User:Brian W. Lee

18 edits

Ever since I developed the motor skills necessary to push a button, I've been a gamer. I cut my teeth on the NES, Duck Hunt and Mario are my strongest memories but thanks to a local ma and pa video rental place (Shout outs to PDF Video!) that is sadly no longer around, I was always stocked with a game to keep me busy. Unfortunately, due to money issues, I missed out on some of the first next gen systems. So no dreamcast, no N64, etc. After I graduated at UC Santa Cruz with a BA in Modern Literature with a heavy focus on critical theory and psychoanalysis, I moved to South Korea where my family is from and taught English for a year. During that time I was able to make a good living and save, allowing me to get back into gaming hardcore.

During this time, I rediscovered how awesome fighting games were. I had fond memories of playing ST and MVC2 when I was younger, always frustrated at not being able to do a hadoken and especially pissed at Dictator (I main him in 4 lol). Since then I'd become a musician, finding that I was apt with pretty much anything. These skills translated over into SF4 when I picked it up out of curiosity and I found myself falling in love with the complexity, depth and unique mental requirements. The notion of 'yomi', reaction time and 'clutch' provided a physical dimension to a game that I've never really experienced in my young adulthood.

It's pretty easy to realize now why they call it dat crack.

As far as SRK goes, despite the fact I am a Korean American, I was still an expatriate in Korea so the forums were an invaluable resource and social tool. Subsequently, I began to post frequently in the Bison sub forums, always looking up new info to get an edge in competition whether in the arcades or online (often a preferred choice because of the lack of SF4 arcade machines in Korea and the blazing fast Asian internet connection justly fabled by Americans). After becoming keen on the game mechanics and the basics of high level competition, my role as info seeker evolved to info provider. There were certainly more prolific and insightful posters, but I'd still like to think of myself as at least one of the lower tiers of the Bison SRK info squad.

Now that I'm back in California and teaching again albeit in a different context, I'd like to continue to help in the contribution and collation of info for MVC3, my newfound addiction. Whenever I'm not working, I'm playing and hilariously I've logged about 48 hours of time already for MVC3 offline with 2 minutes of online time to compliment it haha. So hopefully my forays into training mode will help with the guide at least in the sub sections for characters I main. Usually instead of looking for combos I look for technical things like spacing guides, traps, reset possibilities and frame data for traps and knowing your moves in what is often a very fast paced game.