Character Page Mock

From SuperCombo Wiki


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RT Edge Icon.png Edge is a well rounded character with a unique sword charge mechanic.
Pros Cons
  • A full and well rounded toolkit.
  • Extremely fast and far reaching far medium.
  • Very strong framedata.
  • Easy 50/50 game with some loadouts.
  • Special run that allows for relentless pressure against slower characters.
  • Sword charge mechanic that carries between rounds.
  • Lowest health in the game.
  • Learning some links is required.
  • Combos with some loadouts are unconventional.
  • No running dash.
  • Weak forward grab.
  • Most special options are outright worse so only 2 real loadouts exist.


Edge full.png

Health: 900

Stun: 950

Backdash: 30f (1-8 invun)

Initial Dash: 19f (no run)