: SSFIV Characters I don't completely suck with: Chun-Li, Cody, Abel, Boxer